Chapter 12- wait a minute?!

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Not an edited chapter!!!!
I posted two chapter now, this is the first one🫶
Aloras pov;

Enzo's grip tightened around me, a silent reassurance that echoed the unspoken promises he had made only moments before. I clung to his presence, drawing strength from the unwavering determination etched into the lines of his face. His voice, though tinged with an underlying sense of urgency, carried a note of solace that managed to pierce through the veil of my panic.

The clinical surroundings of the hospital ward felt both alien and familiar, a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the delicate balance upon which our shared future now teetered. Nurses and doctors bustled around us, their hurried footsteps and murmured conversations creating an ambient hum that served as the backdrop to the mounting tension that permeated the room.

Enzo guided me to a waiting area, where we were met by a team of healthcare professionals. Their measured tones and gentle reassurances sought to ease my fears, though the weight of the situation remained heavy upon my shoulders. I found myself enveloped in a flurry of medical examinations and hushed discussions, each step a testament to the precarious nature of the life growing within me.

"We're going to do everything we can to ensure the safety of both you and your babies" the doctor explained, his voice infused with a sense of calm authority that sought to quell the rising tide of anxiety.

"After doing some test we can say that you will not give birth today and that your babies are well. But you need to take it easy. Your body is telling us that you need rest. Otherwise you might give birth to early"

Amidst the whirlwind of medical activity, the doctor's words hung in the air, casting a spell of disbelief and astonishment over the room. My mind reeled with the implications of his statement, grappling with the realization that our journey toward parenthood had taken an unforeseen turn-one that now promised a future defined by the laughter and chaos of not one, but two precious lives.

"Okay, I understand, doctor," I managed to stammer, my voice barely above a whisper. But as the reality of his words settled over me, a new wave of panic surged through my veins. "Wait a minute, did you just say babies? As in more than one?"

A tumult of emotions swirled within me, my thoughts racing to comprehend the enormity of the news. Twins-my mind struggled to reconcile the idea, grappling with the implications of a future that now promised to be doubly challenging and yet immeasurably rewarding.

The doctor's gentle nod seemed to underscore the gravity of the situation, his measured tone seeking to assuage my fears. "Yes, you're carrying twins, you didn't know?" he confirmed and questioned. I chock my head. his voice a steady anchor amid the storm of uncertainty. "One boy and one girl. It's uncommon for a doctor to miss it but they probably missed it because of the position the babies were in and the complexity of your pregnancy."

A surge of wonder and apprehension coursed through me, entwining my thoughts with the boundless possibilities that now lay ahead. I turned to Enzo, the dawning realization mirrored in the depths of his gaze. We are having twins. Wow...

"We...we are having twins? We're having a girl?"

Enzo's voice cracked with emotion, his usually composed demeanor giving way to an unguarded vulnerability that mirrored the enormity of the moment. His hand instinctively found mine, our fingers intertwining in a silent testament to the unbreakable bond that had weathered the tumultuous storms of our shared past. His gaze, a reflection of both wonder and trepidation, bore into mine, seeking solace in the fleeting reassurances that danced upon the precipice of our collective uncertainty.

"We... we are having twins?" he murmured again, his words soft yet tinged with an undercurrent of disbelief. The weight of the revelation settled over us, weaving a tapestry of joy and apprehension that now framed the contours of our shared destiny. His grip tightened around mine, as if seeking to ground himself in the fleeting reality of our intertwined fate.

"Our little girl," he added, a whisper that echoed the unspoken dreams and hopes that now wove themselves into the fabric of our shared future. A daughter-a precious life that now promised to grace our world with her laughter and wonder, a beacon of light in the midst of the shadows that threatened to engulf us.

The revelation of our twins' impending arrival hung between us, a testament to the delicate balance between joy and fear that now colored the canvas of our lives.

The doctor left the room and gave us some privacy.

After a few minutes of silence he finally spoke.
"I guess we have to come up with names again, a girl name this time" he said smiling.

"Firstly we have to talk about the incident that happened before, that lead us to coming here in the first place" I said glaring at him.

"I guess..." he trailed off.

"Well? Care to explain" I asked him annoyed.

"I can't let anyone disrespect you love, it's the world we are living in. If I would have let him get away then others would have done the same thing as he did. I had to make an example out of him. But I do regret doing it in front of you and for that I apologize, please tell me if there is anything I can do to make you forgive me" he explained, I could tell he did not completely regret his actions. He only regretted the pain and distress it caused me. Maybe he is right, this is the world we are living in and I need to get used to it.

"I guess your right at some stage but you should not have done it in front of me, okay?" I told him.

"I know, I have a temper as you might have realized but I promise to work on it. For you my love" he smiled and kissed the top of my head. Probably happy because I'm not pissed at him.

"And let's be real, you have quite the temper to love" he laughed at me.

"I got a temper too, but at least I don't kill people in front of my pregnant gi-" My words faltered, abruptly cut short as I realized the weight of my slip. The room felt suffocating, my embarrassment palpable as Enzo's gaze bore into me, his inquisitive expression urging me to continue.

"My pregnant what?" he prodded, a playful glint in his eyes.


Hi I hope you liked the chapter!
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What do you think she was going to say???🤔🤔🤔

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