Chapter 24- i can fight ;)

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The soft morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the room as we woke up tangled in each other's arms. The previous night's conversation lingered in the air, creating an unspoken understanding that bound us closer. As Enzo and I exchanged gentle morning kisses, the room seemed to brim with newfound tenderness.

Our attention shifted to the tiny beings in their cribs-the newest additions to our lives. With shared smiles, we took turns caring for Alexander and Angelica. The subtle hum of baby talk and laughter filled the room as we played with them, creating a symphony of familial joy. Enzo's eyes sparkled with paternal pride, and my heart swelled with gratitude for the unexpected beauty of our shared moments.

In the soft glow of the nursery, Enzo and I found ourselves immersed in a heartwarming parent-baby moment. Our little Alexander lay in Enzo's strong, protective arms, while Angelica nestled against me, finding comfort in the embrace of her mother. The room echoed with the gentle sounds of their content coos and the rhythmic lull of Enzo softly singing a lullaby.

He can sing??!!!!

Can he be any better?! Seriously! It's like I'm falling in love all over again.

As we swayed together, a dance of familial connection unfolded. Enzo's eyes met mine, reflecting the shared wonder of witnessing the lives we had brought into this world. A playful grin adorned his face as Alexander wrapped his tiny fingers around Enzo's thumb, eliciting a delighted chuckle from both parents.

In tandem, we marveled at the intricacies of these miniature beings who had captured our hearts. Enzo and I exchanged glances filled with unspoken love, silently acknowledging the beauty of our growing family. In that intimate moment, amidst the soft melodies and the warmth of our children, we understood that parenthood had gifted us not only with challenges but also with these sweet, unforgettable connections that made our hearts swell with joy.

Descending the stairs with our precious bundles of joy, we entered the kitchen, where an unexpected scene awaited. The aroma of sizzling bacon and the clatter of pans filled the air, revealing the sight of Zack, Ace, and Damian, Enzo's trusted companions, donned in makeshift aprons as they expertly navigated the culinary landscape.

Enzo, with a bemused expression, welcomed the surprising tableau. "Well, this is a sight I never thought I'd see. The infamous trio in the kitchen."

Ace grinned and flipped a pancake with flair. "We figured we'd give it a shot. You know, just to prove we're not completely useless beyond our usual jobs."

Zack, ever the stoic figure, focused on the eggs but nodded in agreement. Damian, with a playful smirk, added, "Consider it our contribution to the De Luca family breakfast."

As we settled at the table, baby Alexander in his high chair and Angelica cradled in my arms, the men served up a hearty breakfast with newfound culinary skills. Amid laughter and playful banter, the kitchen became a vibrant tableau of shared moments, bridging the professional roles these men played in Enzo's life with the personal bonds they were forming within our growing family.

Amidst the laughter and breakfast chatter, a delightful comedy unfolded as baby Alexander fixated on Damian with an intense, wide-eyed stare. Seizing the opportunity for some lighthearted fun, Damian exaggeratedly gasped and clutched his chest.

"Enzo, my man, I think your son is challenging me to a duel," Damian exclaimed, playing along with a mock expression of shock.

Ace, never one to let a comedic moment pass, joined in. "A duel, you say? Well, young sir, you're in for a treat because I happen to be the undisputed champion of baby brawls."

With theatrical flair, Ace held up baby-sized plastic utensils like miniature swords. The other men chimed in, pretending to engage in a playful skirmish with their utensil weaponry. All the while, baby Alexander observed the spectacle with a mix of fascination and gurgling amusement.

Even Zack, typically the stoic figure, couldn't resist the infectious energy. He theatrically feigned surrender, his face a portrait of mock defeat. Amidst the laughter and playful banter, our home resonated with the joyous sounds of family, bridging the gap between the intensity of their professional lives and the warmth of these shared, humorous moments with our little ones.

Encouraged by the morning's playful atmosphere, the men volunteered for babysitting duty, assuring us that they were up for the challenge. Enzo and I exchanged glances, appreciating the humorous camaraderie that had developed among these unlikely babysitters.

"Go on, love. They'll hold down the fort here," Enzo assured me, a playful twinkle in his eye.

With a mix of reluctance and gratitude, I handed over the baby duo to their somewhat unconventional guardians. The men, still armed with their plastic utensils from the earlier duel, grinned as they accepted the responsibility.

We walked up stairs to get ready for the shopping trip. I started looking for outfits but I couldn't decide what to get. I looked at a dress that I thought looked amazing but I started to wonder if it showed a bit to much of my chest and it's quite tight and I don't know if it will look good on me now.

"Should I wear this? Unless it shows to much skin though and is to tight " I asked him. Wanting to know his opinion.

"I can fight, wear what you want" he answered not even turning around to look.
"Oh and you would look beautiful in a tight dress" he smiled.

"How would you know, you didn't even look" i asked him

"I don't have to see, you look good in everything." He turned around and kissed me on the cheek.

"Now let's go shopping and have some alone time love"


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