Chapter 36-tell me

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Enzo pov

The air was thick with tension as I paced the room, my mind consumed by the worry that gripped my soul. The search for my missing children intensified, every passing second amplifying the ache in my chest. Unbeknownst to me, Alora faced a different kind of torment in the cold confines of a dark cellar.

Kathryn and Zavier walked down the stairs, this was the first time I saw them since my baby's went missing. How did they get there? Did, did they do something to my kids? My eyes darted towards them, a desperate glimmer of hope extinguished by the realization that the babies were not with them. Panic clawed at my throat, threatening to strangle reason.

"Where the hell were you?" The words shot out like venom, my voice a volatile mix of anger and fear. I seized her husband by the collar, a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins. "Tell me where my children are!"

Kathryn intervened, her attempts to shield her husband futile against my relentless grip. "Enzo, you can't do this," she pleaded, a futile plea in the face of my mounting desperation.

The room seemed to contract around me, the weight of the revelation pressing down on my shoulders. My gaze bore into his, seeking answers that only intensified the storm within me. "What were you doing?" I demanded, my voice a low growl that echoed in the room.

He hesitated, a palpable tension hanging in the air. Kathryn's protests fell on deaf ears as the truth unfurled, a sinister revelation that deepened the shadows cast over our lives. He confessed, the words staining the air with a betrayal that cut deeper than any blade.

"We work for someone else... the baby's are safe though, we just put them in their beds before we met you" he said, trying to almost excuse his actions.

The room felt charged with an electricity born of betrayal and fear. Kathryn's attempts to diffuse the situation faltered, her eyes reflecting the gravity of the secrets we were forced to confront. My mind raced, grappling with the truth that threatened to shatter the fragile facade of security I had built.

Enzo's sister moved with a surprising swiftness, intercepting Kathryn's attempt to flee. A triumphant smirk played on her lips as she secured a firm grip on Kathryn's arm.

"You thought you could just walk away?" Enzo's sister sneered, her voice laced with a newfound hostility. "I never trusted you. Always felt something off about you."

Kathryn struggled, but her efforts were futile against the sister's determined hold. The air crackled with tension, a palpable animosity hanging between them. Enzo's sister cast a disdainful glance at Kathryn, as if confirming her suspicions had only reinforced her preexisting doubts.

"You're not going anywhere until we get some answers," Enzo's sister declared, a steely resolve in her eyes. The revelation had unraveled the bonds of trust, leaving in its wake a fractured alliance and an uncertain future.


My fists clenched involuntarily as Kathryn's callous laughter echoed through the dimly lit basement. The air grew heavy with tension, and every word she uttered felt like a dagger aimed at my core.

"How could you?" The words erupted from my throat, charged with a potent mix of anger and disbelief. My gaze shifted between Kathryn and her husband, the latter squirming uncomfortably, betraying a flicker of guilt.

Kathryn, ever composed, responded with a mocking grin. "It's always about the money, Enzo. You should have known better."

I shot a pointed look at Zavier, whose uneasy demeanor spoke volumes. Determined to unravel the truth, I intensified my questions. The basement walls seemed to close in, the confines of the space amplifying the gravity of the situation.

As the interrogation continued, Kathryn decided to play her trump card, a sly grin dancing on her lips. "Haven't you noticed, Enzo? Your precious Alora is not here with us."

The words hit me like a freight train, a chilling realization that Alora was missing, taken by Niko under my very nose. The ground beneath me shifted as if I stood on shaky foundations, the trust I had placed in those around me now crumbling. A surge of emotions-anger, concern, and a profound sense of betrayal-swirled within me.

My mind raced to comprehend the magnitude of the situation. Alora, the love of my life, was in danger, and I had been oblivious. The basement, once a place of calculated interrogations, now became a crucible of conflicting sentiments. Shadows played on the walls, mirroring the uncertainty that enveloped me. In this disorienting moment, the quest for answers intensified, fueled by a desperate need to find Alora and confront the depths of this treacherous betrayal.

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