m.d luffy 》𝙎𝙐𝙉𝙉𝙔 𝘿𝘼𝙔𝙎 ! ☆

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prompt ; "you know, they call that an indirect kiss."
character ; luffy
warnings ; sanji is simping over reader...guess that insinuates reader being female but you can pretend sanji is simping for whoever. gender isnt explicitly stated

Hot days on the Sunny were the days that almost everyone would be on deck. Robin would be reading a book, Nami would be suntanning, Zoro would be training, all the while Luffy would be playing some game with whoever would be willing to play.

Luckily or unluckily, this person happened to be you. It was surprising how much energy Luffy had. He manages to run around all day and still have some energy left over at the end of it.

You groaned as you plopped down on the floor, Luffy sitting beside you.

The sun was beating harshly on everyone, and Sanji took this as a time to hand out popsicles; though only for 3 people. You, Nami, and Robin.

"For you, Nami!" Sanji said, handing Nami a popsicle. She didn't even turn to look at him, grabbing the popsicle without a word -- and that was more than good enough for Sanji.

He moved onto Robin, handing her one as well. She smiled at him and took the popsicle. Then finally he came to where you were messing around with Luffy.

"And..for you!" cooed Sanji, handing you a red popsicle that has already started to melt slightly because of the heat.

"Oooh, thanks Sanji!" Luffy beamed, attempting to grab the popsicle from Sanji. He was met with a kick to the head.

"This isn't for you, idiot!" Sanji yelled, then turned his attention back to you. His demeanor changed almost instantly as his eyes turned to hearts. "Here you go, Y/N!"

You muttered a thanks, grabbing the popsicle from his hand, and Sanji happily skipped back to the kitchen. You put the popsicle in your mouth and began sucking on it. It left a nice coolness compared to the harsh heat.

"Hey, that's not fair! Why do you get one and I don't," Luffy pouted, sitting up from where he was sent to the floor from Sanji's kick. You shrugged in response, even though you knew exactly why.

It seemed Luffy got an idea since he began to smile brightly again. You raised an eyebrow, curious to what absurd idea Luffy could have this time.

"Hey, why don't we share?" Luffy suggested and you almost spit the popsicle out of your mouth from his words and you felt warmth rise to your cheeks. He blinked, not really understanding what was wrong with his suggestion.

"Luffy, I put this in my mouth," you explained, now holding the popsicle in your hand.

"Yeah, I know," He simply responded. Luffy stared blankly at you, fixing the straw hat on his head.

"It has my germs on it," you continued explaining, trying to get Luffy to understand your point.

"I never got sick before! I'll be fine!" Luffy said with a smile, giving you a thumbs up. You sighed, knowing that once he made up his mind you couldn't convince him otherwise. Even still, you didn't want to share this popsicle with him. It wasn't about him getting sick. Your crush on your captain was painfully obvious to everyone but Luffy, and if anyone found out that you two shared a popsicle? You were dreading that outcome.

"Well, I know, but-" you began, but Luffy didn't give you much time to explain yourself before stretching his arm and attempting to grab the popsicle from your hand. Luckily, you reacted quickly and moved it just in time.

He whined. "I'm hot! Just a lick!" Luffy stretched his arm again towards the direction of the popsicle, and just like last time you moved it away before he could grab it. His frown turned deeper and you almost wanted to give in and give him the popsicle just so you could see his smile again.

"Luffy, you'll bite the whole thing off!" You yelled back. It was now a continuous back and forth, Luffy attempting to grab the popsicle while you pulled it away from him at the last second.

After a few minutes, the popsicle had basically melted due to the scorching heat. You sighed in defeat, handing Luffy the popsicle. There was no point in eating it anymore. Luffy happily snatched it from your hands and took a lick.

"There! You can have some too!" Luffy beamed.

It took you a second to respond. You were preoccupied by the fact that Luffy didn't bite the whole thing off as soon as he got the chance.

"I don't want the rest. You can have it, it's fine," you explained and Luffy's smile dropped slightly. He scratched the back of his head, taking another lick of the popsicle.

"Hm...are you sure?" Luffy asked and you nodded in response. "Well, okay then!" He said and immediately shoved the whole popsicle down his throat - with the stick. Was he really holding back so he could share with you? You shook your head and cleared it of its thoughts. No. He's your captain. That's all it was, and all it will ever be.

A little bit later once you and Luffy went your separate ways on the ship, Nami came up to you. She seemed to be the only person who witnessed what happened earlier. "You know, they call that an indirect kiss."

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