Echos of the Night, Hatsuki the Popular Boy At School?

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The day the girls returned to school from their Christmas break, they were all chatting about how successful Pink’s appearance on Minako’s TV show was, while she couldn’t stop gushing over it. While they were walking in the hallways, Motoki was seen putting his books in his locker by the time Silvo walked in.

“Silvo?!” Aira was shocked to see the same man she met at the cafe before James visited Japan. Tsukiko nudged her gently while giving her a smile. “How come he is visiting our school? I don’t remember seeing him outside the cafe.”

“Maybe neither of us has hung out with a lot of people.”

“To be fair, I mostly hang out with Hana-Chan and Sion-Chan during lunch if I am not in the library with Pink.”

“Oh yeah! Hana is in my art class.” Pink beamed, remembering the cute artwork that Hana used to present to the class. While the girls were talking, Heather felt happy for them. Though her thoughts drifted to those dreams.

While the five were still walking, there were a bunch of girls swooning over something. “What the heck?” Tsukiko looked curious. As she walked over, she saw Hana and Sion as well, and they both looked equally confused. “What’s going on, Sion-San?”

“It’s girls swooning over some boy again. I never really understood the appeal of that.” Sion replied, and Hana nodded in agreement. “Like give him a break, please. He is handsome, but I don’t like him in this manner.” Hana chimed in.

Tsukiko looked through the crowd of fangirls, saying the man’s name.

“We love you, Hatsuki!”

“I want to marry you!”

“Please be my study partner!”

She took a closer look to see a tall and handsome young man with purple eyes and long black hair reaching his waist, tied into a high ponytail. He is seen wearing glasses while holding his book in his hand.

The rest of the quintet walked to Tsukiko, curious about the said student. Toni blushed at the sight of Hatsuki, while Pink and Aira just stood there. Heather looked down at Flora to see her eyes squinting, observing the young man. Aira then recognized his face. “Wait, isn’t he in math class with me and Toni?”

“Something about him reminds me of something…”

“But what could it be?” Heather looked curious as Hatsuki walked to the next locker, talking to Jacob. Heather saw Jacob from the distance and looked a bit shy. Toni then checked her phone to see if she got an email from her homeroom teacher. “To the seniors of our school, please meet us during lunch so we can discuss your graduation ceremony.”

“Oh, that’s right… I must have forgotten about that. Maybe that’s why Silvo is visiting, just to guide us?” While Aira was busy in her thoughts when she thought about it by herself. The girls did not realize that the bell to class was ringing. “I can’t be late for English, I’ll see you girls later!” Tsukiko waved bye to the other girls before she walked into her classroom with Motoki behind her. Pink waved to Motoki and walked to her art classroom. At that time around, Aira and Toni went to math together, while Heather walked to English class.

Upon taking her seat, Heather spotted Jacob next to her. “Hey, it’s been a while. How are you?” he asked her with a kind smile. Heather just smiled, and she showed him a line of new drawings she made during the holidays. “Wow, these look incredible! You should do more of these.” Heather then wanted to ask Jacob about Hatsuki. “Hey, who is this guy you were talking to earlier?”

“Oh, that’s Hatsuki. He is in my homeroom. Why are you curious about him?”

“I just get a feeling that I might have seen him somewhere, and about that, I can't say anything about it…” Heather tailed off towards the end as she quietly said the last part to herself. Although Jacob looked curious, he saw how quiet she was and did not want to press her. Instead, he put his hand on her shoulder and smiled. “I am sure you will find out soon. Just give it some time.” Seeing Jacob’s eyes for the first time started to give Heather an aura of reassurance and relaxation.

At the same time, we go back to the Eclipse Abyss convention, where the three generals looked disappointed, until Myuria came back with a smirk on his face. “What is it this time, Myuria?” Dahlia asked with an annoyed expression. “You are not going to believe what I just discovered,” he responded.

“This is a waste of my valuable time, I don’t want anymore of your brags about how you are better than us.”

“Oh shut up, Sylvie.”


“Be quiet, both of you! You’re giving me a splitting headache! What is your discovery this time? And it better be good!”

“So, while that ridiculous comedy show was going on, I might have found something going the distance.”


“Ugh, I hate comedy shows… they make my ears bleed and my head spin. That pink-haired gal needs to be taught a thing or two.” As Myuria was about to walk away at that time, he saw a young man with a black ponytail walking by, making Myuria smirk rather cunningly.

End of flashback

“A familiar face of mine… it would be a wonderful idea if I could have a little chat with him.” Dahlia and Silverstein both looked very confused as to what Myuria said. However, regardless, they simply nodded, in addition to Myuria still feeling satisfied with his new plan.

Back to school

Toni was on her way to her math class with Aira when they took their seats. The teacher walked in and gave them a lecture on a new lesson regarding fractions, percentages, and decimals. Toni was busy taking notes when she felt a tap on her back. “Excuse me? Do you have a pencil I could borrow?” She turned around to see it was Hatsuki. She just nodded and handed him an extra pencil. He thanked her and turned back to take his notes.

Aira looked curious, still wondering about Hatsuki. Who he was, why Heather saw his face to be familiar, and if they interacted before. What was it about Hatsuki that was so special? And why was his aura relaxing? “Alright, class. That is it for today’s lesson,” the teacher spoke. “You will be having a quiz in two weeks based on your studies, so be sure to work hard.”

“A quiz?! I didn’t think about that since I was lost in my own thoughts…” Aira put her hand to her face, a little embarrassed, before she quickly jotted her assignment in her notebook. She and Toni picked up their books and left their classroom, when Toni accidentally bumped into Hatsuki, dropping her books. “Oh! I am so sorry!” she exclaimed, worried about him.

The young student just smiled and picked up her books, before giving them to her. “It’s okay, Toni. Accidents happen. You know, we should get to know each other a bit more.”


“I actually don’t mind scheduling a study group session for our math test.”

“I might know someone who will be assisting us,” Hatsuki claimed that he met up with Ami Mizuno before, and the girls both agreed to talk to her as well as make the schedule with him. As Hatsuki walked past Toni and Aira, he turned to Heather and smiled, before he left. “What was that all about?” Tsukiko asked.

“We actually managed to schedule a study group meeting with him so we can learn more about him.”

“I still feel that something might be up about him.” While the girls were talking, Hatsuki smiled at the back, and kept walking until he reached outside the campus, but it wasn’t long before he bumped into someone. “Ow!” Hatsuki dropped his books when he found out who it was.

“Hello, Hatsuki.”

“What do you want, Myuria?” Hatsuki looked at Myuria sternly. But Myuria just smirked a bit more, making Hatsuki feel uncomfortable. “Whatever it is you want me to do, just know I am not doing it.”

“Oh but I am not asking you for anything. I am just giving you a… what do you call it? Oh, that’s right, a blackmail. If you don’t do what I say, I will have your soul at stake.” The young man gulped. “I am doing it, and why bring this up to me when I am at school?”

“Because I can, and because I want to.”

Seeing the interaction, Motoki looked suspicious about it while hiding behind a tree. He thought of warning someone, but he didn’t know who to talk to. He quickly ran away from the scene before anyone saw him. At the same time, Hatsuki and Myuria kept glaring at each other, as each one is insistent that the other is up to something despicable.

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