°Waiting For Phase Four°

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Hanzo was the next constant to appear. He cheered rather loudly at arriving.

"Wooh! I'm first-"

"Number 294, Hanzo, fifth place."

Eh? Fifth?? He glanced around, seeing a young girl zoomed out while moving her hand across a boy's head, the clown slowly placed the last two cards for his tower, with a sly smile, and Pin man twitched while leaning against a wall.

He, seemed to be the only normal one here.... He sighed and plopped down beside a door. Crossing his legs to meditate as they waited.

Each grueling hour passed by, almost ten hours passed by. Nahida felt her stomach growl in hunger. She sighed and looked up at the 'food' being offered.

Still, she couldn't move without waking Wanderer up. She poked his cheek, increasing the strength used until he finally frowned and slowly opened his eyes. She smiled as he sat up and blinked himself awake.

"Had a nice dream?"

He rubbed his eyes, a rare moment Nahida had never seen.

"I guess..."

Nahida grinned, showing her teeth with her eyes closed, she pointed at the snacks above many shelves that a mechanism inside the wall brought out.

He followed her finger, huffed and stood up. Walking over to grab two plates of long crackers and the small tub full of chocolate they gave out. Wanderer sat down beside her before placing both plates in front of her.

Nahida grabbed the cracker, dipped it into the chocolate, and carefully swirled it around. But when she lifted it, a small swirl happened as the chocolate separated itself. She happily munched on it, but this wasn't going to fill anyone up. Wanderer closed his eyes with crossed arms.

Hisoka hummed while observing the tall cracker that reminded him of a long, human finger. He smirked before biting it. Pin Man simply placed the stick of a cracker on his mouth and shoved it inside while repeatedly munching.

Hanzo watched them with a twitching eye as he ate his food in silence.

Hours passed by, before a new examinee showed up. It repeated like this, and endless cycle of waiting for the time limit to end, with no way of knowing when day arrived.

It was starting to remind Nahida of her caged days, so she glanced at Wanderer. Staring at him until he looked at her, she grinned like before, and heard his small groan before he stretched one of his crossed legs out.

She wasted no time in laying her head on his thigh. Closing her eyes as she curled up, but unlike before, she knew that upon awaking, her nice dream would continue.

Yes, she was escaping this boring phase by entering a dream-like state, where her subconscious desires would manifest. And this time, it was a replay of walking through the forest with Wanderer.

The colorful green surrounded them, combined with the golden light from the sun, made her dream feel warm.

"Nahida! Over here!"

She turned to that familiar voice, seeing a young boy with spiky hair waving his arms to gain her attention, his grin contagious enough to make her smile as well.


A white-haired kid suddenly revealed himself behind Gon, smirking as he shoved Gon off the tree.

"Hat Guy! Bet you can't catch me!"



Nahida flinched at that laughter, and slowly turned back, her dream gently turning cold as the clown smirked down at her.


Nahida & Wanderer In HXHWhere stories live. Discover now