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prompt ; you with a devil fruit that makes you smaller!
characters ; ASL (ace, sabo, luffy)
warnings ; none

MONKEY D LUFFY. - emperor of the sea

"HUH?? WHEN DID YOU GET THERE?!" For the last hour, you sat on Luffys shoulders after making yourself smaller with your devil fruit. You were planning on playing a prank on him, because this idiot wouldn't even realize you were on his shoulder unless you physically transformed infront of him. Even still, he'd need to have the attention span to watch your tiny form travel up his clothes and onto his shoulder.

Why didn't you leave already? The answer to that is quite simple. Luffy wasn't the type to sit still for long on the ship unless he was completely exhausted, and today was not one of those days. Luffy had ran around playing tag with Ussop and Chopper while you hung on for dear life. If you wanted to get off, you'd either have to transform back to your normal self, which would immediately break his shoulder or simply jump but you didn't have a death wish. You'd have to wait for him to notice you or for him to sit.

"Luffy. Help me get off your shoulder," you said sternly, traumatized from the last hour of running and grabbing onto his shirts sleeves to save yourself. The gust of wind created from his running normally wouldn't affect a normal human, but with the size you were at it felt like a whole tornado.

"But why? It's fun, right? Now I can take you with me anywhere!" Luffy responded with a smile. His head was turned to you and his breath felt like a warm breeze. Except for the fact that youe nostrils inhaled the smell of meat.

He'd barely given you time to respond before going straight back to running.

"Luffy..I think I'm gonna be sick.." He turned to look at you again, eyes squinting to see your small form with your hands covering your mouth. The meat you smelled earlier wasn't helping, and you could feel your stomach twisting and turning.

"Then how about I keep you in my pocket instead?" He asked with a smile. That would be better, maybe. You could agree to that.

PORTGAS D ACE. - fire fist

"Y/N, I dare you to make yourself small and sit on Ace's shoulder." The Moby Dick was having a huge party, and it was a tradition to do a game of truth or dare during every one. The games tended to go a little out of hand but it was never something too terrible. To be quite honest, this was one of the more tame dares.

Marco was the one who gave you dares such as this, because he knew about your little crush on Ace. It was annoying how he made you do things like this, but nevertheless, you weren't going to back down from a tame dare like this one.

As you cussed out Marco in your head, you used your devil fruit to make yourself small enough to be able to sit comfortingly on Ace's shoulder. Unbeknownst to you, although Ace was acting calm and collected on the outside as he confidently raised you up onto his shoulder, he was desperately trying to fight a blush and his thoughts were racing.

"Too easy," Ace snarkily said to Marco once you were situated on his shoulder. Ace was normally shirtless, so you were sitting on his bare skin and it radiated a warm heat.

"You weren't even the one who got dared," Marco replied, taking another sip of his drink. He had a little too much attitude and smugness in his voice, and you wanted to comment on this little conversation but you doubted anyone can hear you. But Ace's ear was right there?

You crawled over to Aces ear, careful not to fall off his shoulder. Ace has felt your touch and tried to ignore it, assuming that you were just making yourself comfortable or something. "Tell Marco that I'll dare him something way worse. Tell him that he should be scared," you whispered into it.

Ace slightly jumped at the sound of your voice and his cheeks became incredibly red incredibly quickly. This didnt go unnoticed to anyone since their attention were fully focused on you two. Nevertheless, he complied -- but his voice came out shakier then he intended.

"Y-Y/N s-said that she's gonna dare you something way worse a-and that you should b-be scared."

SABO. - chief of staff

"We have to sneak into that building." Sabo explained, pointing to the largest building in the district. You both had high positions in the Revolutionary Army and were trusted to go on a dangerous sneak in mission. You were the brains and Sabo was the brawn (him relying more on instincts then rationality) and you made a perfect team for this reason.

"We only have one uniform, though. You take it and I'll just beat up all the guards." Another stupid suggestion from Sabo. His voice was quiet as you both hid in an alleyway from passing guards.

"That's stupid! I'll just make myself small and sit on your shoulder. Those uniforms do have hoods, right? Plus, those are male uniforms and I'll look odd wearing them!" You explained, whisper-yelling at the blonde haired man. Sabo paused, thinking to himself about your suggestion and nodded.

Sabo found a different place to go and change into the uniform, away from prying eyes and annoying guards.

As soon as he changed and returned to the alleyway you were at before, you made yourself tiny wanting to get this dangerous mission over with. This mission was incredibly important and you wouldn't let Sabo ruin it now. You knew he cared just as much as you did, but Sabo had a weird way of doing things. Eventually, you just learned to make logical decisions off of his impulsive ones and go with the flow.

He squatted down, holding his hand out and watched as your tiny form jumped up on it. Sabo slowly raised himself up and placed you on his shoulder, a little closer to his neck and pulled the hood up so that you weren't visible.

"Think this'll work?" You asked, swinging your legs back and forth. The smaller you were, the squeakier your voice was and Sabo found that incredibly amusing. It was also extremely hard to hear you and he was thankful you were so close to his ear. Maybe you could give him instructions as he navigated the building? Assuming he'd actually listen, that is.

"We won't know unless we try."

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