Part 4

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Third Person POV:

The next day, while Will and Mike were teasing each other all through breakfast, Joyce told them some important news.

"Mike, your mother and I decided to host a little get together," She said, making the two boys pause. "So we can see Jane and you can see your family."

The ravenette had beamed so brightly Will thought he was going to go blind.

So, they had gone and drove to another building, far out from the base. Once they were inside, the same group walked to a meeting room.

Hopper pushed the door open and they entered, and the other family was already there.

"Mikey!" A small voice yelled, and a blonde blob flung herself onto Mike, latching onto his shoulders. Mike was ready, and spun his little sister around while laughing.

"Holly, how have you been?" Mike says, walking farther into the room before setting his sister down. "Has anything fun happened recently?"

His sister giggled. "Yes! My friend just had a birthday party and she invited me!" She exclaims.

Jane flung herself over to her parents, grinning and hugging them tightly. Joyce fretted over her, checking her for injuries or anything of the sort. Jane promised she was okay, before she and Will hugged tightly as well.

Mike talked with Holly for a moment before looking up, and his smile brightened.

"Hey dipshit," Nancy says. Mike stood up and walked over to her, giving her a hug. "How have you been? Do you have any injuries?"

"No," Mike says. "You?"

Nancy scoffs. "As if, I'm invincible," She says, smirking. Mike raised an eyebrow at her, and she frowned at him. "Are you raising an eyebrow at me? If you are, just know, I will personally beat you up." She teases.

A few years back, Nancy had been in a really bad attack by another Mafia, leaving her mostly blind. She's made amends with it, so Mike has as well.

"MIKEY!" A sudden shriek came from Holly.

The boy in question turned back to look at his sister and gave her a look. "Whaaaaaat?" He says in the same tone.

Holly points at Will. "Did you betray Lu-Lu and Maxy for a new best friend?" She questions, looking dead serious. Mike let out a laugh at Will's confused expression. "They will be so upset, Mikey, they've been planning a funeral for you."

Will looks at Mike with the same confused look.

"Oh damn," Mike deadpans. "I guess I better watch out then, shouldn't I?"

Nancy scoffs. "Yeah, you fucked up, man," She says, crossing her arms. "Max has been pestering me about everything for the past weeks. Weeks, Mike, weeks."

The group separated so they could talk to their families in peace, and at one point Karen pulled Mike away from Nancy and Holly.

"You remember what I told you about the actual purpose of this mission?" She whispers.

Mike blinks. "No, actually, you never said," He says, giving his mother a blank stare, trying to hide his annoyance.

"Don't give me that attitude," Karen snaps, and Mike flinches. "Here," She pulls out a small packet and shoves it into Mike's hand. "Some poison for your troubles. Put that in the drinks when you feel it's the right time."

He frowns at the packet. "But.." He starts, but trails off. He pockets the poison. "Yes, Mother."

Karen smiles. "I knew I could count on you," She says, patting him on the shoulder and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "You'll make a good boss in time." She turns back to Nancy and Holly with a blank stare. "It's time to go," She says. "I think Mike will want some alone time with his friends."

Nancy nods, walking forward and giving Mike another hug. "Be careful," She whispers in his ear.

Ah, so she knows about the plan. Mike thinks, releasing Nancy from a hug to give Holly another spin. Afterward, the three leave the room, and Mike gives Will a strained smile.

Then the door slams open, causing everyone's attention to turn to two teenagers at the door, one with vibrant red hair and the other one dark skinned.

"WHATS UP BITCHES?" Max shouts, making Mike grin. Max jumps over to Mike, hand chopping his head.

"Dude, you left us on silent," Lucas says, shaking his head in fake disappointment.

Mike chuckles. "Sorry, my mother rushed me," He says. Lucas and Max simultaneously turn and look at Will and his family, giving them their polite smiles.

"Hello, I'm Lucas, Lucas Sinclair," Lucas says, stepping forward and shaking Will's hand. "I've been taking care of Miss Byers during her stay," he tilts his head slightly in Jane's direction. Mike narrows his eyes at his friend, knowing him enough to know when he's lying.

Mike looked over at Jane, whose face paled when the two entered the room. Tortured, probably. Mike thinks.

"Oh, that's great," Joyce says. "I hope she hasn't been causing any trouble for you two, you seem like good kids."

Lucas and Max exchanged a glance before Max chuckled. "Don't worry, she's been fine," She says, before looking at Will, narrowing her eyes. "So.. Have you been taking care of Mike?"

"No, I've just been kind of going around the place," Mike says.

Max raises an eyebrow at him. "Well," Lucas says, elbowing Max in the side. "We should go. Jane, come with us," The girl in question gives her family one last hug before following the two to the door. "See you some other time, Mike."

"Some other time," Mike repeats as a goodbye, nodding.

Once the door closes, Will turns to Mike with a smile. "Well, we should go back now, right?" He says, in that sweet voice Mike loves.

The poison suddenly feels heavier in his pocket.

"Yeah, sure," Mike says, ignoring the twisting feeling in his gut, telling him everything he never wanted to think about. It's either you or him, choose yourself.

Will takes his hand, and gently pulls him along with his parents, excitedly telling him something about a board game he enjoys. Mike had no idea what 'dee n dee' was, but Will liked it, so it must be something fun.

When the two boys got into the car, all thoughts of the poison disappeared. For now.

<^> To Be Continued

(1k words)


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