Part 15

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Third Person POV:

Joyce gasps, rushing forward. She only had a burn on the edge of her jaw, but she was otherwise unharmed. "My baby!" She exclaims, scooping him into her arms.

"Ow!" Will exclaims, wincing.

"What?" Joyce questions, looking him over. "Oh my baby, you didn't get out of the room fast enough?" She asks when she spots the burns.

Lucas grumbles. "Well we tried, okay?" He says, wincing when Max tries to help his wound.

Joyce turns to look at him, before looking up at the doorway where Hopper and Jane were standing. Mike was still asleep on Hopper's back, half his face pink from the burns.

"I thank you for keep my son alive," Hopper says, nodding at Lucas.

Max's eyes widened when she saw Mike on Hopper's back. "Mike!" She exclaims, trying to stand up, she lets out a gasp when pain stabs her all around, bring her to her knees.

"Max, stay still," Lucas says, reaching out for her.

The red head stares around in caution at the Byers family. "Wait, you guys are the Byers," She says. "Didn't you send us here?"

Joyce frowns. "What are you talking about?" She asks.

"We got a note when Mike was kidnapped," Lucas explains. "It was signed by Joyce Byers," He turns to look at Joyce. "Are you Joyce Byers?"

The woman nods. "Yes," She says. "But we got a note signed by Karen Wheeler?"

"That's strange," Lucas says. "But do any of you have a med kit? We need to bandage up our burns or they might get infected," He looks at Mike. "And I need to bandage Mike's face as well."

Hopper moves forward and gently sets Mike on the ground.

"Jesus, why did this happen now?" Lucas complains, checking Mike's burned face. "We'll be in so much trouble as it is."

"Why will you be in trouble?" Will mumbles, yawning.

Lucas and Max exchange a look before Max tips her head slightly as if in an apology. "The boss gets mad when we're lazy," She says. "We need to get out of here soon."

"I don't like your boss," Will says, before yawning again. He was still out of it. "She doesn't know what breakfast is."

The two teenagers stare at him in confusion. "What's breakfast?" They say in unison.

"What are you both talking about?" Joyce questions. "Do you not eat breakfast?"

Lucas frowns. "Is that like.. Food?" He replies. His brow furrows. "We don't eat that kind of food at our base, no."

Joyce gives both of them a concerned look. "No, it's time to eat in the morning," She explains. "You both don't eat during the morning? Do you eat lunch?"

"Yeah," Max says. "Lunch. But morning is for training."

"That's what Mike said," Will mumbles, his head leaning against his mother, eyes closed.

Joyce glanced at Hopper. "We need to get out of here," She says. "If this is a maze, then there has to be an exit. They wouldn't trap us in here to complete their 'games' and not let us out."

There was a ticking sound, and then the lights in the room came on.

The moment it happened, Lucas whips his head to look up, spotting a camera. "Someone's watching us," He mutters. Max looks up as well, frowning as she nods.

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