Part 12

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Third Person POV:

Mike stays asleep for almost a full day, both from the sedative but also because he was just so tired.

When he did wake up, he could only feel a sense of dread.

"Good morning," the nurse from before greets. "See? Was that so bad? If you need help sleeping, just come to the infirmary anytime and we'll get you nice and situated."

Mike had some left over sleepiness, so he was still quite tired.

"If you feel like it, you can have a snack," The nurse says. "We have a bunch of food here for you. Would you like some?"

"Sure, whatever," Mike mutters.

So he had a bunch of food in front of him. He picked at it, eating enough. His stomach didn't feel like it could take more than that.

"You're friends are scheduled to be here soon," The nurse says. "Make sure to take it easy and rest."

Mike nods, already planning on doing the opposite.

He stood up, raising his eyebrows when he realizes he feels way more sure of his legs then he's been in a while.

"Take this with you," The nurse says, handing Mike a water bottle.

Mike took it, but as he left the infirmary wing he threw it in the trash, frowning as an incoming headache started.

"Mike- you shouldn't be in the gym right now," Steve says when Mike enters. "You're supposed to rest, remember?"

"I'm fine now," Mike lies. "I still need to train."

Steve shakes his head, grabbing Mike's shoulders and steering over to the rest area. "No, you're gonna stay here," He says. "I'm giving you a pass today, yeah? Watch the practice."

"I got to sleep, alright?" Mike grumbles. "I'm fine to train."

Steve punches him in the shoulder, startling him. "Yeah, if you were fine you would've blocked or dodged that," He says as Mike rubs his shoulder. "You're resting until I deem you ready to train again, and don't even try sneaking."

Mike grumbles more but sits down. He glares at his two friends when they come in, and they walk over to talk.

"Did Steve banish you here?" Lucas questions. Mike nods begrudgingly. "Maybe you can practice basic stretching, like your legs and arms."

The ravenette stares at him.

"Just a suggestion," Lucas says, holding his hands up.

Max pokes Mike's face. "You need to realize that you're not invincible, you can't just keep going around willy-nilly," She says, frowning in concern. "Yeah, you may be the Mafia boss son, but you're still human. You can get hurt."

"But-" Mike starts, but Max glares at him.

"And so does your mother," Lucas says, crossing his arms. "She also needs to realize you're not just a weapon to be used whenever she wants."

Mike frowns. "But.. That's what I am," He says softly. "Nancy would've- She should've been the heir instead of me. We all know I'll be a useless boss. If the mafia turns to me, it'll be destroyed. We know this. I'm not useful except for being a weapon."

Max scoffs. "Don't quote your mother at us," She says, poking Mike's forehead. "She's an idiot and you aren't useless."

Mike hums, looking away.


A few hours later, Mike was in his room, alone. He was writing in his journal, laying on his bean bag.

His pencil was in his mouth as he read what he just wrote. "No, that's dumb," Mike mutters, taking the pencil out of his mouth and erasing a part and rewriting it. "Better.. Still dumb," He mutters.

A knock cam from the door, and he sits up.

"Who is it?" He asks. A few seconds go by with no response, and Mike frowns. He stands up, leaving his journal on the bean bag. "Hello?"

He walks over to his door, and doesn't notice his window being pulled open. He doesn't notice a mysterious person in all black climb in his room, holding a cloth.

"The fuck?" Mike mutters, rolling his eyes as he looks out the door before moving to close it.

He shuts it, but right before he turns around, a thick piece of cloth wraps around his face. He's pulled backward into a chokehold, and he struggles against the tight grip.

"Fuck-" Mike says when the cloth accidentally slips past his lips, but it rights itself instantly.

His eyes slowly roll up in the back of his head as the chloroform does its job, and he slumps against his kidnapper. The mystery person drags him towards the window, keeping the cloth against Mike's face.

The person leans Mike against the wall, grabbing a rope that was from outside the window and pulling it inside. They tie it around Mike's chest, securing him before they throw him out the window.

The rope holds the unconscious boy up in the air, but it lets him down to the ground at a reasonable speed. There were four people on the ground, all ready to grab him.

When he landed, they untied him from the harness and dragged him into a truck, where the unconscious Will was also laying in, his brown hair messy and his body limp. They strap him in before closing the back of the truck with a clang.

The person still in Mike's room pulls out a paper and drops it in the middle of the room.

Dear bastards,
I apologize for the inconvenience, but something must be done. Micheal is with us, at **************, the warehouse. If you would like him back, I believe twenty million will be a fair rate. Remember: Save one to save both.
Best Regards, Joyce Byers

Then the mystery person jumps out the window, sliding down their own rope.

It was many minutes before anyone came into Mike's room.

A knock. "Mike? Can we come in?" Lucas asks, opening it and swinging the door open. "Hey, do you-" He pauses when he doesn't see Mike. He looks around before looking at Max.

"Shit," Max says, rushing in the room, searching.

She finds the letter, opening it up and scanning its contents. Rage makes her hands shaky, and she stares at Lucas with fear. Lucas's eyes widen in unbelievable shock.

"No," He says. Max continues to stare at them.

She hands him the note and he reads it himself, before cursing.

"Those bastards," He says angrily.

<^> To Be Continued

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