Chapter 15- parent group

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"Normally I would be mad that you didn't relax like I told you to but I have missed you so much today so I don't care. Come here" He smiled. Giovanni left to wait outside and I walk over to where Enzo sat.

I handed him the cookie box and I could see his smile getting even bigger then before (If that's even possible)

He took a bite from the cookie and a moment later he looked me in the eyes and then kissed me.

"With extra chocolate, just the way I want it. That's my girl"

Aloras pov;

As his lips met mine, a surge of warmth flooded through me, eclipsing any lingering doubts or uncertainties. The simple tenderness of his affection washed away the residual tension, leaving behind a comforting reassurance that unfurled in the depths of my being. With each caress of his lips against mine, a rush of emotions welled up, and I found myself succumbing to the sweet exhilaration that coursed through my veins.

His words, uttered in a hushed tone as he drew back, carried a weight that settled gently in my heart, resonating with a tender intimacy that only deepened our connection. The affectionate moniker "my girl" wrapped around me like a warm embrace, its gentle familiarity a soothing balm against the trials and uncertainties that often peppered our lives.

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I leaned into him, reveling in the simple joy of our shared embrace. In that fleeting moment, I knew that the bond between us, forged through the trials and tribulations that had punctuated our journey, remained unyielding, an unspoken testament to the unspoken promise that tethered us together, even in the face of adversity.

Enzo's eyes glittered with an unmistakable excitement as he took my hand in his, gently leading me toward the plush chairs that adorned his office. With a tender squeeze, he motioned for me to sit, his gaze never wavering from mine as he settled into the seat opposite me. His hand found mine, intertwining our fingers in a gesture of solidarity that resonated deep within my being.

"I have something to tell you, amore," he began, a hint of eagerness lacing his words. "I've booked us a spot at this parent club for new parents. It's supposed to be this incredible community where we can meet other people in our situation and learn a thing or two."

The revelation hung in the air, each word spoken with a sense of anticipation that reverberated between us. I felt a surge of gratitude well up within me, grateful for the lengths he had gone to ensure that our journey through parenthood would be paved with support and guidance.

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips, mirrored by the gentle light that danced in his eyes. In that shared moment, the promise of an embracing community, coupled with the unwavering strength of our bond, lent a sense of assurance to the path that lay ahead.

Enzo leaned forward, his eyes alight with the fervor of a man on the brink of unveiling a treasured secret. "The best part is, the first meeting is today," he whispered, a note of excitement evident in his voice. His hand tightened around mine, an unspoken reassurance that we were in this together, come what may.

Enzo's voice softened, laced with a mix of nervousness and determination as he explained the unique nature of the parent club. "It's not just any ordinary group, Alora. This is a community of parents who share the same line of work as me, or more specifically people in my mafia. people who understand the dangers and complexities that come with our lifestyle. They'll be able to relate to our challenges and provide guidance that no one else can." He explained to me a bit hesitant knowing I don't want to be to involved in his world.

"Enzo, I don't know what I think about this." I told him honestly.

"Love, I can't let you go to another parent group because it could be dangerous, this is the best I could do. It's only 2 other couples, and they are close friends of mine. I promise you will like them"

"Enzo I have somehow excepted your line of work but I don't want to be a part of it. This just doesn't feel right" I try to explain to him.

"How about you try it out this one time and if you don't like it then you don't have to go back. Promise" he promised me.

The weight of Enzo's earnest gaze bore down on me, his words echoing in my mind as I struggled to navigate the tumultuous whirlwind of emotions within. His request had thrown me into disarray, triggering a tempest of conflicting thoughts that threatened to unravel my carefully constructed boundaries. I understood his intentions, yet the specter of danger loomed large, casting a shadow over any semblance of normalcy that had dared to take root in my life.

The prospect of mingling with individuals tethered to the same perilous realm as Enzo incited a mixture of apprehension and curiosity. I grappled with the desire to seek camaraderie among those who shared our singular reality, even as the instincts of self-preservation urged me to retreat into the safety of isolation. My mind raced, torn between the need for companionship and the relentless fear that whispered of impending danger.

Enzo's unwavering commitment tugged at my heart, anchoring me to the unwavering strength of our bond. His reassurance offered a fragile lifeline, a shimmering glimmer of hope that beckoned me to venture into the uncharted territory of camaraderie and understanding. With a tentative nod, I acquiesced, allowing myself to be drawn into the uncertain embrace of a community that straddled the delicate line between peril and solidarity.

A relationship is about compromising and I can tell that this is important to Enzo so I will try it out. For him.

I guess I have to go home and get ready.


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Sorry for short chapter!
I hope you like it anyways.
Tell me you opinion on it

What do you think will happen at the parent group, will she like it or not????

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