Chapter 24

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It was now the next day. Everything went on as usual. Mitsuki and Katsuko were downstairs, making breakfast. Masaro was in the living room, reading a newspaper. Kirishima, Genkei, and Keisuke were watching TV, while Bakugou was on his phone.

There was laughing being heard upstairs. Kirishima looked over at Bakugou and saw that he was still looking at his phone. He guesses that whatever the blonde teen is looking at on his phone must be important. He looks back at the TV.

Genkei and Keisuke looked at each other. They didn't want to go upstairs to see what the two teens were doing. After seeing the yellow hair teen's true colors, they didn't want to get on his bad side. They would rather stay alive a little bit longer.

"Breakfast is ready!" Katsuko said, somewhat excited. The four teens all walked into the dining room and sat down. Katsuko went over to the stairs. She heard laughing coming from a room. She walked upstairs and went to the room, where the laughter was heard. She opened the door and her eyes widened.

She saw that Shoto was on top of Kaminari. The duo looked at each other and then looked at her. Katsuko was shocked. She thought that Shoto was dating her brother. Just the other day, when she came back from the mall with her friends, she didn't see the couple near each other. She just thought that they were not on good terms with each other.

Shoto got off of Kaminari and stood up. He helped the yellow-haired teen to his feet and they both looked at Katsuko.

"Uh–It's not what you think" Kaminari said. Katsuko crossed her arms near her chest. She didn't look disappointed, she was just shocked. Shocked by what she saw.

"Really? Shoto-baby, are you cheating on Katsuki?" She asked. Shoto was going to say something but he felt a hand intertwine with his. He looked down and saw that it was Kaminari's hand. He looked at the yellow-haired teen. Kaminari was still looking at Katsuko. The blonde-haired female gasped a little when she saw their hands.

"You don't have to say anything, Todoroki" Kaminari looked at Shoto and smiled at him.

"I'll tell her in secret" Kaminari put his finger near his mouth and winked at Shoto. They let go of their hands. Shoto walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. He walked downstairs, thinking about what Kaminari was going to say. He wasn't cheating on Katsuki. He and Kaminari only kissed one time, and that one time was when Kaminari kissed him first. He has mixed feelings about everything that happened the other day.

He and Kaminari have gotten closer over the past month. Kaminari expressed his feelings toward him and kissed him. He's in a relationship and he's pregnant with his boyfriend's child. He just can't break up with Katsuki and then start to date Kaminari. That's wrong.

'It's a rebound relationship. Natsuo told me that they don't work out in the end. Cheating is also bad. I can just try it once' He stopped in his tracks. Why would he even think about cheating? Cheating is bad, end of story.

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