Chapter 40- 3 more days ...

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Enzo; 4 days into Aloras kidnapping

My world shattered as I received the sinister compilation of images and videos capturing Alora's torment. A torrent of emotions surged through me-grief, guilt, and an overwhelming sense of helplessness. The weight of responsibility bore down on my shoulders, each image etching itself into the recesses of my mind like a cruel brand.

The first tear, a solitary emblem of my despair, escaped my eyes and traced a solemn path down my face. It marked the breaking point, a torrent of sorrow unleashed by the realization that the woman I loved was enduring unimaginable pain, and I, her supposed protector, was unable to shield her from the darkness that had engulfed her.

In the sanctity of my office, a private chamber now tainted by the echoes of anguish, I unleashed a storm of fury upon the inanimate objects that surrounded me. The weight of my inadequacy pressed upon me like an insurmountable force, and with each shattering impact, I sought a futile catharsis in the chaos that mirrored the turmoil within.

My friends, the steadfast pillars of my life, tried to bridge the chasm of my despair. Their words, laden with sympathy and understanding, fell on ears deafened by the deafening roar of self-blame. The boundaries of reason blurred as my mind became a turbulent sea of regret and anguish.

This tear-streaked descent into vulnerability marked a watershed moment-the most I had ever cried, not just for myself, but for the woman whose pain had become an indelible scar etched into the fabric of my existence. The crumpled images, clutched in trembling hands, bore witness to the fragility of the love that had been ruthlessly tested by the cruelty of fate.

As the tempest within me raged, I grappled with the haunting echoes of Alora's screams, the harrowing testament to her suffering. The office, once a haven, became a sanctuary of desolation, a battleground where the futility of my rage played out against the harsh reality of her torment. In the depths of despair, I yearned for a glimmer of hope, a beacon to guide me through the darkness that threatened to consume me whole.

All that I could hear was her screams, her screams for me to save her from that hell whole. And her begging for him to stop.

Enzo please help me!!!

Please make it stop!

I beg you no more, Niko!

I can't unheard it, her voice is everywhere. How could I let it happen.
She should never have to beg anyone, especially not him, not that bastard.

Amid the shattered remnants of my office, a stark message from Niko pierced through the chaos. His words, concise yet laden with malevolence, spoke volumes:
"3 more days."

The cryptic countdown echoed with the weight of impending doom, a chilling prelude to a fate I dared not contemplate.

In that haunting brevity, the ominous reality took shape-I had a mere trio of days to unravel the enigma, to defy the cruel timeline imposed upon Alora's fragile existence. The gravity of those words sank deep into my soul, a relentless reminder of the ruthlessness with which our lives were manipulated.

As I stared at the ominous message, a sinking sensation consumed me. The world, once brimming with color and promise, now cast its pallor over a landscape marred by shadows. Each passing second, a relentless march toward an inexorable deadline, etched a macabre cadence, amplifying the ticking of the clock that measured the dwindling moments of hope.

In 3 days, Alora will be dead...


In the dimly lit room, my fury cast a shadow that stretched across the faces of my trusted allies. The men, loyal and unwavering, sensed an unprecedented gravity in my demeanor. Their inquiries hung in the air, a palpable tension awaiting release.

As they questioned the source of my distress, I took a moment to steady my voice, a grim determination etched across my face. "In three days, Alora will be dead," I uttered, the weight of those words suffusing the room with a somber gravity.

Their eyes widened with a mixture of shock and disbelief. "How could you possibly know that. When all he said was 3 more days?" one of them queried, his voice edged with concern. The truth, an insidious secret that bore the weight of Alora's impending demise, lingered on the precipice of disclosure.

Flashbacks 5 years ago; still Enzo's pov

In the recesses of my tormented mind, a haunting flashback emerged, tethering me to the grim echoes of a past stained with brutality and moral compromise. The sepulchral corridors of memory transported me to a chilling chapter, one where shadows cast by my father's malevolence danced with the tortured cries of a young girl-Niko's sister.

It unfolded five years ago, a time when the intricate web of alliances within the mafia bound us together. Niko, then an integral part of our clandestine operations, had become ensnared in a perilous dance with the law. His indiscretions, laid bare before the authorities, necessitated desperate measures to reclaim control.

He had snitched to the cops about us so that he could be let off.

My father, the architect of our clandestine empire, brooked no betrayal. Niko's betrayal, the treacherous revelation to law enforcement, demanded a reckoning. Yet, the punishment exacted by my father was a malevolent symphony of vengeance that transcended the boundaries of retribution. It was an unspeakable act, an infernal reprisal that etched its indelible mark upon my conscience.

As my father orchestrated the girl's torment, a sickening amalgamation of emotions welled within me. The tortured girl, a mere nineteen, was an unwitting pawn in the insidious game of power and retribution. Her blood-curdling screams echoed in the recesses of my psyche, painting a visceral tableau of despair and agony.

In those harrowing moments, Niko's desperate pleas reverberated-an anguished symphony of remorse and supplication. He beseeched me, an erstwhile friend, to intercede, to save his sister from the merciless clutches of my father's cruelty. But I, shackled by familial duty and the ominous specter of my sister's vulnerability, stood paralyzed in the face of an impossible choice.

Because if I saved his sister then mine would have to take her place. It did not matter to my father that my sister was his daughter, he would still hurt her. And Niko put himself in this position. If he just would have kept his mouth shut then non of this would have happened.

Because after all, snitches get stitches

My father, a puppet master orchestrating the grotesque ballet of anguish, reveled in his malevolence. He taunted Niko, a grotesque countdown manifesting in ominous letters and macabre images. "Three days left," the missives proclaimed, a sinister prelude to an inexorable descent into darkness. He would send that along with a picture of his sister all beaten and bloody.

In the unforgiving crucible of my familial allegiance, I watched as the tragedy unfolded. Each passing day etched new depths of despair in Niko's eyes, a reflection of the impending doom that loomed over his sister. "Two days left," the letters taunted, an irrevocable march toward an abyss of irrevocable loss.

As the final day arrived, the malevolent crescendo reached its zenith. A chilling photograph materialized-a grotesque tableau portraying Niko's sister, lifeless and abandoned, an epitaph etched in the heart-wrenching finality of her demise. "Her last day," the message seared into Niko's soul, an indelible scar carved by the unforgiving hand of fate.

This wretched memory, a crucible of guilt and powerlessness, eternally marked the boundaries of my moral compromise. The specter of that fateful reckoning, where alliances unraveled and innocence was sacrificed at the altar of vengeance, lingered as a haunting refrain in the symphony of my conscience.

That day Niko swore to me that he would get revenge on me and my father, that I would feel what it was like to lose someone whom I loved deeply.

"Trust me, I just know that he will kill her in 3 days" I told the men before getting out, looking for Alora yet again.

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