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╔════•| ✿ |•════╗Chapter EightReckless Idea ╚════•| ✿ |•════╝

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Chapter Eight
Reckless Idea
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❝Yup! The one and only.❞

MK NEVER EXPECTED you would do this to him or leave him behind. He wasn't disappointed or upset, he was just surprised that you suddenly decided to go on a vacation right at this time.

He watched as you moved around, putting stuff in a suitcase, "Whatta you mean vacation?" The moment he asked this, his phone started to buzz. He saw that it was an ad for a game called Sleep Bug, but he didn't care and threw his phone away. You continued to add stuff in the bag, "Come on bud. I promised myself when I found a successor I'd go see some friends, take a tour of my old stomping grounds, just cut loose y'know. Ooh gonna need these." You exclaimed, putting a pair sunglasses on with an arrogant smirk on your face.

"But you can't just leave! What if some one attacks the city. What if the Spider Queen comes back?!"

"Ah, you'll figure it out. It's adorable how nervous you are. But don't be! You've come a long way!"

You tried to assure him, but it seemed it didn't work, yet you still went on with your speech, "And you know, the next step of your journey you must do alone." You added with a serious tone while taking a heroic pose. There was a moment of pause between you two that it somehow felt awkward. Mk's shoulders dropped in disappointment, "Alone?" He asked with a hint of sadness in his voice. You smiled and picked your suitcase with your tail, dropping it on your yellow cloud that appeared out of nowhere, "But don't worry! I'll check in, give you some training tools, remote lessons, ah we'll figure it out. You'll be great. Don't worry!" You assured him while jumping on the cloud before putting the sunglasses back on and giving the boy thumbs up.

"Monkey Queen out!"

The moment you said this, you blasted through the wall to the sky, leaving Mk screaming at you. The smile on your face disappeared and was replaced by a frown. You hated doing this to the kid, especially when there was two of your enemies in the loose. However you had to do this if you wanted to stop the Lady Bone Demon once and for all. You knew if you told him this, Mk will insist on joining you and would most definitely bring his friends alongside him which you didn't approve of.

You had to do this alone.


You spent days on this oh-so called vacation to look for any way or weakness points to use against the Lady Bone Demon. You would check on Mk every once in a while and even got him to do something about the giant dumpling that almost destroyed Megapolis.

Mk once surprised you and used his golden vision to contact you, but it wasn't in a really good time since you were struggling with one of the traps in the cave that had LBD's temple. However, you came up with nothing other than one thing that could be useful to stop her... the Samadhi Fire. You sat on a rock and tried to recall where the three rings of the Samadhi Fire could be, "Even if I found the three rings, what about the forth one? Ao Lie was the one to bear it, how can I find it?" You mumbled and tried to think of any possible way to get the forth ring.

Suddenly, it clicked in your head.

That girl... Mk's friend, what was her name? Mei? She is an descendent of Ao Lie and there was a possibility that she had inherited the Samadhi Fire from him since she had his dragon avatar. You shot up from the rock and smirked, "That's right! She would be the forth ring no doubt!" You exclaimed with a big smile on your face. However, there was another problem that you need to fix as soon as possible.

The Samadhi Fire is a dangerous weapon and it's hard to control it, even Bull King's kid wasn't able to keep his creation under control, "This is not good... The girl probably doesn't know about this and she will never be able to control it. Hmm..." You hummed and started think, pacing back and forth. Addressing her with what great powers she had would perhaps make her freak out and do reckless things. This may also make her a target to Lady Bone which was obviously bad.

"What if there was a way to transfer the fire to me? I can control it and use it to fight Lady Bone, I'm a genius!"

You didn't know how to do it, but you will figure it out later and do it successfully. Like this, LBD wouldn't stand a chance against you. With that settled in your mind, you summoned your cloud and got on it, "Let's go and get the map from an old friend and then see what I can do." You stated, making your way to the Celestial Realm to retrieve the map.

You knew this would be dangerous and reckless, but you were willing to sacrifice everything just to save the world and get rid of Lady Bone Demon forever.

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