Starlight Compass, Here comes Sailor Daisy!

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At the Starlight Palace

Lady Chinatsu was looking out at the courtyard, watching the Sakura petals gracefully fall to the ground. As she was watching them fall, two other guards, Arashi and Greta, came inside, looking serious.

"Is there any progress from Hanako's mission?"

"Yes, milady. She managed to track down Flora and found the spirits that were inside the current Sailor Guardians."

"How did you manage to find this out?"

"Well, let's say that we got some kind of evidence from Hanako herself." Arashi shows Lady Chinatsu some kind of aura, showing the five colors of the sailor guardians: purple, yellow, pink, blue, and red.

"Is this the Starlight Compass?"

"A copy of it. The real one must be hidden somewhere."

"I wonder if they have already found it...." Greta wondered to herself, thinking about the guardians.

Meanwhile, back to Earth

"That's the Starlight Compass?! I can't believe you guys found it!"

"That was yours?"

"In a way, it is. May I have it?" Hanako thanked Flora as Silvo gave her the real Starlight Compass. "I'm just glad that I was also sent to find the real compass."

"By the way, what do you mean by the real Starlight Compass?" Motoki asked. That was when Hanako explained that there were two copies of the Starlight Compass.

"Unfortunately, the real one was hidden from the Eclipse Abyss generals to keep it safe from being found, so they had to paint a fake one to avoid suspicion.

"Where was the only spouse to be one originally?"

"That's how it was supposed to be, though I think this one was a gift from the White Moon Kingdom, which was also known as the Silver Millennium."

"What's that??"" Heather looked curious about the whole thing, as Hanako asked everyone to sit down, and she began to explain the whole thing properly. "I guess I better tell you the whole story. Your ancestors were invited to the Silver Millennium for a while. Heather's ancestor Rose was close to Princess Serenity of the Silver Millennium." Heather was surprised and in awe to hear this. The legendary Princess Serenity? Usagi's reincarnation?

"Also Sliver Millennium was the home of Princess Serenity. It was where a party was held." As Flora added, since she knew more about the Starlight Palace, alongside Hanako. "Quick question," Pink raised her hand. "Do these things also take place at the Starlight Palace that you mentioned earlier?" Flora nodded, hence where the name "Starlight Compass" came from. "On occasions, though, we haven't had them in a long time as I heard."

While the crew was still talking about everything together, Hanako jumped off her seat and looked through the window, like the innocent little girl she was. Staring at the sun, she could see the beautiful sunshine rays coming from the sun and shining onto the grass.

Though in another section of the room, the star light Compass glowed that it had caught Heather's attention. "Why is the Starlight Compass glowing?" Hanako looked down to see that Heather was right. "Oh my goodness!"

"Hanako, do you know what it does when it glows like this?"

"I do... every time a colored jewel lights up on the compact, it shows that a spirit from your past has been found."

"What happens when they are all lit up?"

"I don't know, but I do know that the compass is close to working."

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