t. law 》𝙇𝙊𝙊𝙎𝙀𝙉 𝙐𝙋 ! ☆

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prompt ; "h-hold on, you're drunk!"
character ; law
warnings ; alcohol consumption, takes place post-wano but doesn't have spoilers for the wano arc! touchy law, so maybe slightly ooc?
After the hard fought battle in Onigashima, the Straw Hats had planned a huge banquet to celebrate their defeat over Kaido. The Heart and Kid pirates were invited, and there was no reason to decline such an offer after defeating two big figures.

Your captain, Law, was still injured but everyone had mostly recovered. Food and booze were scattered everywhere on the banquet tables, but you had to get to it before Luffy devoured every bit of food and Zoro devoured every bit of booze.

At the beginning of the night, Law wasn't keen on drinking, or at the very least drinking enough to get himself intoxicated. However, the crew thought otherwise.

"Come on, Captain! We won! A drink or two wont hurt," Shachi said, holding a jug of booze in front of Law. He moved it back and forth as if that would make it look more enticing.

"I told you, I'm not drinking," Law grumbled, looking away from the jug of booze. "Stop doing that."

"Captain, you can't be so serious all the time! It'll be good for you!"

"Yeah! He's right!"

The pleads kept coming, and it got to the point where Luffy had joined in as well. If it got them to shut up, then maybe drinking a little wouldn't be too bad. They were right, after all...it was a big moment for everyone. He just had to make sure he didn't drink enough to get drunk.

. . .

A few jugs later, and he's drunk.

Law didn't mean to. After the first drink, another jug looked great. And then another, and then another.

For the time you've been in the crew, you don't think you've ever actually seen a drunk Law. As a doctor, he knew the risks better then anyone, and he also didn't want to risk anything happening while he was drunk.

You had taken the liberty of escorting him back to the Polar Tang while everyone else enjoyed the party. To be honest, you were getting sick at Sanji's constant pining and Luffy devouring everything in sight.

"Hey, where are we going?" Law asked, his voice slurred with his signature smirk plastered on his face. His arm was grabbing onto your shoulder as you tried to stabilize him, dragging him towards the ship.

"The ship," you simply replied, trying to hide your embarrassment at the fact that Law was shamelessly staring at the side of your face.

"Look at me," Law said, stopping you from moving any further forwards. It was surprising how much strength he still had while drunk.

You turned to look at him with a puzzled look, ignoring the way heat quickly rose to your cheeks. Law leaned in, stopping just inches away from your face. He was completely silent and staring directly into your eyes.

"I just noticed something.." Law muttered, his voice still slurred and deeper then usual, "'m a doctor, but I didn't know that eyes as pretty as yours could exist."

This bold Law -- such a contrast from the closed-off and serious Law you were used to.

If your cheeks weren't red before, they definitely were now. Law's cheeks were tinted as well, but you weren't sure if it was because of the alcohol or embarrassment. With how daring he was being right now, it was probably the former. Law didn't seem to affected by his own comment as he continued looking you up and down as if trying to find more things he 'hasn't seen before.'

Still, his attention continued to get drawn back to your eyes. Law cupped your face and brought it closer to his, narrowing his eyes as he scanned yours. You were surprised Law couldn't feel the absolute heat from your cheeks, with his hands being placed directly on them.

"H-Hold on, you're drunk!" You said, trying to move away from his grip but his strength overpowered yours.

"Just 'cause I'm drunk, it doesn't mean 'm lying," Law slurred. He was barely keeping himself stable right now, and he wouldn't if it wasn't for your grip on his arm.

You wanted to scold him and tell him to get his butt back to the ship, but part of you liked this version of him. You were going to savor this for as long as you possibly could -- the attention you so desperately craved from Law. You knew he wasn't one for such things, and you didn't blame him. Not like you were dating anyway.

"Hey, look, cheeks are warm," Law muttered, chuckling to himself as he continuously poked your cheeks.

"Captain, we really should head back to the ship," you finally said, and lord did it take all your strength to do so.

Law nodded in response. Even while drunk, he was still a doctor; he knew what was best for himself. The walk back was practically silent, except for the occasional compliment from Law.

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