Chapter 11- how could you?!

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(A/n tell me your opinion about changing pov's because I don't really know how often I should do it.)

Aloras pov;

In the split second that followed the sudden gunshot, the world around me seemed to dissolve into a terrifying cacophony of chaos and confusion. My mind struggled to comprehend the reality of the situation, the sharp reverberations of the sound still echoing in my ears, refusing to fade.

And then, as the room fell into an eerie silence, the raw, heart-wrenching scream tore through the air, escaping from the depths of my being without warning. It was a sound of utter horror, born from the depths of my soul, as I watched the unthinkable unfold before my eyes. My body went rigid, my hands flying to cover my mouth in a futile attempt to stifle the horrified gasp that threatened to escape.

Time seemed to slow, elongating the agonizing moment as I watched Enzo take swift, decisive action. The figure who had insulted me only moments before crumpled to the ground, his life snuffed out in an instant. The scene that unfolded before me felt surreal, a nightmare woven into the fabric of my reality.

And then, as the echoes of the shot began to fade, I was left trembling, my entire being consumed by a violent onslaught of panic and terror. I felt my breath grow ragged, my chest constricting with the weight of the horror that now surrounded us. Enzo rushed to my side, his voice a distant murmur, his arms enveloping me in a desperate embrace. But I was lost in my own world of terror, unable to comprehend the events that had transpired.

The tears flowed freely, hot and unrelenting, as I buried my face in his chest, seeking solace and safety amidst the storm. My sobs echoed through the room, a testament to the trauma that now threatened to consume me. Enzo's gentle words of reassurance barely registered, the tumult of emotions overwhelming any sense of comfort or understanding.

In that moment, as I clung to him, I realized that the world I had thought I knew had shifted irrevocably. The dangers that lurked in the shadows of Enzo's life had become a terrifying reality, one that threatened to engulf us both in its relentless grasp. And in the wake of the sudden violence that had shattered the fragile calm, I found myself adrift in a sea of uncertainty, grappling with the harsh truth that my life with Enzo would forever be marked by the inescapable darkness that surrounded him.

"Everyone get out" I could barely hear Enzo tell his employees.

As the tremors of panic consumed me, my mind became a tempest of conflicting emotions. I pushed myself away from Enzo's grasp, my eyes wide with disbelief and horror as I stared at the lifeless figure on the ground. "How could you?" I whispered, my voice choked with a mixture of fear and anguish. "He's dead... because of you."

Tears streamed down my cheeks, each droplet a testament to the shattered illusion of safety I had clung to since finding solace in Enzo's embrace. The reality of the violent world he inhabited had crashed into my life with a ferocity I couldn't comprehend. I shook my head in disbelief, unable to reconcile the man before me, the man I once loved, with the abrupt display of lethal force that now stained the room.

"He insulted you," Enzo's voice reached me through the haze of my panic, his expression a mask of conflicted emotions. "He disrespected you, and I won't stand for that."

He sounded like a psychopath...

"He's dead!" I cried, my voice rising in a crescendo of grief and fear. "You killed him, Enzo! You took his life."

The weight of the truth settled over me, a suffocating blanket that threatened to consume me entirely. I stumbled backward, my legs giving way as I collapsed onto a nearby chair, my hands clutching at my chest as if trying to hold together the shattered fragments of my reality. The room felt oppressive, the air heavy with the weight of my anguish and despair.

Enzo approached me, his movements tentative, as if unsure of how to bridge the chasm that now yawned between us. "Alora, I had to protect you. You understand that, don't you my love?"

But I couldn't find the words to respond. The man I loved had become a stranger, his actions a reflection of a world I could never hope to comprehend.

As the waves of panic surged through me, a new, more urgent sensation began to grip my body. The tightening in my abdomen grew more pronounced, each contraction a sharp reminder of the life I carried within. Fear and pain intertwined, melding into a potent concoction that threatened to overwhelm my senses.

Enzo's voice drifted to me through the fog of my distress, his concern palpable as he attempted to gauge the severity of the situation. "Alora, are you okay? What's happening?"

But I couldn't find the words to respond. The fear that had seized hold of me eclipsed all rational thought, leaving behind a single, all-consuming worry-that the life of our unborn child now hung in the balance. I clutched at my belly, my hands shaking with a mixture of panic and desperation, as if trying to shield the tiny life within from the tumultuous storm raging around us.

Enzo's features contorted with a mix of fear and determination as he took in my distress. "We need to get you to the doctor," he declared, his voice firm as he moved to support me. "I won't let anything happen to you or our son."

The gravity of his words struck me, anchoring me to the present as we moved swiftly from the room, his protective embrace serving as a lifeline in the chaos. We navigated the labyrinthine corridors, each step a testament to the fragile balance between life and uncertainty. The journey to the safety of medical care became a race against time, a battle against the relentless tide of uncertainty that threatened to engulf us both.

As we emerged into the cool, sterile air of the hospital's maternity ward.

I'm I really going to give birth now?


Hi! I hope you like this chapter!
Tell me your opinions!

Sorry for short chapter though...😅

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