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Leorio patted his full, round belly while walking to an empty room. Kurapika and Wanderer behind him, they were tired, and had plenty of time to rest before the next exam. But Tonpa found them right when they were entering a room.

"Yo! I wouldn't recommed you three to rest just yet."

Wanderer ignored him and sat on the ground. Kurapika wanted to follow his example, but he was interested in what Tonpa was planning on saying.

He turned to the round man.

"Why's that?"

The smile Tonpa had seemed a little forced after Wanderer ignored him.

"I've been doing this exam for a while now, and oftentimes, a period like this WAS the next part."

Kurapika hummed with a hand on his chin, convincing Tonpa he was thinking it through.

"I see. Thank you for warning us."

"No problem!"

After he left, Kurapika sighed and sat beside Wanderer. Leorio plopped down as well. He stretched his upper body and quickly started snoring. Kurapika was also tired, but the curiosity about Wanderer and Nahida was starting to eat at him.

Wanderer was looking out the window, at the illuminated city underneath them. Chin resting on his palm. His eyes reflected the lights, but he seemed to be thinking deeply about something else. Kurapika slowly took two blankets that were tugged away inside his bag.

"Are you worried about her?"

Wanderer blinked his daze away and turned to him. Seeing the innocent, curious, and analyzing gaze, Nahida often showed him inside Kurapika's eyes. The blond handed him a blanket, and he took it after a moment.

"... Not really. "

Kurapika hummed, he could tell there was something on his mind. After a minute in which Kurapika used to wrap the blanket around himself, he settled on a question.

"If you don't mind, can you tell me how you two meet?"

Wanderer turned back to the window, but instead of seeing the city, he was looking at Kurapika's reflection.

"It's not a fun story. And you should rest."

The blond raised a brow.

"And you shouldn't?"

"I don't need to."

Kurapika was waiting for him to say something else, but he didn't. There was a lot of things Kurapika was curious about. Wanderer and Nahida are a mystery, with strange abilities he can't understand, and a thirst for knowledge he does understands. He simply didn't know anything about them.

He wanted to know more. He wanted to understand them.

"... Your injuries... I saw something, purple and bright escape from them."

Wanderer glanced at him, his indigo eyes narrowing at him.

"And? You want me to tell you what that was?"

The clear hostility in his voice made Kurapika hesitate. But after clenching his jaw, he made up his mind.

"Yes. I would like to know more about you two."

Wanderer hummed and turned his gaze away, he seemed to be considering it.

Telling people what he was, it's something he never did. Everyone seemed to guess by the stupid tattoo on his back, or they saw his memories and pieced it together. Actually telling someone? He's never done that...

Nahida & Wanderer In HXHWhere stories live. Discover now