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╔════•| ✿ |•════╗Chapter SixRevenge of the Spider Queen #2 ╚════•| ✿ |•════╝

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Chapter Six
Revenge of the
Spider Queen #2
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❝Yup! The one and only.❞

YOU FLEW TOWARD THE Spider Mech quickly to stop the Spider Queen and prevent her from destroying the city. Once you reached there, you saw the Spider Queen standing with her back facing you.

She started to laugh upon sensing your presence, "Oh, Monkey Queen! Well, isn't this a nice surprise? Finally come out of hiding just to see me?" Spider Queen sarcastically said with a smirk on her face. You frowned in annoyance, "Didn't know you were so desperate for attention, Spider Princess." You mocked her as a teasing grin tugged on your lips. The Spider Queen growled and scoffed in anger, she always hated being underestimated by others. This in fact was something you obviously used to your advantage in order to crack her confidence and shake her pride.

"It's Spider Queen, subhuman."


"Thought I'd have to deal with the kid before I got to you but since you're here, I can destroy you first!"

With that being said, the light went off and Spider Queen launched toward you to attack first. You quickly moved away and avoided her attacks before grabbing her front legs and spun her around, throwing her away. She held into the wall and laughed evilly, hiding herself in the shadows. You looked around to search for her, "Give it up, Princess. You're too easy to read." You mocked her again, your confident smirk still on your face. Suddenly, you heard some sounds behind you which alerted you and made you think that it might be the Spider Queen. You rushed forward and sent a punch to whomever was behind you, but it ended up in the wall as a young girl moved her head away.

You stared at her with confusion before images of familiar bone demon flashed in your head. You were taken off guard that the Spider Queen shot her webs toward you. The last thing you knew was you thrown on the ground and tied up, "'Oh no! A web' You seriously think this can keep me-..." You couldn't finish your sentence when you suddenly felt electric shocks go through your body, "What is this?!" You questioned as you felt the pain take over you. The Spider Queen laughed evilly while watching what was happening to you, "Finally. After all these years, you're mine." She stated, satisfied that you got into her trap easily. The pain of your power getting drained was too much to handle that you passed out.

You just hoped that Mk will be able to go past his fears and save the city or at least get you out of here.


You didn't know for how long you had been trapped in here or how many times this Mech had sucked your energy. However, this wasn't the worst thing that happened to you. You were trapped in the same room as many other demons and the one and only Demon Bull King.

You huffed and rolled your eyes, "It's a shame, really. You being trapped here. No one to protect poor little Princess Iron Fan." You spoke, teasing DBK to kill some time. Bull King glared at you angrily, "My wife doesn't need protecting! She will decimate all in her way!" He exclaimed in frustration while pulling on the webs. That was when you noticed the webs starting to break from his strong pulls. An idea popped in your head and you smile mischievously, "Yeah? How about your half-baked son? Spider Queen's gonna eat him alive all because you were too weak." Just as you said that, Bull King exploded in anger and broke the webs that caged you and the other demons.

"Hah! It worked! Excellent! Whoa!"

DBK suddenly grabbed you and slammed you on the ground, still looking frustrated, "Buddy! I was just getting you angry so you can-..." You were cut off by him. He growled in a threatening way, "I know what you were doing, simian!" He stated before pulling the webs from you and turning his back to you. You smiled as you sat up, "Wait. Where are you going?" You questioned, seeing DBK leave.

"To find my half-baked s... son."

With that, he used his powers and broke the wall of the Mech. You stood up with a small smile on your face, "I've honestly missed that guy." You said and scratched the back of your head. Just then, the atmosphere changed and your smile disappeared, "So, you thought you had all the pieces right where you wanted them." You uttered, turning your head around and seeing the same young girl from before. However, this time you knew who she really was. She smiled darkly, "There are so many moves I have yet to play." She proclaimed rather calmly. You glared at her in hatred, "You should have stayed buried." You warned and then dashed to her, ready to punch her. The girl disappeared and teleported behind you.

"I will rip the memory of you from this world."

A vision of the Lady Bone Demon appeared on your head followed by a vision of Mk and the world getting destroyed. You swiftly turned around to catch her, but she was gone. You knew for sure that her return wasn't good news and that she was up to something. However, you will deal with her later. For now, you still had the Spider Queen to take care off.

Lady Bone Demon can wait for now.

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