Part 6

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Third Person POV:

Mike had the worst hangover afterward, but Will got him some medicine and water and soon he was fine.

The next few weeks weren't the best for Mike. His brain was having an inner battle with itself, half of him knowing he shouldn't hurt Will and his family, but the other half was telling him he had to, otherwise he was a failure.

He could barely look anyone in the eyes every time the second part felt like it was going to win.

Mike felt like everyone knew what he was going to do. He felt like everyone was staring at him, whispering every insecurity he had.

His head felt like it was bursting, and his hands wouldn't stop shaking. He couldn't do nothing, but if he does something he knows he'll never forgive himself. If he doesn't do what his mother wants, she'll.. He doesn't know what she'll do.

Today, Mike was in the kitchen alone. He stared daggers at a water glass full to the brim.

"C'mon, Mike, you can do it," Mike whispers to himself. He squeezes his eyes shut, digging his nails into his palms. "Don't be a coward, do it."

His pocket felt heavy again, the poison almost tempting him to grab it.

"Do it," Mike hissed quietly to himself.

"Do what?" Will says, making Mike spin around. Will was frowning at him, eyes showing confusion. "What are you doing here, Mike?"

Mike opened and closed his mouth multiple time, his eyes pricking with tears.

"..Mike?" Will asks again, concern leaking into his voice.

The ravenette looked away as the tears spilled, one after the other, dripping to the floor silently. Will took a few more steps, reaching his hand out to grab Mike's shoulder, but Mike flinched away.

"Don't touch me!" Mike exclaims, backing away from the brunette. "I- I can't be trusted."

Will frowns. "What are you talking about?" He questions, this time his voice taking a mistrusting tone. Mike's eyes widened. That's what he was afraid of.

Mike let out a sob, covering his face in his hands.

"Mike, what are you talking about?" Will demanded, taking a step back.

The boy in question digs out the packet of poison, throwing it at Will before crumpling in on himself, pushing his back against the cupboards. He lets out another sob, covering his face with his hands again.

Will catches the packet, looking down at it in horror. "Mike.." He whispers. "What.. What is this..?"

Mike lets out a laugh mixed with another sob. "Poison!" He exclaims. "Isn't that.. Isn't that funny? Hah-! She- She told me, but I don't want to," He lets out another laugh-sob. "I don't want to.."

Will drops the packet and rushes over to Mike, sliding down to his knees. "Hey, hey, I'm not, I'm not mad or anything," Will says, cupping Mike's face in his hands. "Please don't cry."

There was silence on Mike's side, aside from the occasional hiccup.

"Your sister.." Mike whispers. "They won't treat her as kindly as you treat me."

Will's eyes widen in shock. "What do you mean?" He whispers back, his hands becoming shaky. "She looked fine when we saw her last."

"She's good at acting," Mike whispers. "I have to go, we need to cut off the deal."

The brunette went silent. "I'm sorry," Will says.

"Don't you dare be sorry," Mike says, his face twisting in displeasure. "But I have to leave right now, my mother is ruthless."

It felt good to say it aloud, just this once.


Mike walks over to Lucas, eyes downcast. Lucas frowns at him before pushing Jane forward, who gladly ran to her father. They were meeting on the top of a building, both of them having different modes of travel to get there.

"What have you done?" Lucas hisses. "The boss is furious."

Mike sniffs indignantly. "Well I'll just have to deal with her then," He says, trying not to show how much that thought terrified him.

The sound of a gun being loaded makes the two turns around. Lucas barely has time to grab Mike and pull him down before a bullet whistles over their heads. Mike stares at Joyce, who fired the gun, her eyes aflame.

"Go, go, go," Lucas rushed, shoving Mike back to the edge of the roof.

Grappling hook. Mike thought when Lucas pushed him off the roof, before jumping off himself, dodging the barrage of bullets whistling over them.

Mike twists around and grabs where he knows a rope would be, descending through the air quickly, his years of training kicking in.

Once the two friends landed on the ground, Lucas pointed to an area that has shelter from the sky. Mike ran to it, and tried to ignore the gunshots sounding from above him. He skid on the ground, kicking up dust.

Lucas ducked next to him, putting his hand on the top of Mike's head, as customary.

After a few minutes, Lucas released the back of Mike's head, silently pointing to another area they needed to go to. Mike nodded in response, and the two quietly moved over to a garage.

"Come on, we need to get back to base A as soon as possible," Lucas says, flicking on the lights.

Mike walked over to his motorcycle, easily sliding onto it. Lucas gets on his own, and once both of their helmets were on, he presses the button to open the garage door.

"You have to tell me what happened once we get back," Lucas says over the intercom.

Mike doesn't answer, instead revving up his motorcycle and starts moving. Lucas follows after him. The moment the two leave the garage, Mike hears another barrage of bullets. Thankfully, aiming from long distances without a sniper is not good.

As he gets on one of the main roads, he feels eyes on him.

He twists the mirror and narrows his eyes when he sees a small dot standing on the top of the building. Will. Mike thought.

Pulling out his gun, he shoots up straight in the air three times.

The dot on the mirror disappears, and Mike frowns, before giving his full attention to the road. He drives onto the highway with Lucas, and doesn't think twice.

<^> To Be Continued

(1k words)

well that was one quick as fuck twist sorry bout that

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