Part 17

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Third Person POV:

Will's eyes widen as he turns, watching in almost slow motion as Mike falls to his knees, coughing blood.

"You won't get a happy ending!" Karen shrieks, choking on her own blood.

Mike gags more, retching up blood across the floor. Will falls to his knees next to him, eyes wide and panicking. "No, no, no," He mutters. Everyone was panicking as well now.

"Holy shit," Max says, crouching down to try and stem the flow of blood coming from his back. "Shit, Mike, Lucas-"

"We need to get him out of here," Lucas says. "Now!"

Max looks up at Joyce and Jane. "Go out and find the car, call nine-one-one, run!" She says, her hands already slippery with the red liquid.

The two Byers nodded and ran, then Hopper crouched down a foot or so in front of Mike.

"Shirt? Sweater?" Lucas questions everyone. No one had anything that would help. "Goddammit, Micheal!" Lucas curses, trying to keep pressure on the wound.

Mike looks over at Will, eyes wide and almost.. curious. His grip on Will's forearm was like iron. "Will?" He murmurs. Will puts his hand on the wound on Mike's stomach, the bullet having gone straight through his body.

"Yes, I'm here," Will says, voice trembling in hysteria. "You'll be alright, just breathe, yeah?"

"Yeah.." Mike repeats softly, blood dripping from his bottom lip. He takes in a shaky breath, following Will in the exercise. "I think I'm gonna die.."

Will's eyes widen in fear. "No! No, don't say that!" He says, taking his hands off Mike's wound when Lucas practically slaps him away. "You're surviving this, don't speak like that."

Mike nods hesitantly. "I feel dizzy," He mumbles. His eyes droop, and Will grabs onto the side of his face.

"No! You listen to me, stay awake!" Will almost shouts. The blood on his hands was getting on Mike's face, but the boy was such a bloody mess no one cared. "Stay awake- Mike!" He shouts when Mike's eyes start to become dazed. "Listen to me, please!"

The ravenette was trying his hardest, but the pain was becoming overwhelming.

Everyone was crying now, tears and blood mixing on the ground. "Jesus, how hard is it to call the ambulance?" Lucas mutters, ripping off parts of his pants and balling them up to press against Mike's wounds.

Mike slowly leans forward, his eyes closing. Will's eyes start shaking from the hysteria and horror of it all. "No, no! Stop it!" Will screams, shaking Mike's face.

There was a moment before Will went still.

"He's not breathing," Will whispers, making everyone go still. "He's not breathing." He turns to his father, who stares back at him in terror. "Why isn't he breathing?"

He sounded like a little boy, asking a little question.

Will looks back at Mike. "Wake up," He demands. "Wake up." He starts crying, blood all over his clothes and face and arms. "Wake up."

"Move Will away from him," Lucas says as he lies Mike on his back and starts performing CPR.

"NO!" Will screams, but Hopper wraps his arms around Will's waist and pulls him into his chest, keeping him from lunging at Mike. "NO! This isn't supposed to happen!" He sobs, eyes closed and he wails.

Seconds later, they hear the ambulance and paramedics rush into the room, immediately assessing the situation.

"He's not breathing!" Will wails, hysteria crawling up his throat. "He's not breathing!"

The medics reach Mike, and that's when Will completely loses it.


Mike's eyes flutter open and he slowly registers he's in a hospital.

There was an oxygen mask on his face, and he could see the air fogging up the little device every time he breathed. It was heavy, he wanted it off.

He reached to touch it, but a hand grabbed him firmly before he could do so. Mike looks up and stares in Max's bright blue eyes. "It's okay, it's meant to be there," Max says. "It's helping you breathe."

"Where.." Mike mumbles, his head turns to the side and he sees Will in a chair slumped against the hospital bed, both his hands tight in a fist, clutching the fabric. There were dark eye bags under his eyes, and his brow was furrowed in concentration.

"He didn't want to leave you," Max mutters. "When you fainted, he went absolutely feral. You should've seen it." She chuckles.

Mike slowly raised his hand and patted Will's hand.

"What happened?" Mike murmurs. "I can't remember.." He frowns. "When did we get out of the maze? What happened?"

"Your mother shot you," Max says slowly. "And then we called an ambulance. That other man, the one your mother was working with, told us how to get out." She pauses, giving Mike a look. "How much do you not remember?"

Mike shifts slightly. "Enough, actually," He says. "Is.. Is she dead?"

There was a silent moment before Max nods.

"How long have a been asleep?" Mike questions. Max looks around for a moment before squinting at a clock, which reads 10:28 pm.

"Three days, I guess," Max rounds up in her head.

Mike groans softly, which makes Will shift slightly on the bed, and Mike immediately shuts up, staring at the brunette.

Max giggles, and stands up. "I'll leave you two alone for a bit," She says, walking to the door.

The ravenette gives her a glare, but when the door clicks shut, his eyes trail back to Will. There were a few minutes of comfortable silence, the clocking softly ticking away in the background.

Then Will's eyes flutter open, and he looks up, making eye contact.

"Oh my god," Will whispers. "You're alive."

Mike smirks. "Yeah," He starts sarcastically. He finally pulls the oxygen mask off his face. "You didn't think you would get rid of me that easily, did you? Have more faith in me, Will."

But then Will's eyes prick with tears.

"Wai- No, I was joking, I'm sorry," Mike fusses, reaching his arms out to envelope Will in a hug. "Please don't cry."

The other boy starts hiccuping. "I- I thought you were gonna die, an-and I didn't know what to do!" He cries into Mike's shoulders. "I thought I- I was going to lose you too, like I lost-" He hiccups again and doesn't finish the sentence.

"I'm sorry," Mike mumbles into Will's ear. "I'm not going anywhere."

Will pulls away so he can rest his forehead against Mike's. He smiles ever so softly. "We finished the peace agreement," He whispers. "And we extended another offer," He looks a little sheepish. "If you wanted, we were thinking of combining mafias. So then you don't have to be the boss." Mike stares at him in wonder and awe. "Of course, only if you want," Will adds quickly. "You don't have to-"

Mike interrupts him with a kiss. Will freezes, before kissing back, butterflies swirling in his stomach.

The ravenette pulls away after a few moments, smiling sheepishly. "Of course I want to," He whispers.

<^> The End

(1.1k words)


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