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╔════•| ✿ |•════╗Chapter NineLate Arrival ╚════•| ✿ |•════╝

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Chapter Nine
Late Arrival
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❝Forever's a long time, bud. Trust me.❞

OUTSIDE THE LOTUS palace, there were loud bangs that could be heard from afar. You tried to talk to Ne Zha to let you take the map, but he greatly refused and told you to leave instantly. Knowing how stubborn you were, you had set your mind to take this map no matter what.

There was a loud explosion before you were thrown across the hall where the map was. You were trying to dodge Ne Zha's spear attacks, but you managed to hold it and deflect it eventually. Your eyes than landed on the map floating on a lotus shaped podium, "Finally, an opening." You said before running forward to grab it. However, there was a protective seal that prevented you from taking the scroll. You tried to push your hards to go past it, but it was too powerful that it pushed you back toward a wall.

"Ugh, the ol' magical barrier trick. I should've seen that one coming."

"That seal is strong enough to protect the map from any who would steal it. Even you, Y/N. Do you have any idea what you're doing?"

The Lotus Prince joined you in the hall, standing in front of the map with the spear in his hand. You rolled your eyes at him and huffed, "Uh yeah, I'm the Monkey Queen. Trust me!" You said with pride, placing a hand on your chin. Ne Zha chuckled at your statement, "Trust you? No. You ruined any chance of that long ago." He taunted and then frowned. You placed your hands on your hips, still having that confident smile, "Honestly, Ne Zha, when did you stop being fun?" With that being asked, you dashed forward, setting your eyes on the map. However, Ne Zha used his red sash to stop and throw you away.

You managed to free yourself, but the Lotus Prince continued to attack you. You were either blocking or sending striks of your own, "I alone should've been entrusted with keeping that map safe." Ne Zha declared as he used the spear to hit you. You moved away and held into the wall, "Somebody's sounding jealous!" You mocked him then pushed yourself off the wall. You went to punch him, but your fist hit the ground when the prince dodged it. The two of you continued the battle.

"It was our solemn duty. Our oath was to protect this world from the Samadhi Fire!"

"Yeah well, something worse came along. Why do you think I need to use it? Come on!"

Ne Zha gasped when he realized that he had left the map unprotected. He quickly moved and brought his spear on you. Thankfully, you were able to hold it back yet Ne Zha wasn't going to give up, "Out of respect for your past friendship with the great monk, I will allow you to leave this place safely. But the fire will remain unforged. Hidden. The map stays here." He advised you, knowing very well the risks of such a weapon. Still, you refused to just abandon what you came for.

𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀 𝙎𝙏𝙊𝙍𝙔___ {Lᵐᵏ ˣ Rᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ}Where stories live. Discover now