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╔════•| ✿ |•════╗Chapter TenOn the Run ╚════•| ✿ |•════╝

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Chapter Ten
On the Run
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❝Forever's a long time, bud. Trust me.❞

YOU HISS SLIGHTLY as Mei bandaged your head. You had explained to them about your late arrival and absence in details so they won't really blame for anything. You were helping after all... hopefully.

You listened to Tang and Pigsy argue about Tang writing gloomy things in his journal, but you decided to interfere, "Hey, as long as he wrote down that whole bit with me fighting Ne Zha and getting this bad boy, then we're good." You said while waving the map around, but this earned you a smack on the head from Mei. Mk joined with a big smile on his face, "I mean, the bit with the omelet thing, pretty cool." He uttered with amusement which made you laugh.

"Yeah, right? It was totally cool. Ha! Okay, gather around, everyone. It's Monkey Queen story time!" You waved your hand as a way to tell them to huddle. You opened the map and hissed at the pain in your body before quickly covering it, "So, I know what happened back there kinda sucked."

"Mega sucked." Mei corrected you.

"Mega sucked. But the ol' Great Sage had a trick or two up her sleeve."

Just as you said that, Pigsy let out a sound of annoyance which made you glare at him. Suddenly, a strong wave of wind, jerking the dronecopter around. The map flew away, but Mk caught it before it could fly away. Your successor put it down while you placed a metal piece on it to keep it down, "Yeah, so you said you were looking for a weapon?" Mk asked you first.


"And? Did you find it?" Pigsy asked next.

"Nope. But this map is gonna help us track it down. It's called the Samadhi Fi-..." You were about to explain what this map was for, but you were cut off by Tang, "The Samadhi Fire!" He exclaimed with sparkling eyes. You deadpanned at him, "Yeah, that. The most powerful force I've ever seen." You confronted, returning back to your serious self... or trying to be your serious self.

"Powerful enough to destroy the Lady Bone Demon?" Asked Mk.

You nodded with a hum.

"But what is it?"

You were about to tell Mk about the fire, but seeing how eager Tang was, you couldn't prevent him from telling the story since he will be just cutting you off most of the time, "Go on then." You sighed and gestured him to tell the story. Tang squealed happily before proceeding to tell the ancient story of Samadhi Fire, "Hoo-hoo, okay! Ahem. Legends speak of a flame so powerful that nothing could put it out. Not even the Great Sage herself." He started to explain.

𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀 𝙎𝙏𝙊𝙍𝙔___ {Lᵐᵏ ˣ Rᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ}Where stories live. Discover now