Part 1

426 12 22

{TW: Death}

Third Person POV:

A gunshot rang out. A man slumped against the wall, a bullet hole between his eyes.

Only inches in front of him was the gun that ended his life, clutched in the hand of a young man. The boy had dark black hair, long enough to go past his shoulders. His eyes were a deep chocolate brown. His skin was pale in the moonlight, and it was decorated with a few freckles.

The boy cocked his head to the side, staring at the dead man in silence.

"Pity," He murmurs.

Another man approached him. "Sir, I've been ordered to escort you inside," They say. The boy turns to look at the man, raising an eyebrow.

"Mother knows it's not my time to come inside yet," The boy says softly.

The other man shrugs. The boy sighs, before pocketing his gun and following the other man. His heeled boots clacked against the floor noisily, earning an eye twitch from the other man. The boy smirked and put his hands behind his head.

The two walk down a long stairwell, before the man puts in a pass code on a digital keypad and a hidden door opens.

As he enters, the boy sticks his tongue out at the man. The man just sighs in defeat.

"Micheal," A woman's voice says.

The boy glances over, his smirk disappearing. "Yes, Mother?" He questions.

"We have an appointment," His mother says, and nothing more. She swiftly turns and starts walking, and her son runs to catch up with her, staying a few feet behind. A few minutes past before his mother speaks up again. "You remember learning about the Byers Mafia, yes?"

"Yes," Micheal says. He stifles a laugh. And how stupid their last name is. He thinks.

His mother clasps her hands behind her back. "I've scheduled an appointment with their leaders," She says. "And you're coming."

"I- What?" Micheal sputters. "Mother, you know we'll never come to a peace agreement!"

His mother turns back to look at him, a slight smile on his face. "Exactly," She responds.

Micheal blinks, before letting out an 'oh'.

"We have a plan, you just follow my orders," She says, waving him off. That was her way of saying the discussion is over. Micheal nods and continues to follow her.

The two mafia members approach a door, where two guards were posted.

"Good evening," the two guards say in unison, tipping their heads in a small bow. They open the doors, and Micheal and his mother walk inside.

It was a cozy meeting room, with two long couches facing each other with a coffee table between. There were already people in the room, three of them sitting on the couch. Only one of them looked interesting to Micheal, a boy his age sitting between the two adults.

"Good evening, my friends," His mother says, giving the group a polite smile. There were two other guards on either side of the couch as well.

"Good evening, Madame," Said one of the adults, the female.

Micheal's mother gracefully sat down on the couch, and he followed suit. He kept a blank face, his eyes narrowed in disinterest.

"We must not skip the introductions," the female adult says, giving them a fake smile. "My name is Joyce Byers, and this is my husband, Jim Hopper, and my son, William."

"What lovely names," Micheal's mother says. "I go by Karen, and this is my son, Micheal."

Micheal nodded in their direction as a greeting.

"Now," Joyce says, clasping her hands together. "We must talk business. What could your mafia give to us for peace between? I understand we both want this, yes?"

Karen nods. "Yes, but this has been agreed as a trade," she says, warning in her tone. "We both are giving something for this.. peace." She almost hisses the word, which gives away what she really thought of it.

The male adult turns to look at Micheal. "Is she always this unreasonable?" He says gruffly.

Mike opens his mouth, but Karen holds her hand in front of Micheal's chest, giving the others a polite fake smile. "What I understand is that neither of us are in this deal for money," Karen says. "What would you take?"

Joyce gives her a smile. "Something that restrains you from attacking our base," she explains.

Karen frowns in thought, and glances at Micheal.

"Would someone of important value compensate?" Karen questions. Micheal gives her a frown, which Karen ignores.

Hopper's eyebrow quirks up. "You would trade someone for peace between us?" He asks in response.

"Yes, would one of my heirs should be enough?" Karen questions. "Of course, you would need to give one of yours in response."

"That one?" Joyce nods at Micheal.

Karen scoffs. "Of course not, my youngest, Holly," She explains.

Micheal immediately sits up, glaring at his mother. Karen glared back for a moment, the two having a silent discussion.

After a few moments, Karen turns and smiles at the other family.

"Well," She says, masking her anger. "Yes, it seems Mike is going to be the bargaining piece. Who's shall yours be?"

Joyce and Hopper exchange a glance. "Our youngest then, Jane," Joyce says.

There was a moment of silence, and Mike's eyes shifted over to one of the guards, who's hand twitched down ever so slightly.

Almost instantly, two gunshots rang out.

The two guards collapses to the ground, gun shot wounds in their throats. Everyone jumped, and all eyes turned to Mike, who was double wielding pistols, both aimed where the guards were.

"I knew this wasn't a good idea," Mike says, aiming the guns at Joyce and Hopper.

"Put your guns down," Karen snaps. Mike glared at William, and the other teenager stared impassively right back.

Joyce frowns. "I apologize if our guards seemed untrustworthy, but I can assure you we only want the good end of this deal," she tells Mike.

Slowly, Mike lowers his guns, pocketing them again.

"We will began the deal later," Joyce tells Karen. "I hope to see you in one piece by then."

Karen nods in response, her face sour.

<^> To Be Continued

(1k words)

Welcome, welcome

To the book with blood, death and gore

Featuring, the gays

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