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Chapter Three
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❝Yup! The one and only.❞

YOU WERE LAYING ON your cloud while Mk was doing some work that you were lazy to do. That's the benefit of having an admiring successor whose willing to be "trained" by you.

"You know, when I found out I was going to be trained by the Monkey Queen, Great Sage, Equal to Heaven, I had no idea that I'd be stuck here hammering walls 12 hours a day. Why am I doing this again?" Mk who was hammering an ancient mural of you and your old companions complained as he threw the hammer away. You smiled at him in amusement, "Oh, so I can make a nice little breakfast nook. Get some light up in here." You replied to him before pulling the staff and spinning it in your hand. Your successor was stunned by your answer, "But I'm meant to be Monkie Kid. Not Construction Boy. How am I supposed to do the hero stuff if I don't know the fighting stuff?" He questioned, slowly getting annoyed by your boring training program.

"Oh? So you want to know the "fighting stuff," huh? Like this?"

You jumped off your cloud and threw your staff at the mural, creating a big hole in it. Mk stared with awe at the wall you had destroyed, "Yes, exactly like that. I am ready for some awesome." He exclaimed with determination. However, your laughter surprised him a bit, "Look, bud. You can't rush this stuff. You'll get there. You just need practice." You stated while still spinning the magical staff.

"But this isn't practice." Mk protested with a sad look on his face.

You groaned and crossed your arms, "I'm never going to teach you something you don't need to know, okay?" You declared firmly which made Mk huff and give up, "Okay. Now, this priceless, ancient mural is not going to destroy itself. So remember: Step into the strike." You added, but before the kid could go back to finish his work, his phone rang. You couldn't quiet hear who called Mk, but you could see that Mk was getting a bit excited, "A monster attacking the city? That's terrible. Dang. Guess I got to go do some boring hero stuff instead of this. Okay, bye." Mk exclaimed and immediately ran away to escape the training.

You just sighed and returned to lay on your cloud, "This kid is something."


For a couple of days, Mk acted in a very strange way. He was becoming more aggressive and distant even though you told him to be patient and focus. You could tell that he was abnormally frustrated, it was clear that this was out of his usual and cheerful character. That all was confirmed when Mk surprised you by doing the same exact move of throwing the staff at the wall, but only he did it way stronger than you.

Your eyes were wide in shock before you went to the broken wall by your cloud to inspect it, "How'd you learn to do that?" You questioned him before realization hit you and let out a gasp, "Have you been running around with other mentors?" You exclaimed as you felt backstabbed by your own successor. Mk didn't look you in face and turn around, "Patience and focus. Isn't that what you said?" He spoke up, his voice surprisingly monotonous. You frowned upon hearing his fake answer, "Look, kid. Using that much power, your body can't handle it." You warned seriously, having a frown of your own.

Mk growled and turned to face you, "You just don't like that there's someone who's actually teaching me what I need to know." He yelled and just left you. That's when you saw the symbol on the back of Mk's jacket smirking at you mockingly. Oddly, this symbol felt so familiar yet not. It was obvious that who was training Mk was putting a lot of pressure on him. You had to figure it out before it's too late.

𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀 𝙎𝙏𝙊𝙍𝙔___ {Lᵐᵏ ˣ Rᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ}Where stories live. Discover now