The Solar System Studies, Siblings Combine!

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It has been since yesterday since the Valentine’s party was over at the headquarters, and Hatsuki got a chance to get to know the girls in return. While he was walking, he bumped into Myuria. “So? Did you do as I asked?”

At first, Hatsuki hesitated to speak up, but then he sighed, knowing that there was no way to escape. “Yes… I know who they are,” he replied. Myuria looked satisfied, finally about to know who the newest Sailor Guardians were. And he knew for a fact that he would be able to track them easier. “Although, I am not going to tell you who they are.”


“Are you serious?! You had one job!”

“Sorry, dude. But you will never know who they are, and I won’t let you blackmail me again.” Hatsuki walked away, proud that he stood up for himself, leaving Myuria furious. His face turned red with his blood boiling. “Why did he not tell me??” Myuria muttered to himself before heading back to the Eclipse Abyss headquarters.

Meanwhile, with the girls

“Motoki, do you have any siblings?”

“Yes, actually. I have a younger sister named Miyuki. She is starting middle school after the summer.” Heather was surprised that she also had a sibling. “What Middle school is she going to?”

“She goes to Juban Middle, exactly the same as Usagi Tsukino and her friends used to go to. And it’s right next door to our high school.”

“No kidding!” Pink looked extremely excited as Toni’s jaw dropped. Heather looked curious about the whole thing and walked up to Motoki. “Does she know that she is in the same school as the Sailor Guardians?” He nodded. “It was my father who signed us up there, and when she discovered that, she wanted to learn more about them, so that’s why she decided not to transfer schools anytime soon. Guess she is very ambitious that way.”

“Oh come on! You were too, Motoki!”

“W-Was not!” He turned bright red with embarrassment as Pink laughed.

“Was too~!”

“Was not!”

“Was too!” The two kept arguing back and forth with Tsukiko shaking her head, as Aira just shrugged her shoulders, confused.

“Anyway,” Heather looks at the Starlight Compass  “I guess we could gather information?” Flora looked at the compass and nodded in agreement. “Maybe those lights could be related to a little more than we would expect.”

“What do you mean?” Toni asked curiously. “Could there be other Sailor Guardians without us knowing just yet?”

“Well some of the lights are not lit up yet. From the looks of it, there could be more.” Tuskiko looked at it. “Yeah, also, does anyone else see the golden moon on it?”

“That could be connected to the Silver Millennium, right?” The girls thought about this for a moment.  “That's possible, but we don't know yet.”

When Motoki decided to leave the campus to take a breath, he saw a little girl watering flowers, one with the same hair color as him. He immediately recognized her as his sister.

“Hey sis!”

“Oh! Big brother! What are you doing here?”

“Not much. Remember that building that dad helped us with? Well, a group of girls are staying here so they can use a dance studio for a project they are working on.”

“A dance studio?” Miyuki looked very curious as the activity itself has been one of her hobbies. She then tugged onto her brother by his shirt out of interest. “Do you think you could show me the way to the new building so I can meet your friends?” She asked.

“I am sure that they won’t mind, little sis. Though I should let you know they are still at the beginning of their group.”

“Oh thank you so much!” Miyuki beamed with excitement as Motoki smiled at her.

Motoki took her hand as they went inside the headquarters together.

At the same time in the Starlight Palace, Lady Chinatsu is reading one of her books when a little girl knocks on the library door.

“Lady Chinatsu, is everything alright?”

“I am a little worried about Flora and the others at the moment, darling. There haven’t been any updates from the Eclipse Abyss members.”

“Oh dear.” After a while of silence the little girl spoke up again. “Would it be alright for me to go down there?”

“Please do, my darling. It would be a lovely way for you to explore the planet Earth too, but be careful of any lurking danger.” Hanako beams with excitement and decides to take the offer, before she enters one of the pods that takes her to Earth. Lady Chinatsu watched as the pod took off, hoping that Hanako would make it there safely.

“Where did the young bud go, Lady Chinatsu?” As one of the guards, Sirius came inside to check on her.

“I sent her to Earth just now so she could find the Sailor Guardians. I am worried a bit about Flora, I hope she is okay.”

“I am certain everything will be alright. We will just have to wait and take it with a grain of salt. But are you sure it is okay for her to go outside by herself?”

“She’s a smart little girl. If she does need help, she can contact us. That’s why I gave her the compact.”

“Ahhh, clever.”

Back to Earth

“Everyone, I want you to meet my little sister, Miyuki,” Motoki announced once he returned to the headquarters with his sister.

The girls began gushing over how cute she was, as Miyuki quietly hid behind Motoki. “Please be careful, she’s a little shy,” he said sternly. Aira saw how quiet Miyuki was and approached her, before kneeling down. She asks in a soft voice if she is feeling okay and if there is anything she wants. Miyuki peeked at Aira and started to feel comfortable with her aura, while she walked to her. “I wanted to learn about the legendary Sailor Guardians that I’ve heard of when I was younger…” she replied.

“Oh? Is that so? What do you know about them?”

“That they became the princesses of the planets a few years ago?”

“Yes, and it was true, Usagi and Mamoru have a daughter, Usagi.”

“I believe that they are Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymoin.”

As Aira and Miyuki were talking, Silvo was surprised to see that Aira is able to warm up to younger children. He smiled while sensing her aura. Heather looked equally surprised. Motoki chuckled, “She really seems to like you, Aira-senpai.”

“She also really knows a lot about the Sailor Guardians. It seems that Usagi and her friends found their destinies.” Flora peeked from Heather’s bag to hear Miyuki talking about the previous Sailor Guardians. She perked up and her ear twitched, as she sensed Miyuki’s aura. “This aura…” she thought.

Miyuki peeked at Flora and smiled, walking to her and petting her. “Who is this adorable little fella?”

“Oh! Umm…” Heather hesitated a bit, when Pink stepped in. “This is Flora! She is a pet rabbit friend of ours who has been great company for us during dance practice!”

“Awww, she’s so sweet~” as she cuddles Flora in her arms. Heather sighed out of relief, knowing that their secret was not out yet. She signaled a thank you to Pink, as she gave her a thumbs up as a return.

Meanwhile, the little girl, Hanako, is seen wandering around, trying to track down Flora with her compact, when she found the building of the headquarters. Looking curious, she decides to approach it, hoping to find her there. “She’s gotta be this way!” she yelled excitedly as she got closer. “I can feel it in my heart! Now I can also finally meet the Sailor Guardians in person!”

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