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The Successor
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❝Yup! The one and only.❞

YOU WERE WALKING THROUGH the woods with a big smile on your face, your tail swaying left and right from happiness. You hummed a random song as your walk turned into skips of pure joy.

You were looking for your bestfriend and crush, Macaque. You haven't seen him the whole day and you wanted to spend some time with him, it's been a while since last you two caused a problem together. A giggle subconsciously left your lips, 'I wonder where is he right now.' You thought while pondering where he could be right now. Just as you reached the river, you saw Macaque standing there with his back facing you. A big grin formed on your face and sprinted toward him.

"Macaque! Hey, bud!"

You ran to him and hugged him from the back, nuzzling your cheek against his back happily, "Say, how about we go and get some peaches?" You asked as you pulled away, bouncing lightly up and down. However, you didn't receive any response from him which made you confused, "Macaque? You okay, buddy?" You questioned again with a tilt of your head. Macaque slowly turned around to face you and what you saw made you gasp loudly. The atmosphere and the surroundings changed to be more gloomy, like some sort of a battle field.

Before your eyes, Macaque was covered in blood and looked like he was going to give up on living any moment. His eye was scarred and bloody, probably already gone. You looked down and saw the staff in your hand, there was cold metal wrapped around your head... It was your master's circlet. You remembered this event very well yet it felt as if it was new to you. Macaque scoffed, baring his fangs to you.

"I hate you, Y/N."

Those are the words that crushed your entire world, Macaque hates you so much because you killed him.

You opened your eyes and groaned when the sunlight hit your eyes, it was the same dream repeating over and over everyday. You sat up and stretched your arms, letting out a yawn, "I really need to figure out how to deal with this dream." You mumbled before jumping off the bed to prepare yourself for the day. You took a shower and then put on your attire then fixed your hair. You ate your breakfast then left your hut, it was time to do your daily task... You're going to check on this kid again.

You took in a deep breath and smiled, "Alright then! Let's get going!" With that being said, you transformed into a butterfly. You gratefully flew your way to the city to check on him, but to your surprise you found him on a boat in its way to Flower Fruit Mountain. You landed on the container of the boat and watched the kid train by using your staff. You had been watching him for a while and you definitely saw a great potential of him being your successor.

"Halt evil monster! I must thwart thee! For I am the Monkey Ki-ahhh!!"

You chuckled as you saw the staff extend and break the railing of the boat, he reminded you of your youth so much. He was very hyperactive and excited to fight with the staff. You remind on the boat until they reached the flaming mountains, "Welp, better make my way back home then."  You thought before flying back to the mountain.


Thankfully, the boy managed to make it to the mountain and made his way through your cave. You silently followed after him to see where he would reach, you were even surprised when he got his Gold Vision.

However, the vision made him see an illusion of you, leading him to your hut. He stood there and called you out, but no respond at all. He sighed and sat down with his knees pulled up his chest, "Ugh! What was I thinking? For a moment there I though. Hhhh! Mr. Tang was right. I really am delusional." The kid mumbled which made you feel bad for him. Maybe it was time to reveal yourself to him, after all he came all the way here to meet you. You landed on his arm and it this got his attention.

"Sup?" Once you said that, the boy freaked out and pushed you away from him, "Yes yes! It is I, the Monkey Que-..." Before you could finish your sentence, the kid squished you with his foot. He moved his foot away to take a look at you, "Is it dead?" He questioned as your form glowed, taking different forms of animals before returning back to your original appearance and that made the boy to look at you with awe.

"M-Monkey Queen?"

"Yep! The one and only. So, where's my staff?" You joked with a smirk while crossing your arms.

Suddenly, he started to cry, tears falling like waterfalls, "I'm so sorry! I tried to bring it to you but Princess Iron Fan came and took it. She's got this glove." He exclaimed with panic. You chuckled and kneeled in front of him with a soft smile, "I know, I know. Look, I'm gonna come clean. Um... I've been kinda watching you." You confessed and that seemed to confuse the young male a bit.

"Wait, what? That was you?"

You were a few feet away from him, sitting on your tail while using a stick to scratch your back. You let out a laugh of amusement, "The look on your face. You're perfect!" You stated as you pointed at him with the stick. He raised an eyebrow in puzzlement, "Perfect for what?" He questioned which made you stop scratching your back again.

"To be…my successor!" You dramatically said.

"Uhhh? Are you sure your the Monkey Queen? You've been cooped up in here way to long. I think your brain went mushed up."

The boy was pulling on your cheeks and looking you up and down, but you stopped him by using your tail, "Listen, Kid. You fought demons and you didn't die. And you made it here. Not just anyone can lift my staff, but you did." You proclaimed while looking through your stuff to find a bag of peach chips. Your future successor looked a bit disappointed upon hearing your reply, "But what about DBK?" He asked again, hoping that you would help. You laughed as you jumped on your claud, laying on it and eating chips, "Phft! What about DBK? You can handle it. Consider it a trial." You tried your best to boost his confidence, but it was pointless as he felt like he couldn't fight Bull King.

You sighed and made your way toward him, putting your hands on his shoulders, "Look if you can lift the staff you can use it. Just believe in yourself. Even a smidge makes all the difference. The staff was taken from you. Take it back." Your speech seemed to give him hope, so he nodded and dashed out of the cave to get the staff back and fight Bull King. You chuckled and shook your head, "This kid is sure has something special, I better follow him." Saying this, you shapeshifted to a bird and flew after the kid.

When you made it to the city, you landed on a building and watched closely how he fought DBK. You were surprised to him fight Bull King the same way you did long ago. Eventually, your successor built up a meck and used it to win against the bull demon. Nobody saw you on the top of the mech as you gazed down on them, "I'm looking forward to see what this boy has in store." You smiled and slightly bowed before transforming into an eagle to go back home.

You didn't know what adventures time has for you and this kid, but you sure were waiting to see what your successor woul reveal.

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