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╔════•| ✿ |•════╗Chapter FourPain of the Past ╚════•| ✿ |•════╝

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Chapter Four
Pain of the Past
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❝Yup! The one and only.❞

YOU WERE STILL UPSET by what Macaque had done to you. However, some old memories bubbled back to the surface after all this time. You thought you had forgotten about Macaque, and everything happened between you two, but it seems you were mistaken.

Yet again, what he did to Mk was unforgivable. Thus, you decided to contact Macaque and tell him to meet you in the same place you fought him to save Mk. You were waiting in the assigned place for Macaque, "He is taking longer than needed. I'm sure this is intentional." You thought as you crossed your arms and tapped your foot, feeling so angry that he was late. You had been waiting here for more than an hour, and Macaque still didn't show up just yet, which was irritating. You knew he was doing this on purpose because he was never the type to be late.

You were very upset that you didn't notice your shadow extending and changing before a figure appeared out of it, "Well, the Monkey Queen herself wants to meet. What an honor." You heard Macaque sarcastically say as he fully stepped out of your shadow. You turned around with your frown still on your face, "Seriously, what took you so long, Macaque?" You questioned with frustration, and that only fueled Macaque's mischief. He smirked and walked toward you, "What can I say? I have developed bad habits." Macaque replied while approaching you.

"So, what do you want to talk about that's so urgent?"

"We need to talk about what you did to my successor."

Macaque's smirk turned evil upon hearing what you said, "Oh, you're still upset about what happened that day. Didn't know the great sage was worried about some mortal for once." He said, his smirk suddenly disappeared and was replaced with a scoff. You kept on your serious demeanor as well, "If you want to deal with me, don't involve Mk in it." You stated firmly, placing your hands on your hips. Suddenly, Macaque let out a loud mocking laugh, "Oh, you're still the naive one, Y/N. I just got the perfect weakness point in you, and you want me to just ignore it? I don't think so." He declared, his eyes looking straight at your golden ones.

"Why are you taunting the kid? He has done nothing to you."

"To hurt you."

Your eyes widened in utter shock upon hearing what he just said, "What?" That was the only thing you managed to say. Macaque went past you near the edge of the cliff, "You heard me clearly. In order to make you feel horrible and hurt, I must target the boy. He is your successor, after all, the next Monkey King. He is so easy to manipulate." You were so surprised to know why he was after Mk in first place. You growled and went to him, "Mk has nothing to do with what's between you and me, so don't you dare lay your hands on him or else_" You didn't get to finish your sentence when Macaque suddenly turned around to face you. You could see his scarred eye more clearly now, "Or else what? Kill me again? It seems this is the only thing you're good at." He said with seriousness in his voice tone. Your frown deepened more, and your fists clenched tightly. However, you couldn't say anything.

You knew Macaque was still holding a grudge toward you, and you couldn't blame him for that. After all, you did kill him in the past, but you never wanted to do this to him. You warned him and told him to just go, yet he didn't listen to you. You were forced to fight him in order to keep the Great Monk safe.

"You did it with a cold heart in the past. What's stopping you now? Are you getting a soft spot?"

"I warned you, but you did_"

"I didn't listen." He cut you off again with an unamused look on his face, "That's all you do, convincing yourself that you didn't want to do anything, but you were forced to do it." He proclaimed firmly as he crossed his arms. For a moment, you felt your confidence disappear and was replaced with uncertainty and doubt. You gritted your teeth to hold your frustration, "I didn't want to fight with you that time. You don't know the pain I went through when I killed you. You think I was happy that I ended your life, but I was actually hurting..." You trailed off as your cloud appeared beside you.

You hopped on it to leave, "Piece of advice, stay away from Mk or you will face my wrath." With that being said, you flew back to Flower Fruit Mountain.

Macaque tsk-ed as he watched you leave. His expressions softened slightly before he looked down, "Couldn't just talk with her normal, such an idiot." He mumbled to himself, feeling slightly guilty that he didn't take this opportunity to make things up between you two. However, he was blinded by his rage and betrayal. He still couldn't forget what you had done to him years ago. Hell, he was still suffering from nightmares, seeing you waving your staff at him and ending his life with a final attack. Macaque sighed and looked up at the sky, "I don't think we can go back to what we used to be. It's going to be difficult for us, Y/N." He thought as he opened a shadow portal to take him back to the theater.

"My revenge is more important than our friendship."

𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀 𝙎𝙏𝙊𝙍𝙔___ {Lᵐᵏ ˣ Rᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ}Where stories live. Discover now