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╔════•| ✿ |•════╗Chapter SevenRevenge of the Spider Queen #3 ╚════•| ✿ |•════╝

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Chapter Seven
Revenge of the
Spider Queen #3
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❝Yup! The one and only.❞

YOU WERE FRUSTRATED, how did she get out of her seal and find a host? You let out a growl and clenched your fists tightly. You didn't have time to deal with her right now, you must deal with the Spider Queen first then look up for a solution to exterminate Lady Bone Demon.

You turned around and left the Mech to help Mk before he gets himself into more trouble. You leaped out and landed on one of the rooftops, searching for your apprentice, "Where's the kid?... Oh, there he is." You said as you saw Mk held against the wall by cobwebs with the staff implanted right above him. Mk's friends and even DBK and his son were there to help defeat her. You jumped on the building where Mk was and heard the Spider Queen talk to him, "All of you together can't beat me! I am the Queen!" She exclaimed proudly.

"Oh yeah?"

As you exclaimed and everyone looked up to see you walk down the wall, "You're not the only Queen here, girlie." You stated and took the staff, freeing Mk in process. He fell down and you gave him the staff, "Turns out, I'm not so good with spiders either." You joked as you helped him stand up. Now, all of you stood against the Spider Queen who was currently alone. She glared at you, her eyes flashed bright green, "If I can't rule this world." She started as she used the web to go on her web, "No one can! I'll level this whole city!" As she exclaimed that, the Mech turned on again and caused destruction. You looked at Mk and nodded before you two leaped in the air, "Alright, kiddo! It's now or never!" You instructed firmly and Mk agreed. You grabbed the staff to help Mk reach the Mech.

"Here! Comes! Monkie!" You two said in sync and you then whispered, "Kid." You threw Mk at the Mech, hearing his scream of excitement. The impact was so powerful that it destroyed the buildings around you. You landed down and watched Mk take down the Mech, making it collapse whole and start explode. Your proud smile disappeared when you saw your successor fall down. Taking a form of an eagle, you flew toward him. You managed to hold him in time, but you two still freefall. Before you and Mk could touch the ground, Bull King jumped toward you two and held you, taking you away from the great explosion.

Bull King landed away safely and let go of Mk, "Thank you-..." Mk started but he stopped when he saw that it was DBK glaring at him, "Bull-... Demon Bull King-... Mr. King, sir?" He stuttered, not knowing what to say. You peeked from behind Mk's head and saw aurora lights up on the sky. You turned back to your normal form, standing on Mk's head

"Hah, now those are New Year's fireworks! Huh?"


You and Mk sat on the rooftop to rest after a long day's fight, watching the sight of the collapsed Megapolis. It was a tough day, but at least you won the battle.

"We should really get better at not smushing the city." Mk spoke up while looking up at the sky. You shrugged your shoulders carelessly, "Eh, priorities." You replied which made you and Mk laugh, "You did really good today, bud." You added to motivate you student to keep up with the good work. However, Mk had a small frown on his face, "Are you okay? After-..." He couldn't finish his sentence as you cut him off.

"It's fine, bud. It's dealt with. Want to tell your friends to take it down a bit?"

You stated and side-glanced at his friends who were in shock upon seeing you, specifically at a guy with glass that was squealing. The guy suddenly jumped before you, "Monkey Queen! I-I'm your biggest fan!" He exclaimed loudly, his eyes sparkling in admiration. You leaned back slightly and wanted to find any way to leave the place.

"Hey! Daddy Bull King! Your baby Red Boy did real good hero work today!"

You couldn't be more thankful to that girl for yelling out loud and earing everyone's attention. You took this opportunity and turned to a bird to escape, but not before dropping a small gift for Mk for his hard work today.


You had returned to Flower Fruit Mountain to rest for a bit, but your mind was still thinking about your encounter with LBD. You never thought she would come back anytime soon. You were most certain that she will never be out her seal. Who was able to let her out?

"She is not weak and what's worst is that she has a human host. I need to do something." You talked to yourself while pacing back and forth. You needed to find a way to stop her before that vision you saw become true, but Mk started to drop by almost everyday to train with you. At the same time, you didn't want to tell him about LBD's return. He will be more concerned and probably get scared knowing that he might die if you told him what you saw. You had to cover up your mission, he didn't need to know everything about you. Plus, you wanted to deal with Lady Bone alone. She is dangerous and Mk can't fight her alone. Not to mention that Mk will start to haunt her down if you told him about her. Thus, you decided to lie and keep this as your secret for the meantime.

"I will tell him that I'm going on a vacation. I can't risk his life... not anymore."

With that being said, you decided to retreat to your bed for the night and pack your stuff tomorrow before Mk's arrival.

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