Part 10

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Third Person POV:

Lucas and Will carry Mike in between them while Max stays behind, watching for anyone.

The small group silently makes its way through the complex, which was thankfully human free. Max still kept an eye out, her gun at the ready.

But they got all the way through the building and out of it without a hitch.

"Okay, the car is just around this corner," Lucas says, pointing in the direction. Will nodded and they continued moving down the block, under the cover from the blazing sun. Will felt a trickle of sweat on the back of his neck, and he frowns.

The car appeared in the few and Lucas gestured to the driver to open the back door.

Will helps get Mike into the car, almost fussing over him, while Max and Lucas exchange a glance behind him.

Suddenly, the butt of Max's gun hit the back of Will's head with a resounding crack. Will's eyes rolled up in the back of his skull and he dropped like a ragdoll, half of his body hanging out the side of the car limply.

"Really?" Lucas questions, facepalming. His girlfriend just shrugs in response.

Lucas sighs before grabbing Will's shoulder and pulling him out of the car, dropping him a few feet away from the vehicle.

Max gets in the car and makes sure Mike was locked in place before glaring at Lucas.

"I just think we could've made him stay back without maybe giving him head trauma," Lucas says, climbing into the car. "Like I said, I think he's a good person. What if you gave him a concussion?"

Will stayed laying there for a while, before finally someone finds him.

Unfortunately, it's not his mafia.

A random woman screams, pulling out her phone and calling the police. Nine-one-one responds relatively quickly, and they load Will into an ambulance.

Will's eyes flutter open in the hospital, and he groans in pain.

"How are you doing?" A nurse says, checking his temperature. "You got a nasty hit to the head, I heard."

Will blinks, his vision fuzzy. "Where am I?" He murmurs, reaching up to touch his head.

"You're in New York General Hospital," The nurse says. "A civilian saw you unconscious on the streets and called 9-1-1. You have a grade four concussion, so I wouldn't recommend standing up for a while."

Everything was too fuzzy, so Will closed his eyes again.

He might've fallen asleep, because the next time he wakes up, he's no longer in the hospital room. He's in his bedroom, and his personal nurse is standing next to his bed and writing on his clip board.

"Hello, sir," The nurse says. "We have you on a drug to quicken the healing process, so you might feel numb in the mouth or wobbly in your limbs."

Will blinks a few times and the nurse helps him sit up properly.

"Your mother is coming in soon," The nurse continues, stopping his writing. "She's been worried. Your sister and father too."

Will let out a sigh, and started spinning a lie in his head to tell his family.

When the door opens, revealing his mother, sister, and father, his brain is still empty. They rush to his side, and his mother grabs his hand.

"My baby, are you alright?" Joyce asks, nervously shaking her hands.

The nurse gives Joyce a tight smile. "He won't be able to talk for a few hours," He explains. "But it'll wear off, don't worry."

Joyce sighs. "I knew I shouldn't have let you go to that job," She says. "Those monsters are trying to kill us all. We need to find a way to stop them before they hurt you both again," She reaches out and places a hand on Jane's shoulder, as if to make sure she's there.

"Don't worry, Joyce," Hopper says. "We'll figure this out."

Will's mom nods. "Well, I want you to know you will not be going on these kinds of jobs again until we finish dealing with the Wheeler Mafia," Joyce says.

"They are bad people," Jane says. "Worse than those bad people we had to deal with, back before.." She trails off, not wanting to say it.

The family also stops, pausing.

Before Jonathan was killed.


Mike's eyes twitched, before they fluttered open, blinking a few times to get rid of the sleep in his eyes. His vision was still cloudy, he was still in the car, with Lucas and Max.

He was sleeping on the long seat, and Lucas was rummaging through the medic bag.

"Will..?" Mike mumbles, blinking his eyes again slowly.

Max looked away from the window and looked at Mike. "Oh, he's awake," She says, before wincing. "Kinda."

Lucas looked at Mike, taking out a few things. "Oh, hey," He says. "Do you want water?"

Mike blinks another time, a slight delay on his right eye. "Will..?" He mumbles again, frowning. "No, you're Lucas.."

"Yes," Lucas says. "The effects are still affecting him heavily," He tells Max.

Max frowns, checking Mike's temperature. "How long will it affect him?" She questions, glancing at Lucas. "You know his mother will go feral if he's not in good condition. I mean, she'll go feral just because we're late."

Mike let out a soft giggle. "Will was late," He mumbles.

"What..?" Max questions, staring at her friend in immense confusion. "Is the drug making him high or something?"

"It's best not to ask him questions," Lucas says, checking Mike's temperature with a thermometer on his forehead. "The drug is very strong, I don't remember learning about it in class, so it must be new."

Mike blinks slowly again. "Will is very strong," he says, with a giggle. "And he's very pretty.."

"Oh great, the drug is making him ramble about his crush," Max says with an eye roll. "I don't want to hear him pining right now."

"And he's nice," Mike mumbles, letting out another giggle. "You know he kissed me?"

Both Lucas and Max whipped their heads to stare at him in shock.

"What?" Lucas demands. "When? How?"

Mike let out a snore, indicating he was asleep again. Max lets out a groan of annoyance, pulling on her hair. "Idiot," She says, pointing at the sleeping boy.

"This is way too complicated." Lucas says, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

<^> To Be Continued

(1k words)


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