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Chapter One
First Lesson
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❝Yup! The one and only.❞

YOU YAWNED AND JUMPED down the tree branch you were laying on. You were pretty bored and didn't know what to do in this long day. You let out a sigh and scratched the back of your head.

"What should I do today?" You mumbled in slight annoyance.

You really hated how boring your life had became. Yes you're lazy and all, but this doesn't mean that you didn't want some excitement in your life. Just then, an idea popped in your head, "I can see what my successor is doing! Maybe he is fighting some villains." With that idea in your head, you summoned your cloud and flew toward Megapolis. You smiled as you felt the wind hitting your face and you increased your speed. In a matter of minutes, you reached the city and proceeded to look for Mk. Your ears pick the sound of people screaming and noticed the strang change in the weather, "What is going on?" You thought before seeing a great explosion happening.

When you reached there, you saw a big crater in the road and your successor laying in the middle. Welp, he was definitely fighting someone. You chuckled and decided to lay back on your cloud as it started to get lower, "How you doing there, bud?" You spoke up which made Mk gasp and jump up when he heard your voice. He grinned in excitement when he saw you were there for real, "Monkey Queen! Great! Now that you're here, we can go fly up there and smash that-...!" Mk couldn't finish his sentence because you stopped him.

"No, no, no, no, no. In case you forgot, I'm retired. You're supposed to be taking care of the bad guys." You lazily said as you pulled a wooden scratcher with your tail and used it to scratch your back. You liked how dashing and excited Mk is to have you fight with him, but this wasn't your job... at least not anymore, "Besides, you're invincible! Right?" You exclaimed and smiled, trying to cheer him up. Mk seemed to be nervous to reply, "Well, yeah I mean, I am invincible, but, you know. Every time I try to do anything I just gunk everything up. Something's wrong." He suddenly became worried and felt so hesitant, but you didn't want him to be like this. He is your successor and he has to be very confident in order to unlock more powers.

You quickly jumped high and landed on his shoulders which surprised the kid, "Hey, what are you doing?" Mk asked in puzzlement. You looked all over his figure before gasping, "Oh yeah, you're right. Oh, this is bad. Something's really wrong." You screamed in concern and that was enough to make Mk beyond worried and let out a gasp.

"What is it? What's wrong?"

"It's you, dummy."


You got of his shoulders and landed a few feet away from him, "In order to have full control of your powers, you need self-confidence." You stated, placing your hands behind your back. Mk made his way beside you with a confident smile, "I got self-confidence!" He told you with his hands on his hips. You gave him a side glanced before pushing him away with your tail, "No, you're just loud. The only way to get self-confidence is-..." You were about to explain the process of training when Mk interrupted you, "Fake it 'til I make it?" Mk said with a smile and this upset you so much.

"No! Practice! You think I took shortcuts? No. It took me centuries of training and fighting and just beating up demons. Just, so many demons. A-anyway, nothing worth anything comes for free." You told him, averting your gaze away and cleared your throat when you said the last part. Mk appeared to be a bit unsure of what to do, he needed your help in order to win this fight. You were his only option to save his friends and the whole city, "But what about my friends, the city? They're all counting on me." Your successor said with puppy eyes while tears welling up in his eyes.

You couldn't resist the look on his pleading face, so you gave up and let out a groan, "Fine. If it'll stop your whining. I know a way to limit your powers so you can learn to control them. But..." You trailed off while slightly ruffling your hair.

"But what?"

"You won't be invincible anymore."

Mk thought for a moment then sighed, "Alright let's do it." He said with determination. You smirked and prepared yourself to use the spill to limit his powers, "All right. No turning back." With that being said, you put your hands together in front of Mk and then pushed him back as a golden symbol appeared. He fell down on his knees, "Feeling alright, bud?" You raised an eyebrow while looking down at the kid. Suddenly, Mk raised his head up with a confident smile on his face, "Yeah!"

After some time, you had turned into an eagle and carried Mk to the top of the Weather Station before dropping him. You watched him win his fight with DBK's son and this made you proud of him. However, you felt like someone was watching you. You frowned yet decided to push it aside for now, you just needed to focus on training this kid because he seemed to have a long path ahead of him and a lot of things to learn.

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