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Hello! I decided to do a short side story about an AU that got my attention. This AU is inspired from @Dynamicsimpduo and it's called Eyeshot Macaque AU. Of course, all rights of the au goes to the creator mentioned above. I'm just adding it to the book for fun and in my own way. This story has nothing to do with the main story. Let's not waste time and get to the story.

PS: If you're interested in any AU, comment them down and do give a small explanation and I will put them in as Side Stories.

Hope you enjoy.


╔════•| ✿ |•════╗Side Story 1#Eyeshot Macaque:The Pink Heart ╚════•| ✿ |•════╝

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Side Story 1#
Eyeshot Macaque:
The Pink Heart
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❝What have I done?❞

LOUD EXPLOSIONS COULD be heard from afar in forest as two monkeys fought. You were supposed to meet with Macaque and talk things out, clearing some misunderstanding mayhaps. However, things escalated to the worst.

It went from a normal talk to a furious fight.

You held Macaque's fists as you struggled to push him back, "Why can't you just understand that I was forced to do that back then?" You exclaimed while keeping a firm hold on his fists. Macaque chuckled and used his tail to trip you, "Maybe because I don't believe a single thing you said, Monkey Queen." He spat with hatred before summoning his staff and brought it down on you. You swiftly moved away from him, making the staff hit the ground instead. Quickly standing up, you growled in anger, "Seriously? I'm not talking to some child, Macaque. You must believe that I'm telling you the truth!" You retorted and then dashed toward him, giving him a few punches.

Macaque blocked them with his staff, that same mocking smirk still on his face, "It's too late to trust everything you say, Y/N." Before you could react, a clone of Macaque grabbed you from the back and threw you away. The dark furried monkey didn't waste time and ran toward you, sending fury of kicks and punches. You didn't hesitate to block them and attack back, but it seemed that Macaque was prepared this time for the fight. Eventually, he gave you a powerful kick, sending you toward a tree. Your back hit the it and you fell down, but something fell off that tree and hit your head, "What the-...? Huh?" You stopped mid-sentence, seeing the pink gun right before your eyes. It had hearts decorating it everywhere, making it seem... girly.

"So, are you going to give up now?" Macaque questioned with a mischievous tone, his arms crossed.

You didn't care about what this gun would look, you just grabbed it and aimed it at him. Macaque was surprised for a moment before he started to laugh, "Really? Where did you get this thing? It's probably some kid's toy." He teased which upset you more. You gritted your teeth in frustration, "Why don't you shut up!" As you yelled, you pulled the trigger. There was a loud bang and Macaque quickly moved to the side. The two of you saw the bullet mark on the tree's bark, it was heart shaped. 

"What the hell?"

"This is not over yet!"

You spoke up and started to shot at him. Macaque moved quickly and started to dodge the bullets, slowly gaining his confidence back. However, he was too late to avoid the last one. You used your tail and threw a rock at him, distracting him. You used this opportunity to shot and Macaque wasn't able to dodge it. The gun dropped from your hands as you watched in horror what happened to your ex-bestfriend. He also stood there in utter shock and disbelief, his right eye dropping blood, "M-Macaque?" You spoke up, your body trembling slightly.

Macaque's good eye rolled back and he fell down, passing out or probably dying. You didn't waste time and rushed to his side, "Macaque! Macaque! Oh no, I did it again." You freaked out and then put your head on his chest. Your eyes widened in surprise, hearing his heart still beating softly, "I will not let you die, not again." You firmly said and then summoned your cloud to go to Flower Fruit Mountain.


"You did WHAT?"

"I didn't meant to shoot his eye, I aimed for his shoulder!"

"This is not better!"

You brought Mk to your house and told him what happened. The boy was frustrated by your actions and scolded you for it, "Where did you put the gun?" Mk asked, still upset about what you did to Macaque. You sighed while scratching the back of your head, "I hid it somewhere secure so no one can find it." You replied as you averted your gaze away from him. Mk rubbed his eyes and nodded, "Alright, where's Macaque right now?" He questioned again, his tone was very serious.

"He is in my room." You said, taking Mk to your room where Macaque was. Once you opened the door, you saw that Macaque wasn't in bed and only the bandages you wrapped around his eye remained, "What? He is gone!" You started to panic as you and Mk looked at him everywhere around the room for the shadow monkey. Just then...

"Are you looking for me?"

You and Mk heard Macaque's voice from behind, his head was lowered and his voice was calm, "M-Macaque, are you alright? Why are you out of bed?" You spoke up with caution, slowly approaching him. He didn't reply and just clenched his fists tightly. Mk decided to stay quiet and just watched what was going to happen, "Look, Macaque, I didn't mean to shoot at your eye. It was an accident and I regret what I did, I hope you will forgive me." You sincerely stated. The atmosphere were tense as you and your student waited for him to speak.

"You shot me in the eye and then you apologize as if nothing has happened, what nonsense is this?" His words were like a knife stabbing your heart. You couldn't blame him though, you hurt his eye... again. You shouldn't expect him to forgive you this easily, "But I survived this time, so..." He trailed off, slowly raising his head, "I will forgive you." He added which put you and Mk in state of shock. However, it wasn't Macaque's forgiveness that shocked you. It was that big pink heart that covered his eye and happy smile on his face.

"Macaque, wh-what happened to your eye?"

"Oh, it's nothing. No worries at all, I'm alright and fine." 

You looked at Mk and he shrugged his shoulders, not understanding what was happening. You remained speechless while seeing Macaque approaching, "I'm fine, Y/N. In fact, I haven't been any better. So don't worry yourself." He assured you then gave you a hug which was something Macaque had never done before, "I don't want us to separate again." He whispered in your ear, tightening his hug. You stayed still as you didn't know how to react or what to do, only one question popped in your head...

"What have I done?"


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