Pretty in Pink, Sailor Hibiscus' Performance!

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As the day went on, Heather got ready to go home. "Wow, that was a long day, though you were able to make friends."

"Thanks, Flora. What were those monsters that I was fighting against?" Flora looked off to the distance with a solemn expression." Those monsters created by the Eclipse Abyss are known as Nigasiren. Though our true enemy is something that should not be here." Heather petted Flora on the head for a little bit. "The Eclipse Abyss…. I feel like I heard it somewhere."

Flora was a bit surprised by this because, for one thing, Heather should not have heard of it somehow. "Anyway, the enemy seems to be using the Dark Moon style to create their monsters."

"Dark Moon, what?"

"Never mind, it's complicated to explain."

Heather was confused about this part. She wanted to know more but decided not to press on it. Though not long in the distance was Dahalia one of the generals. "Sailor Lavender, for some reason, I feel like that one before this life." She looked at her hand, but once she looked, she noticed that there was no one around her. But just as she was going to summon another monster, her ear started ringing, as if it were an earpiece. “Ugh… now what?” she got irritated and answered the earpiece. “Yes?”

“Why are you even out of the Eclipse Abyss convention, Dahalia?”

“I just can’t get over that Lavender girl always ruining my chances, Sylvie!”

“It’s Silverstein! Silver is fine, but not Sylvie!” It was a young man named Silverstein on the intercom. He sounded pretty irritated by the interaction with Dahalia. He let out a huge sigh. “Whatever. Just come back, I will handle those childish ‘guardians’ since you failed twice.” After he said that, Dahalia just left the area to come home to the Eclipse Abyss convention.

Location: Eclipse Abyss convention

“Ohhh poor, poor Dahalia. Failed in her part in the Sailor Guardian destruction again?” said another young man with white hair.

“Oh shut up, Myuria. This is not your business.” Dahalia just sat on the tree branch, frowning, with Silverstein gloating at her failure.

Myuria had gotten irritated by the comment. "Oh?"


“I’ll show you what irritation is!”

The two were about to fight each other, but Silverstein broke them apart, annoyed. “Just be quiet, both of you!” he shouted. “It’s your fault for failing, Dahalia. I don’t want you to make it any more difficult for me than it already is.”


“But nothing. Just don’t say a single word. I will take care of that myself.” Silverstein walked away, obviously embarrassed by the two, as Myuria and Dahalia stood there dumbfounded.

"It's like she always sees through the battle every time I have made a monster. Why don't you try to beat her?"

“Why me? Are you gonna call me a failure again?!”

“Hmmm… I dunno.” Myuria just shrugged as Dahalia glared at him.

"You are acting like you could do better than me"

Meanwhile, back at home

Heather was in her room dancing to her favorite songs. At the same time, Toni was seen walking around the neighborhood, while by coincidence, humming the same song that Heather was dancing to. Toni kept on walking and humming, while Heather kept on dancing. She somehow stopped when she realized that there were people outside, and she felt embarrassed, walking in silence.

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