The Purple Starry Night, Sailor Lavender

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Heather was on her way home from school with her older brother. She did not notice that someone was following them."Oh my, what do we have here?" Her older brother stood before her to protect her, but he got transformed into a monster instead. Heather started to back up with a few steps in silence when she saw this. "O-Onii-sama??"

As she backed up, she fell and scraped her knee. "Jeez, that's going to hurt…"  She was scared and wanted to go home.

"Stop right there!"

"Who's there?"

"I am Sailor Moon, the guardian who fights for love and justice! And in the name of the moon, I will punish you!" Then Sailor Moon noticed that Heather was not very far from the monster. "Sailor Moon? Oh, wait, that one?"

"Mercury, can you use one of your attacks so I can get the girl to a safe place?"

"Sure, though I don't think we are facing our normal enemy. Because if noticed, the magical traces are different. Anyways, here goes nothing."

The blue-haired sailor scout gets ready to do the Saffron Spray and releases it towards the monster. Just then, Sailor Moon gets Heather and brings her to safety. Heather closed her so tightly as Sailor Moon put her down. Sailor Moon then turned around and went towards her group. With the rest of her moon court there with her. Before Heather knew it, the fight was over. For that day, she looked up to Sailor Moon. "

The lady general of the Eclipse Abyss left after she said this. "Sailor Moon, The Eclipse Abyss will remember you,"

End of flashback

It was a quiet day for Heather at Juban High School. She didn't have many friends because she was shy. Heather despite her looks Heather is only a few years younger than Usagi Tuskino who is more well known as Sailor Moon.

"Hey, have you heard about Sailor Moon? I heard that she is always overcoming her enemies. I wonder who she is."

"Yeah, though I am not about this, but I think I saw Sailor Moon in person. Well, there are rumors but no one knows if they are true or not." Despite being shy, Heather has good hearing. She wasn't sure if they were talking about her, even though she had an encounter with Sailor Moon when she was little. Just as she was walking down the hallway.

"What can I say? Wait, do you see that girl leaving by herself?"

"Yeah, isn't the quiet girl?"

"I suppose so."

As Heather walked the students' voices kept getting quiet as she went home.

The day was almost over when Heather had returned home. Her older brother was studying abroad in America. So she last saw him a while ago. Now, she is a High school student and goes to Juban High School. "I should work on my homework first, although I would like to do some art. After my homework is done, I can do some art." Heather then noticed a light gray rabbit with a white flower spot on the forehead, sitting on the wall of her family's house. Heather stared at the rabbit for a few minutes, wondering why the aura around it felt familiar. Could it be that we have seen each other in another life?

After Heather went inside her home she did not notice the light gray rabbit was there until she went inside. “I’m Home!” It was quite so which would have meant that her parents were still at work or visiting friends. They trusted her to take care of the house while they were gone.”No matter how much I tell them that I am too young for this. They just don’t listen. Should I tell Onii-chan about this? I don’t want to disturb his studies since he got into a good college.” Heather went up to her room which was plain for a girl her age. She didn’t want to be in trouble with her parents.  “How am I going to get through to them?” Once she had reached her room she changed into her casual clothes. Which was a white polo shirt, with a light pink sweater, a knee-length plaid skirt, and a pair of black flats.

At the same time, there was a young woman with black hair and pink eyes, hiding behind a tree. That being a Lady General, by the name of Dahalia. She felt pretty bored and muttered to herself, “This town really can’t have at least one decoration. I will change that for them.” She smirked and summoned a giant monster by using a Dark Colored Moon Compact that began attacking the neighborhood that Heather was in.


Time had passed since Heather was working on her homework. “That should be enough, though what was the aura that the rabbit had? It felt familiar somehow as if It knew something about me.” Heather looked over and saw the rabbit trying to get in. “That's strange, why is there a rabbit on the roof? Normally they don’t do that so I think that this one is different”

Heather went over to the window and let the rabbit in, “Thank you, now you must be Heather, one of the chosen Guardians. Sorry for not introducing myself. My Name is Flora. I have been looking for you for a while.” Heather while staring at the rabbit confused “Why me? I am just a regular schoolgirl.”

“You have a destiny to fulfill one day, now Take this Amethyst Flower Ring and say Lavender Power, Make Up!” Heather does and puts it on her ring finger

“I am unsure about this, but here it goes… Lavender Power, Make up!”

Once she had transformed into Sailor Lavender. Her sailor Guardian outfit is a white armored leotard with a lavender skirt, choker, and collar with two stripes on it. She also has white shoulder pads, a pair of gloves reaching her elbows with three pastel pink armored rings, and a pair of purple heels. She has a pink ribbon around her waist, another one on her chest with a gold heart in the middle, and a gold tiara with an amethyst gemstone.

“Is this me?”

Flora nods and explains some simple things. “You need to find your team, there are people like You out there. And if you want to protect everyone you love and know you need to find them.” Just then she got a feeling that something bad was about to happen.

“I think somebody needs help, though could it be them?”

On the way over Sailor Lavender could hear the voices due to Amethyst Gemstone in her Golden tiara. “I got to get there somehow so people wouldn't get hurt. I just others in the best way I can. It wouldn’t matter who I am, I just want them to be happy. Everyone should have a chance to dream. Flora hopped as fast as she could to keep up with Sailor Lavender. “Once the monster is gone it's important for you to leave so they would not know your Identity as a Sailor Guardian.” At this moment Sailor Lavender thinks back to the day she was saved by Sailor Moon. “They will if they won’t be recognized as that little girl from that day. “ Flora was confused by what Sailor Lavender said.

As soon as they arrived the monster had already grown into full size. “Who are you?”

"I am the Guardian who fights for Love! Sailor Lavender! And of the Starlight of the flower Lavender, I will punish you!"

They were in a park but it was already dark by that time and there was no Light except for the Starlight that the sky had given off. However the monster kept attacking, not giving Sailor Lavender a chance to attack it. "I need to get close to it without it noticing me. How should I? Hm? That's it!" She extended her hand and brought it up to the sky. "Lavender Recreation!"

As Sailor Lavender brought her hand down purple streams of light seemed to be coming down like a meteor shower in the night sky that came down towards the monster and resulted in defeating it. "Hm, not bad but remember that the Eclipse Abyss will remember you. Until next time, farewell."

The Lady General had disappeared. "Who was that lady, and why did she look so familiar? Could I have seen that lady before?" Soon after Sailor Lavender went to a place where there was no one around and transformed back into her civilian self. 

"Good work, Heather. Now that you have defeated that monster. Which was amazingly done despite the difficulty. However, there are a lot of things to be done. Including finding four other girls who are like you." Heather was surprised when she heard that last part.  So as night went on did their conversation.

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