Part 16

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Third Person POV:

The group falls for less than ten seconds, but many of them let out screams.

When they hit the ground, Lucas lets out a strangled cry of pain. Max whimpers as pain shoots up her arms.

"Welcome," A new voice says.

Mike groggily raised his head, his eyes half open. Will notices, and crawls over to the ravenette, wrapping him in a hug. Mike wasn't even a quarter awake, but he smiled softly.

Joyce looks up and glares at the man standing a few meters away.

"Who the hell are you?" Will asks, frowning as he glances around, making sure everyone is okay. Well, as okay as they could be.

"My name is Dr. Brenner," The man says. "I'm so glad you all decided to join me here."

Hopper glares down at the man. "You kidnapped my son," He says. "We did not choose to be here."

"To each their own," Dr. Brenner says. He looks over at Will and Mike, his eyes narrowing in a smirk. "And taking your heirs is quite a good idea anyway," He continues. "Both of your mafias hate each other, this game is a time to release your anger on the others."

"We won't do anything to them with orders," Lucas says. "You should know that."

The noise of heels clacking sounded, and Karen Wheeler entered the room, smirking deviously at them.

"Boss?!" Max and Lucas exclaim loudly.

Hopper and Joyce narrow their eyes at the woman. "So you're working with the man who kidnapped your child," Joyce says, tilting her head. "Why?"

Karen scoffs. "That brat's barely my child," She snaps. "He's simply a trained tool."

Will stares at Karen in disgust. "How could you say that?!" He exclaims. The grip on Mike tightens. "Especially with him in the same room as you!" Mike's eyes were glazed over and tired, half his face hidden by Will.

"He knows it," Karen says, before turning to look at Lucas and Max.

Both the teenagers were staring at her in shock, mouths agape and shaking. Lucas looked betrayed while Max just looked.. shocked.

"You want orders?" Karen raises an eyebrow. "Come here."

Lucas and Max stare at her, frozen. Joyce and Hopper exchange a look before Joyce turns to look at the kids, frowning in concern.

Karen smirks darkly. "Too scared to follow the orders you want?" She sneers.

That makes the two kids scramble up, Lucas powering through the pain in his legs so he could stand next to his boss, his scorched legs were shaking from the strain.

"You are a horrible, retched woman," Joyce says, her voice cold. "Who should never have had the option to raise children. I pity your eldest and your youngest. I don't know them, but I've spent weeks with Mike. You don't deserve him. You deserve to be in the depths of hell, you and only you."

Karen's smirk fades, staring blankly at the woman. "And yet I was given the opportunity," She replies. "Grab him."

More guards enter the room and move toward Mike, grabbing his shoulders and pulling him away from Will. "No! Give him back!" Will screams, lunging forward and grabbing Mike's arm, only to be punched in the nose.

He reels back, a hand moving to touch his most likely broken nose and coming back red with slick blood.

Other guards move to the others, grabbing and holding their arms behind their backs.

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