Chapter 23- still?

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"Soo tell me about your day, how was work?" I ask them. Trying to get them to tell me something.

The question hung in the air for a moment, met with a knowing exchange of glances among Enzo's trusted companions. Damian, the more easygoing of the trio, flashed a faint grin, as if recognizing the subtle dance of inquiry.

"Oh, you know, the usual business," Ace replied with a cryptic smile, his gaze momentarily drifting toward Enzo before settling back on me.

"Yeah, lots of meetings and paperwork," Damian chimed in, maintaining the casual facade.

I leaned forward, a playful glint in my eye. "Come on, guys, give me something. I'm feeling a bit left out here."

Zack, perpetually stoic, observed the banter with a subtle smirk. "You don't really want to know about our work, Alora. Trust me."

"But I do!" I persisted, determined to uncover a nugget of information. "Enzo's always so secretive about it. I just want to be in the loop, you know?"

Their laughter echoed through the room, a harmonious blend of camaraderie that teased at the edges of my curiosity. "Let's just say, love, the less you know, the better," Enzo interjected, casting a meaningful glance toward his confidants.

The dance of secrecy continued, a playful exchange concealing the shadows that lingered beneath the surface. As the evening unfolded, the men shared anecdotes, stories that provided glimpses into a world fraught with both danger and loyalty. I marveled at the dichotomy, recognizing the threads that bound these men together, yet aware of the veiled truths that remained unspoken.

In the midst of laughter and shared tales, I found myself caught between the allure of the clandestine and the desire for transparency. Enzo's world, it seemed, was a tapestry woven with threads of complexity, and as I navigated its intricacies, I yearned to unravel the enigma that lay at its heart.

I don't want to know about the murders or those afoul deeds but I want to know about the things that effect me and my family. Like who wanted to take my baby's?

As we continued with dinner, I couldn't shake my curiosity about the enigmatic nature of their work. Seated among them, I ventured, "So, do you guys actually enjoy your work? I mean, what is it that keeps you going in this... unconventional profession?"

Zack, the stoic one, took a sip of his drink before responding, "It's not about liking or disliking. It's about loyalty and duty. We protect what matters most to Enzo."

Damian, with a wry smile, added, "Think of it as a complicated chess game. Every move has consequences, and we're the pieces ensuring the safety of the king."

Ace, ever cryptic, chimed in, "It's a lifestyle, Alora. One that demands commitment and conviction. Plus, the perks aren't bad."

Their answers left me with a sense of understanding tinged with an acknowledgment of the secrecy that shrouded their professional lives. Enzo, observing my contemplative expression, placed a reassuring hand on mine, silently conveying that some questions were best left unanswered.

Determined to peel back the layers of their elusive occupations, I probed further, "Okay, but what exactly do you all do? It can't be all mystery and secrecy. Enzo, you never tell me much about your work either."

Enzo, exchanging a glance with his trusted men, responded cautiously, "Alora, some things are better left unsaid. It's for your safety, love."

Zack, maintaining his guarded demeanor, added, "Our work involves protecting the family and handling matters that require discretion."

Damian, with a smirk, teased, "If we told you, we'd have to make you one of us, and I'm not sure you're ready for that kind of life."

Ace, playing along, nodded, "It's a secret society, and you've got to be initiated."

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