Yellow and Red Flowers, Buttercup, and Iris' Garden!

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“Lavender Power, Makeup!”

“Hibiscus Power, Makeup!”

“Bluebell Power, Makeup!”

Once the three girls had transformed into their Sailor Guardian forms without knowing that Aira and Pink were watching. “Did you just see that?” Aira asked Pink. “Yeah, though it's like they came out from anime that both like,” Pink replied. The two girls were surprised to see that their new friends were the new Sailor Guardians.

But what would be more surprising is how they are going to fight their newest enemy: Myuria.

“I have heard about you three,” he spoke with a smug look on his face. “You’re the young ladies that keep interfering with our plans, aren’t you?”

“What a hypocrite!” shouted Bluebell. “You are the one who interfered with us!” She was about to attack first until Hibiscus held her arm, shaking her head. “Don’t let their anger get to you, this is what they are looking for.”

“How about we surprise Attack him?” Lavender whispered to Hibiscus and Bluebell. “Though how? He looks like he can see our every move.”

“We will come up with something.” Hibiscus nodded as she whispered back when she turned towards Myuria. “Okay, doofus! Bring it on!” The Negasiren charged at them, ready to attack them, when she took a deep breath and jumped in the air, making a spin and summoning two ribbons. “Now!” she yelled. At this moment, Lavender and Bluebell ran to the Negasiren and kicked it onto its face and stomach. The Negasiren fell on its knees while Hibiscus tied it up with her ribbons.

“Wow… check them out!” Pink exclaimed quietly. “Someone must be wrapped up in his present!” Aira giggled silently at Pink’s joke as the two continued watching the three Sailor Guardians attack the monster. It seems that everyone is doing well so far, but Myuria just looked unphased, compared to Dahalia and Silverstein, as he rolled his eyes. Which was weird.

“Hmmm…” Myuria observed the fight in a collective and calculated manner, trying to track their moves left and right. He looked amused at their movements as they were battling with the monster, and he just smirked. What exactly is he planning? While he was witnessing the fight, the girls managed to knock it down, and Bluebell managed to purify it.

“Bluebell Omen Ring!”

Once the monster was purified, Myuria just remained calm and winked at the girls before disappearing without a single word. “What’s his deal?” Bluebell asked, confused. Hibiscus felt uncomfortable as she stayed beside Lavender, all three of them unaware that Aira and Pink saw the whole thing.

Back to the two new girls, they decided to leave the bushes before they could be caught and headed back to the spot where they first met the trio. As they de-transformed and headed back to the group, the duo pretended that they did not see anything.

“Oh goodness! What happened, is everything okay?” Aira asked, worried.

“Yes, we’re alright,” Heather responded. “We just had to take care of something important.” She looked a bit worried that they would start questioning their whereabouts in the future.

All the girls stood there, not knowing how to change the topic. “So, what do you girls want to do next?” Tsukiko started talking to break the silence. “I did hear that there is a nice art gallery somewhere in town that we can go to.”


A few days later, the girls found more clues for the Starlight Palace. Though they could not let anyone know about their secret. As Flora was guiding them through the book, they decided to go for a walk, when Heather found something sparkling on the floor. She looked curious and picked it up, to see it was moon dust. “Moon dust?”

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