Meeting Mio, A Helping Hand In Need

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“We’re going to school together!?” Sunflower shouted with excitement. Daisy nodded with happiness sparkling through her eyes. “I can’t believe this! I finally get to see more of the Earth around me!” She jumped up and down, squealing. Comet chuckled and then looked concerned. “But who would be able to take her in and host her? She’s just a little girl.”

Midnight thought about this for a while, and he raised his hand. He never had siblings before, so he thought it would be a nice bonding experience for him.

“If you don't mind, you have some room in my family's house if you would like to stay.” Daisy nodded with excitement. Lavender smiled as she noticed how happy Daisy was. While Flora hopped over to them. “Daisy, did Lady Chinatsu let you stay with us?”

“Yeah, though….” Daisy looks around. “We should look for somewhere to hide so we detransform.” The Sailor Guardians and tuxedo-masked men nodded at each other. Then they looked up at the night sky before finding a place to detransform. 

A few weeks later, Hanako was living with Hatsuki as she spent time on Earth. Today was her first day at school. Hanako looked at the Starlight Compass, wondering if she would need to bring it with her. “I guess I better bring it with me just in case.” Hanako picked up the Starlight Compass and put it in her bag. Soon afterward, she walked inside her classroom, which would be their elementary school, which was right next to Miyuki’s middle school. Hanako looked around to see many other kids her age, one of them playing with her dolls, another reading a book, and another coloring in his notecards.

Hanako looked around the room while trying to find a place to sit down. She eventually sat next to a little boy who was playing with his cars. “Hey, new kid?” he asked. The little girl just nodded. “Would you like to play in the sandbox with me? I can show you some of my cars!” 

“Cars?” Hanako was confused by what the boy had said. Yet she didn't let her confusion show, since she was worried about how the little boy would react if she told him she had never seen a car before. That was until the teacher walked in. “Good morning, students.”

“Good morning, Hoshizora-sensei.”

“Today we have a new student with us, please give her a warm welcome.” Hanako smiled at this when she pulled the Starlight Compass out of her bag and looked at its design. She quietly put it back inside her backpack so she could walk to the classroom’s front desk and introduce herself. The teacher wrote her name on the blackboard, as Hanako looked at the students. “Hello, My name is Hanako Shiratori, I hope to get along with you all.“

“Where are you from, Hanako-chan?”

Hanako stood there surprised, yet she couldn't figure out what to say. Since she knew that the Starlight Palace had to stay a secret. “Well, I grew up in a small town in an orphanage far away before I got adopted by a nice family.” The children were in awe as they listened to Hanako’s story. That was close! Would the other kids believe her if she told them her secret? Or would they think that she was crazy? She walked back to her desk and took her seat before opening a notebook that Heather got for her first day of school. It was My Melody and Kuromi together.

Hanako sighed, though she wondered if she would make friends besides the Sailor Guardians, Ones that wouldn't find out who she was. “Hey Did you guys hear the news from last night?” Hanako looked around to see who was talking. It was another little boy, who was right behind the boy who was playing with his toy cars.

“Yeah, I heard that there is a new team, yet I am curious about who they are.”

“Do you guys think that is a legend about something similar to this?” A little girl asked them as she chimed in the conversation. “It's possible.” Hanako went back to what she was doing. “They can't figure out about it.” She whispered to herself as she had doodled the logo of the Starlight Palace in her notebook. 

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