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╔════•| ✿ |•════╗Chapter Eighteen Time to Be Warrior ╚════•| ✿ |•════╝

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Chapter Eighteen
Time to Be Warrior
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❝Forever's a long time, bud. Trust me.❞


BELIEVE IT OR NOT, I was held captive by the kid and his friends. Even when I brought them Lady Bone's minion, they still don't trust me. Too much to be a hero for one time.

I sighed as I dozed off in my thoughts as Mk and his friends formed a plan. I was just doing this for Y/N only, I mean I wasn't obliged to bring the Mayor to them unless I was helping. Y/N... I was hoping that she was fighting with all her might to free herself from that witch's control. I still could feel the sensation of her lips against mine, it was the first time she ever did this to me. We weren't even together at all for her to kiss me, it was our first kiss. MY first kiss. I'm not going to lie, I was glad she stole this kiss.

I'm not doing this only for Mk, I'm doing this for you too.

Her words rang in my head like a bell. She was fighting Lady Bone for me too, what did she mean by this? Did she knew that I was owing her a favor after she brought me out of the underworld? I didn't know, but I was sure Y/N didn't like to see me covered partly in ice. I suddenly snapped from my thoughts when Mk suddenly pointed at me, "Then we fight monkey with monkey! This monkey." The boy exclaimed with excitement. I blinked a few times before chuckling, "Look, I brought you the Lady Bone Demon's lapdog, but I'm not up for being a hero, kid." I stated with a mischievous grin on my face which didn't actually effect Mk. This boy was really motivated even when Y/N was gone, reminds me a lot of her.

"We don't need you to beat her. We just got to keep her busy. As long as Y/N's under her control, the mech's vulnerable. We can do this. You can do this."

"Nice speech, kid. But it's not gonna-"

"Stop. You keep playing at being this bad guy, acting like you're just in it for you. But I know, deep, deep down, you're not that guy. Help us. Make it right. Just do it for Y/N."

If you want to help me, protect Mk and keep him safely away. I'm counting on you.

As I stared at Mk with shock, Y/N's request echoed in my head. She was counting on me to protect Mk from LBD. Still, I wasn't born to be a hero... not after that day that shattered my friendship with Y/N. I averted my gaze away, "I'm not a hero, bud." I stated firmly, hoping that he won't insist on me more. However, what he said next made change my mind, "Then be a warrior." He stated with a confident smile. For a moment, her smiling face flashed in before my eyes. A chuckle emitted from my throat, "Okay, kid. You win." I said and slipped through a shadow portal and instantly popped up with the ropes off me which made Mk jump away.

The pig with Mk, Pigsy I guess, frowned, "What? You could have freed yourself this whole time?" He exclaimed with frustration, making me laugh.

"What can I say? I'm dramatic."

And just like that, we all prepared ourselves and got in the van to go to the Bone Mech.


Me and Mk managed to make it to the top of the Bone Mech, seeing the staff stuck in the ice. The boy took in a deep break and stepped forward to grab the object.

"Here comes Monkie..."


Y/N appeared out nowhere and punched the ground, throwing Mk away. However, I managed to grab him before he could fall off. My eyes were glued on Y/N as she stood there motionlessly as if waiting for the demon's orders like some sort of a puppet. I hated this... I wanted to crush that witch. Lady Bone was floating in the air, smirking down on us, "MK, the Monkie Kid and the Six-Eared Macaque. Here to embrace oblivion?" She spoke up, her eyes glowing blue.

I smirked and helped Mk stand up before putting my elbow on his shoulder nonchalantly, "The opposite, actually. I'm kind of on this whole living streak now, so we were hoping maybe you could call off this whole end of the world thing? Would really help us out."

"Yeah. What he said!"

Mk added, looking stiff. The woman's smirk widened more, "None of us can alter the course of destiny." She confronted rather confidently. A frown appeared on my face, "Yeah. I thought as much." I muttered and took a fighting stance, Y/N did the same too. I waited a few seconds before giving the signal, "MK. Now!" As I said that, Mk leaped forward, followed by Y/N. Her fist was inching closer and closer to Mk's face. I quickly moved and held Y/N's fists back, "Alright, MK. I hope that staff is worth it!" I said to Mk before throwing her away and chased her.

We transformed into eagles and fought in the air before returning to our original forms. Y/N's eyes glowed and shot a laser beam at me. Without wasting time, I summoned the armored Smoke Monster to hold back her attack. However, it was difficult and too powerful for me. Suddenly, Y/N appeared right before me and pulled me out of the mech forcefully, throwing me on the ground.

I hit the ground strongly and even created a crater beneath me. I groaned and went to stand up, but Y/N landed down. A chuckle left my lips, "You're really not holding back, are ya?" I sarcastically said, earning me a kick from her. I slammed into the nearest rock and was about to slide down, but Y/N held me by the throat. I grabbed her wrist as a weak attempt to loosen her grasp, "Y/N... Are you really letting her control you? You're the Monkey Queen, you're too strong to let her use you like a puppet." I spoke up as a way to snap her out of this, but she just kept looking at me emotionlessly.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have listened to you that day and helped you. At least I wouldn't let her possess you."

I slowly reached my hand, being cautious in case she thought I was going to attack her. My hand rested on her cheek and her blue eyes dimmed for a moment, "Y/N, please, I want you back." The stoic look on her face cracked slightly and a little bit of emotion showed on her face.

"M-Macaque..." When she called out my name, her grip on my loosened a bit. I reached my other hand to her face and I was even able to press my forehead against hers, "Fight her, Y/N. You're stronger than her. If not for me, than for Mk." I whispered to her, seeing the confusion on her face. Suddenly, the Blue light in her eyes started to flicker and I knew she was fighting with all her power. So, I decided to give her one last motivation.

I quickly grabbed her face and kissed her just like how she did to me. I did my best to deepen the kiss and make it passionate, but Y/N punched me in the stomach and knocked the air out of my lungs. The impact was too much that I stumbled back, my vision getting blurry.

"Sorry, kid. You're on your own now."

With this final thought, I let the darkness consume my vision and passed out. Deep down, I was wishing that Y/N was fighting against Lady Bone's control. Otherwise, we're all doomed.

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