Part 3

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Third Person POV:

Mike pushes the door open, glancing around the hallway. It was empty, except for a camera on the wall.

He stepped out of the room, nervously fidgeting with his own fingers.

"Are you lost?" A random person says, making Mike jump. He turns and sees a boy around his age with brown curly hair and glasses.

Mike stares at him, staying silent.

The boy looks at him, squinting his eyes. "Oh!" He says suddenly, snapping his fingers and pointing at Mike with a grin. "You're the other Mafia boy!"

"The.. other Mafia boy?" Mike questions.

He nods. "Yup, that's what everyone's calling you, since you're from another mafia," He explains, before holding out his hand. "Nice to meet you, my name's Dustin," A few seconds pass before Mike takes Dustin's hand, and the grinning boy shakes it rapidly.

"Um, I was trying to find some water-" Mike starts, but Dustin interrupts.

"I bring you to the kitchen!" Dustin exclaims, linking their arms together. "You know, once you stay here long enough you'll memorize the building, don't worry. I'm friends with Will, the son of the boss, and I have been for as long as I can remember. You're the son of your boss, right? Do you have any good friends?"

The chattering boy spoke the entire walk to the kitchen, and Mike was overwhelmed by all the words.

By the time Dustin brought Mike through the doors of the kitchen, Mike practically had stars spinning around his head from the confusion.

"Dustin, what did you do?" Will laughs, walking over and pulling Mike away from his friend. "Leave the poor guy alone."

Mike blinks multiple times. "I just want a bottle of water," He says.

"We can get you breakfast, c'mon," Will says, grabbing the ravenette's wrist and pulling him farther into the kitchen. "What do you want to eat?"

Huh? Mike thought. "What's breakfast?" He questions.

Will stops short, making Mike run into his back. "How do you not know what breakfast is?" Will questions, sounding slightly concerned. "Do you not eat in the morning? Is that some weird shit your Mafia does?"

Mike stares at Will with a blank look, although there was a hint of curiosity. "My mother says that morning is for training, and the evening is for slacking off," He says, letting out a yawn.

Will stares at him, concern now evident on his face. "That's.. That's not good," He says.

The other boy just shrugs. "It's fine, I have to train sometime," He says, looking around the kitchen. "So what can I get for 'breakfast'?"

"Well, we can get pancakes, waffles, a fruit plate," Will lists some foods, still staring at Mike's face. "An omelet if you want, cereal, I don't know, I've never had to explain breakfast to someone," His tone gave away what he thought about Mike's eating schedule.

"I don't know what most of those things are," Mike says. After a moment, he continues. "How about you pick for me."

Will frowns, but does some, asking the kitchen staff to get him two plates of waffles.

"C'mon, let's go wait for the food," Will says, nodding toward the door to one of the dining rooms. Mike follows him inside and the two sit down.

They only waited a few minutes, and soon two staff members were coming out of the kitchen with two dishes covered by a cloche(the metal topping things). Mike glances at Will as they set the food in front of them.

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