Part 9

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Third Person POV:

"Mike.. Put the gun down.." Will says slowly.

The ravenette's leg almost falls out from under him, but he steadies himself, blinking rapidly for a moment. Will stares at him, concern written on his face.

"Please," Will says. "We can figure this out, just lower the gun-"

"Raise your hands," Mike says, glaring at him. "Or I'll shoot you," His voice wavers, and Will takes a step forward. "I said stay where you are!" Mike hisses.

Will raises his hands above his head. "I know you don't want to do this," He says.

"You don't know me," Mike says accusingly. "I- I will shoot you."

Will takes another step forward. "Just listen to me, okay?" Will asks. Mike glares at him. "Please, I'm alone right now. I just want to talk."

Mike shifts slightly, glancing behind him before staring at Will. "You have five minutes," He says, wiping away more blood off his forehead. "Five minutes."

"That's all I need," Will says. He bites the inside of his cheek before speaking again. "I know we met because of.. strange circumstances, but I loved every minute of talking with you. I know you don't want to hurt my family, Mike."

"We met because my mother wants to kill you," Mike says. "I should shoot you right now."

Will took another step, and Mike glared at him. "You could've decided to poison me anytime you wanted," Will says. He could see Mike's wavering. "But you didn't, because you're better than that."

"You stopped me before I could do that," Mike says, but his brow was furrowed in hesitation.

"You could've let your family continue the deal and continue torturing my sister," Will continues. "But you told me to stop the deal. You did that to help her, I know you did."

Mike fumbles with his words, closing his eyes to mutter things while Will takes more steps forward. The gun in Mike's hands was now touching his chest.

"No, no, I- I wanted to go back," Mike says, more hesitation in his voice. "My mother-"

"You're not like your mother," Will says, caressing the side of Mike's face. Mike's eyes wide and he freezes. "I know you're not."

Will stares into Mike's eyes for a long moment, before he leans in, pressing a kiss to Mike's lips.

Mike gasps softly, but closes his eyes and sinks into the kiss. Will gently pushes Mike's gun arm away from his chest. Mike's grip on the gun loosens and the gun falls out of his hand, clattering against the floor.

"I'm sorry," Will murmurs against Mike's lips.


Mike feels a prick where his neck meets his shoulder and his eyes open wide. A cold feeling washes over him and he stares at Will in betrayal.

"I'm sorry," Will repeats, looking just as betrayed at himself.

The ravenette blinks a few times. Then his knees buckle and he falls to his knees, and Will falls with him, holding Mike's shoulders so he stays sitting upward.

"You.. tricked me..?" Mike mumbles, feeling his energy being sucked out of him.

Will pulled the syringe out of Mike's neck and tears swelled in his eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," He whispers. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Mike blinks a few times, his body only staying up because Will was holding him. "I'm tired.." He mumbles, his head drooping. "I don't want to sleep."

Will shakes his head, tears spilling. "I'm sorry, we have the most powerful sedatives in the country," He says, gripping Mike's shoulders. "I'm so sorry, my parents said that you wanted to hurt my sister, but they don't know you."

Mike blinks again, then his eyes close and he slumps against Will.

"I'm so sorry," Will says again, pulling Mike into a hug, pressing his face into the crook of Mike's neck. "I'm sorry. I fucked up. I'm sorry."

"Sir!" A voice says faintly from somewhere else in the complex.

Will looked up, whipping his head around. He scrabbles away and over to the wall, dragging Mike with him. They can't find him, they can't. Will thinks, dragging Mike into another room. He looks around before dragging Mike over into a closet.

He shuts the closet door and brings Mike's unconscious body up to his chest. The blood from Mike's head wound was getting all over his clothes, but he didn't care.

He heard a bunch of people enter the room.

"Sir? Sir, where are you?" A voice says. Will squeezing his eyes shut and prays they don't check the closets.

Multiple moments pass before the people searching move on, and Will would've let out a sigh of relief if he wasn't petrified. He clutched Mike closer to his chest, keeping two fingers to Mike's wrist to check his pulse.

Minutes go by and no one finds them. Will's eyes start closing and he tightens his grip on Mike as he falls asleep.


Lucas and Max quietly sneaking through the rooms, watching for anyone as well as following the trail of dead bodies and Mike's blood.

"There," Max whispers, pointing to a closet.

Lucas moves forward and slowly opens it, eyes widening when he realizes who's inside.

"Mike!" Max exclaims as quietly as she can, rushing over and crouching next to the boy. She gently pulls him away from the sleeping Will, who frowns in his sleep when he no longer feels Mike next to him.

"Is he alive?" Lucas whispers, crouching down next to him and pulling out the med kit.

Max checks his pulse and nods. "I think he saved him," she says, staring at Will. "C'mon, we have to bandaged his head."

Will mumbles softly, reaching for Mike's hand, which was laying limp on the ground.

Lucas and Max exchange glances before Lucas gently moves Mike's hand so Will could grab it. Once the brunette did, his frown disappeared.

"He's not injured anywhere else?" Lucas asks after fixing the bandage on Mike's head.

Max shakes her head, checking Mike's temperature.

"Is he going to wake up soon?" Max questions. Lucas checks his temperature as well, frowning.

"He might've been sedated," Lucas says, glancing up and around the room. "There was a syringe in the room back there."

Will frowns again, his eyes fluttering before opening. All three of them freeze when Will looks at them.

"Knock him out," Max says.

Lucas moves forward but Will pushes away. "Wait, wait, wait, wait!" Will says, holding out a hand.

"Why were you hiding Mike?" Max asks suspicious.

Will frowns, and looks down at the still unconscious Mike. "I.." he trails off, looking away. "He was going to get caught. My parents want to torture him. I couldn't let that happen."

There was a pause. "You're a nice person," Lucas says. Will stares at him. "..Can you help us get him back to base?"

"How?" Will questions. "We blew up your motorcycles, we're stuck in a huge complex, and I'm literally your enemy."

Lucas shrugs. "I tend to trust blindly," He says.

Max rolls her eyes. "Yeah, something not great for being in a fucking Mafia," she says.

"Anyways, we have a car behind the building, and we know how to get out," Lucas says. "We just need help carrying Mike."

Will looks back down at Mike again, his face peacefully aside from the spots of blood on his face.

"Yeah, I'll help you," Will says, looking up at Lucas.

<^> To Be Continued

(1.2k words)


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