Part 14

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Third Person POV:

The water was barely inches from the ceiling, and Max was kicking as hard as she could to keep both her and Will above the water.

"WHERE'S THE SCREWDRIVER!?!" Lucas screams over the sound of rushing water, since the water was coming from the ceiling now as well.

Max points at a bobbing piece of wood, her teeth gritted. "GET IT IN THE PUZZLE, LUCAS," She screams. Lucas splashes around to grab it, right when the water touches the top of the ceiling. Max barely has time to take a breath before she's underwater, and she holds a hand over Will's mouth and nose so he doesn't inhale too much.

Lucas swims back over to the puzzle, feeling around for the missing part. He shoves the screwdriver in, and grabs hold of Max's shirt before the three are pushed into the next room.

"LUCAS!" Max screams when she loses hold of Will.

The water pushes them around for a moment, but soon they are able to breathe.

The red head wipes away the water in her eyes as Lucas grabs Will by the shoulders. Will wasn't moving, or breathing. Max's eyes widen in horror, but Lucas starts performing CPR. Minutes go by, and Max feels herself losing hope when Will doesn't respond at all.

Then, finally, Will coughs out the water in his lungs, and both Lucas and Max breathe out a sigh of relief.

"We need to keep moving," Lucas says, pulling Will's arm over his shoulder. Max takes Will's other side and they walk through the dark hallway.

Max frowns when they enter the room at the end of the hall. It was a smaller version of the room before, but the floor was tiled.

"Is it just me, or does it feel really hot in here?" Lucas questions. Max nods, he was right. It was really hot. Not just hot, but humid, making their soaked clothes almost unbearable. Max and Lucas leaned Will against the wall before looking at each other.

"What's the next challenge?!" Max shouts out.

Unfortunately, nothing responds to her. Lucas looks around, but this room was empty.

"I guess we just wait here until the challenge starts," Lucas says, making sure Will was in a comfortable position before moving over to Max. "We should relax, and make sure we're prepared."

"How can we be prepared if we have no idea what's about to happen?" Max exclaims. "And why do we have to carry around this boy when we could've just gotten Mike?"

Lucas shrugs. "I'm not sure," He says. "But I think this is a good bonding experience."

"With me or the unconscious dude?" Max questions, giving her boyfriend a glare.

Lucas shrugs again. "Can't it be both," He says teasingly.

"First off, we're in a literal life or death situation where we could die at any time," Max starts, counting on her fingers. "And that boy is ASLEEP."

"It's getting hotter," Lucas says, looking around.

Max frowns. "Way to change the subject-"

"No, Max, I'm serious," Lucas says, frowning as he looks at the walls. A dim light was on, but waves of heat were hitting their skin. "Grab Will."

The red head does as he asks, and the heat in the room gets even hotter.

"Look," Lucas says, pointing up at a large closed vent. It was shaking slightly, as if there was pressure against it. "I think there's water in there."

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