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╔════•| ✿ |•════╗Chapter Eleven The Great Grand Dragon of the East ╚════•| ✿ |•════╝

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Chapter Eleven
The Great Grand
Dragon of the East
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❝Forever's a long time, bud. Trust me.❞

THE DRONE WAS slowly sinking into the ocean and water started to seep in, filling the vehicle little by little. As everyone was panicking about their lives being in danger, you were relaxing and enjoying your time.

"Monkey Queen, you've gotta do something!" Mk's voice got your attention.

You were just scoping water in your hand, "Huh? Why? A little water never hurt no-... Oh! Right, mortality." Just as you said that, Mk frowned in offense. Suddenly, red lights flashed and followed by alams. After that, something bumped into the sinking dronecopter, "What was that?" Mei asked while looking around you. Your successor spotted the thing passing by, "Something big!" He replied to her question, panic evident on his face. You sat straight with your legs crossed, "Guys, relax. Pretty sure this is just an old friend of mine come to help out." You tried to assure them, but it didn't work when two big purple eyes glared at you.

"Actually, friend might be stretching it."

The dronecopter was thrown on the ground by the turtle submarine, breaking it to pieces. You all gasped upon seeing the beautiful castle, "The Dragon Palace of the East Sea. We're in the Dragon Palace of the East Sea!" Mei exclaimed excitingly, grabbing Mk by his shoulders.

"Yeah, this is my kind of my sorta old buddy's house, where I got the staff."

"Got? Or..." Pigsy pointed out.

"Took, right? You took it? Oh, boy."

You saw the door to the castle open and pointed at it, "Oh, here they come! Smiles, everyone, smiles!" You stated as a way to encourage your companions to show some friendly attitude. You looked at the old man with a big smile, "Heyyy, Ao Guang! Long time no-..." You couldn't finish your sentence when the man glared at you sharply and summoned his dragon.

"Y/N! You dare return to my domain? After humiliating me, tricking me?" He firmly questioned with hatred in his voice. You let out a nervous laugh, "What-wha? The staff? But th-that's a total misunderstanding-..." You reasoned with him, scratching the back of your head. Ao Guang didn't really like the way you were talking or how shameless you were to address him like this after tricking him, "And now I have learned that it has been lost?! You have given the evil Lady Bone Demon exactly what she needs to destroy us all! I should execute you where you stand!" His words felt like stabs in your heart, they made you feel so guilty about what you had done.

𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀 𝙎𝙏𝙊𝙍𝙔___ {Lᵐᵏ ˣ Rᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ}Where stories live. Discover now