Part 8

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Third Person POV:

Mike left a building with his hands in his pockets, his face blank.

"Did you do it?" Max questions from where she was sitting on her motorcycle. She and Lucas were sharing a Gatorade.

Mike looks up nodding. "Yeah, let's go," He says.

Max suddenly jumped off the motorcycle, pushing Mike to the ground as a bullet shot through the air right where he had just been. Lucas points a gun up and shoots straight into the sniper's head.

"C'mon," Max says, grabbing Mike's hand to pull him up.

Lucas frowns at the bullet, which was laying harmlessly on the ground. "Byers," He mutters, making Mike look up. "That's Byers bullets."

"That means we need to go," Max says, staring at Mike.

The ravenette sighs and gets on his bike, revving the engines and starting to move.

Max gets on her own and the three start driving to the highway. Mike switched on the intercom and gesturing for the others to do the same.

"You know they're targeting you specifically now," Max says through the com.

"Yeah, I know," Mike says, rolling his eyes. It was hidden behind his helmet, but Max and Lucas got the gist.

Lucas taps the top of his helmet. "I see the police," He says. Mike squints his eyes and slows down to a more 'reasonable' speed. AKA more legal. There were four police cars ahead of them. Mike moves past them fine, but then he heard something.

"Hey!" One of the police said into a megaphone.

Mike slows down and puts one of his feet on the ground, turning to look at the man. Lucas and Max stop as well just behind him.

The policeman walks over, looking him over. "Take off your helmet," He orders. "Are you old enough for this license? Where is your license?"

"I have my license," Mike says, pulling out the small card and handing it to the policeman.

The man looks over the license. "Micheal Wheeler?" He questions. "Take off your helmet, I need to make sure your face is the same as it is on the photo."

Mike frowns, but pulls off his helmet and glared at the policeman.

"Don't glare at me like that, boy," the policeman says, sneering the word 'boy'. He settles into a crossed arm stance. "I could fine you. Doubt you could pay that."

"Sure," Mike says, setting the helmet back on his head.

The police man turned away and Mike starting biking again, turning his head to glance back at the police cars. He could just barely see through the warning tapes, but he could make out a dead body.

The three got many miles away from the police before Lucas spoke up again.

"Did you see it?" He questions.

"Yeah, was it someone you recognize?" Max responds.

Lucas hums. "No, but I couldn't get a good look," He says, speeding forward to moving next to Mike. "Stop going ahead of us, Mike, it'll be harder for us to protect you."

Mike snorts a laugh. "We're on an empty highway on the fastest bikes money can buy," He says. "Who could even aim correctly?"

Less than a second after he says that, he hears a tick sound and glances at the road, right before it blows up below him.


A few hours earlier, Will was sitting in a meeting with some of his parents advisors and his parents themselves.

"Unfortunately, the sniper failed and was killed," One of the advisors said. "But he did complete one of his missions."

Will frowns. "Good," Joyce says, leaning forward. "The tracker was placed on the bike?"

"Yes, and we've been tracking him for a while now," The advisor continues. "Micheal of the Wheeler Mafia has been on the road since, as of now, twenty two minutes ago. Should we try and snipe him?"

Hopper narrows his eyes. "No, he's on a highway," He says. "Plant a a bomb farther down the highway and blow him off the bike."

Will's eyes widen. "Of course, sir," The advisor says, typing on his keypad.

Joyce turns and looks at Will. "Go find and capture him," She says, her voice taking a cold tone. "Maybe once he understands torture will he know how he has done wrong."

The brunette nods, and leaves, hiding his terrified face.

He goes to one of the many garages, followed by a driver. Will packs a few things, including guns and ammunition carrying cases. He places an earpiece in his ear, turning it on so he can hear instructions. Will hears clips of information as he enters the car and leaves.

"Raven's on the move again," Someone says. "He's injured, but he's moving."

"He had two buddies with him, but they got away," Another voice says. "He's ran into a maze-like area, we can't find him, sir."

The driver was fast, and got to the location in record speed. Will got out and immediately ran into the maze.

"Sir, we've narrowed him into a fourth of t he maze," One of the mafia members says to Will. "But we believe the maze was made by the Wheeler mafia, so it's working against us."

Will nods, surveying the area. "You lost the tracker?" He questions.

"The tracker on the bike, but we have another tracker we planted on him," The other person says, holding out a screen. Will snatched it from their hand and waves them off, dismissing them.

The tracker was straightforward, and Will sighed before he ran in the direction of Mike.

There was a few minutes of Will running around, checking the tracker every now and then. Suddenly Will almost tripped over a dead body, frowning before continuing again.

A second later, he heard gunshots and ran towards the sound. He found another dead body.

Then he started walking slowly, knowing Mike was close.

He heard heavy breathing and turning to another room. He glanced around, walking into it as he searched for Mike.


The boy in question whipped around and his eyes widened when he saw Mike standing, holding a hand to his forehead, where a large gash was bleeding badly into his eyes and one side of his face. Mike's eyes were wide and he was breathing very heavily from running. Will froze when he saw Mike holding a gun, cocked and ready to shoot his brains out.

"Stay where you are," Mike says.

<^> To Be Continued

(1k words)


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