Chapter 45- ?

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? POV;

I woke up with a gasp, a sharp intake of breath that felt like a sudden plunge from the depths of a dream into the harsh reality of consciousness. The air hung heavy with the vestiges of sleep, and for a moment, my surroundings were a hazy blur, caught between the remnants of an elusive reverie and the stark clarity of wakefulness.

As my senses gradually sharpened, the realization struck me-an awareness that I hadn't dared to entertain for what felt like an eternity. The last thing etched in my memory was the poisoned meal, the disorienting descent into darkness, and the haunting image of Niko bending down to meet my gaze as my body succumbed to the toxic embrace of that fateful dinner.

Yet, here I was, not in the bleak afterlife I'd anticipated, but in a space that bore no resemblance to the abyss I'd imagined. A room materialized around me, unfamiliar and bathed in an otherworldly glow. The air, though laden with an ethereal quality, carried a distinct warmth that cradled me in a way that defied reason.

Confusion and disbelief wrestled within me as I tentatively explored the room. It was adorned with an otherworldly luminescence, as if the walls themselves whispered secrets of a realm beyond mortal comprehension. My fingers grazed surfaces that felt both tangible and ephemeral, a paradox that left me questioning the very nature of my existence.

The echoes of my gasp lingered, a fragile melody that hung in the air, an audible testament to the surreal awakening that unfolded. My mind, a canvas painted with the hues of uncertainty, grappled with the paradox before me-a contradiction that defied the logic of life and death.

As I navigated this enigmatic space, a profound sense of both awe and trepidation enveloped me. The questions loomed large-was this a realm betwixt the realms, an afterlife veiled in mystery? The uncertainty only deepened the ethereal aura that permeated my surroundings, and I felt like a voyager in a dream, sailing through the currents of existence itself.

With each passing moment, the realization dawned;

he did not kill me. I'm alive.


Dun dun dun

She's alive but how?????
Will she see Enzo again???
And he still thinks she's dead, what will happen now????????

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