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╔════•| ✿ |•════╗Chapter FiveRevenge of theSpider Queen #1 ╚════•| ✿ |•════╝

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Chapter Five
Revenge of the
Spider Queen #1
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❝Yup! The one and only.❞

AT FLOWER FRUIT Mountain, both you and Mk were training. Even though it was the new year, Mk still preferred to train with you rather than taking a break from practicing and going to celebrate with his friends.


Mk used his staff to block your kick. He smirked confidentially as he held you back, "You call this a training session? I've barely broken a sweat." He told you, seemingly teasing you. You grinned at him lazily, "A battle's no place to be arrogant, you gotta stay humble." You declared and then jumped away from him with a flip. Mk didn't waste time and immediately followed to attack you, "Says you?" Mk exclaimed, pushing closer to the edge with each attack, "Hah, who's gotta be humble now?" He added and jumped high to deliver a final blow. You smirked and leaped up, holding the staff back with your foot, "Hmm. Still you." You mocked him, sending the staff flying away and planting it the mountain. This caused huge rocks to fall down on Mk while you landed on your cloud casually, "Ok, class commencing, how'd I win?" You questioned as you stepped on the ground and pulled Mk from under the rubble by your tail.

Mk rubble his chin, thinking of an answer, "Uh, you buried me under a rock slide?" He replied, feeling unsure of his answer. You nodded your head in approval, "Yes, but why were you standing in the way of a rock slide?" You questioned him again, moving your index finger in circles. "'Cause you put me there!" Your successor exclaimed, feeling a bit offensive by your question. You stopped him by ruffling his hair.

"No, no, no, no, no, no. I got you where I wanted you by putting myself where you wanted me, it's called misdirection."

"Seems like a shady lesson."

"Too soon, buddy." You said with a deadpanned looking and crossed arms. Mk groaned and fell on his back, "Ugh, I'm never gonna be as good as you." He complained as if he was close to giving up. You leaned forward with smile, "Not with that attitude. Class dismissed!" Once you said that, Mk jumped on his feet, looking all excited, "Yes! I better hit it, I was supposed to meet Mei and the others for the fes-..." The boy was cut off by a pillow thrown at his face. Once he held the pillow in his hands, he saw you had prepared set up for the new year celebration.

"Whoa. How long have you been preparing this?" Mk asked you in awe.

You sat on the edge of the mountain, "Come on, it's New Year's, bud. Let's watch the fireworks." You offered while pointing at the sky. The brown haird boy shook his head, "Oh, love to but I really should get back to my... friends." Mk wanted to decline, but when he saw you that you smiled and turned to watch the sky, he let out a sigh and sat beside you.


You smiled at him then looked up at the sky. You were glad that you won't spend another new year celebrating alone.


"Happy new year!" You and Mk exclaimed together.

You continued to jump excitingly while watching the fireworks, "Fireworks! Over a millennia and fireworks are still the best thing humans have invented!" You said while pulling some of your hair, turning it into an illusionary box filled with food. Mk looked at the bow with disgust and confusion, "Uh. Am I eating hair right now?" He asked while pointing at the piece of pastry in his hand. You shrugged your shoulder in dismissal, "It's better not to think about it." You told him with a mischievous grin on your face. The two of you looked at the sky and noticed that the fireworks stopped. Mk spite out the food and stood up, "What happened to the fireworks?" The boy questioned and then used his Gold Vision to see what happened in the city. You two could see a giant spider mech destroying Megapolis.

"The city!"

"The fireworks!"

Upon hearing what you said, Mk glared at you, "Oh, uh, also people getting hurt. I guess." You immediately corrected yourself. Your successor pulled the staff out to go, "Alright, I'll go take care of business." He stated before jumping off, but he yelled when you grab him and put him on your cloud, "Nobody messes with my New Year's. Let's go!" With that, you zoomed to the city.

Once you reached there, you could see how destroyed the city was. You smirked as you saw the mech ahead of you, "Huh. Guess Spider Queen finally crawled out of her cesspit." You said confidentially. Suddenly, Mk screamed and hugged you tightly, "Spider! No, get them away from me! Get them away!" He was freaking out when he saw the spider bots and covered your eyes which made it difficult to fly on the cloud.

"Get off, MK!" You exclaimed and put Mk and the roof of one of the buildings. He quickly chased after you, "Wait! What are you-..." He couldn't finish his sentence when you stopped and let out a sigh, "If you can't handle a little spider, how are you meant to help me with that? I'll handle this one, bud. You're staying tight." You stated and left Mk on the roof, ignoring what he was going to say. You didn't want to put him in trouble if he was scared of spiders, you can just handle the Spider Queen and take her down by yourself.

What could possibly happen?

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