The Golden Watch, Revealing The Tuxedo Masks

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In the previous episode, we met Motoki’s little sister, Miyuki, who was curious about the main quintet’s idol group. Meanwhile, Hanako, a little girl in Starlight City, was sent to earth to find Flora and keep up to date with the Sailor Guardians.

A few minutes into it, Motoki is at the garden, where he sees Hatsuki and Silvo enter the area to find him.

“Motoki, how is everything going?”

“It’s alright, I suppose. I just can’t stop thinking about the girls for some reason. Almost like I know them fairly well, yet I only just met them. Do both of you get this feeling?” 

Silvo looked at his hand and then up to Hatsuki. “Actually, it is the way that I looked at Aira… she felt so familiar to me for some reason. It’s as if she… she has this aura of hers.” Hatsuki hesitated for a moment. “Actually, will we on this topic actually feel familiar? Especially one of them who is around the same age as me.”

“Which one?”

“I think she was wearing pink? I can’t really tell because my visions are still a little blurry sometimes.”

“Do you remember anything else about her?”

Hatsuki was just about to reply when Motoki heard a little girl calling out. “Flora!!” She said happily, as Motoki got confused. “What was that? That didn’t sound like Miyuki,” he questioned the voice that was coming by. As he took a peek, he was surprised to see little Hanako inside the building. “Oh.”

“Flora, I was so worried about you!” Hanako squealed as she snuggled the little rabbit.

“Whoa! Easy, Hanako-chan!” she chuckled while she accepted her hug and nuzzled her cheek before she turned to the confused girls. “Oh, sorry, girls. I want you to meet Hanako. She is a member of the Starlight Palace.”

“Hello! You girls look so adorable!”

“Awww, thank you!” Pink replied, feeling happy inside her heart that a little girl complimented her. Miyuki looked at Hanako, a little shy, while she hid behind Aira. Aira patted Miyuki’s head gently in a motherly manner. Miyuki felt more relaxed with Aira’s aura as she slowly approached Hanako. “H-Hi~”

Motoki saw Miyuki trying to get along with Hanako when he looked in another direction, where he saw something gold and sparkling. He became curious and walked towards it when he picked up the object. “A pocket watch?” As he looked at the watch, Silvo approached Motoki, also looking at it. “You’re right. It definitely looks like a pocket watch.”

“It’s like one of those watches by that tuxedo masked guy…" What was his name again?”

“Tuxedo Mask?”

“I thought that there was more to it.”

“But yeah, it does look like his watch. Did he leave it behind or something?”

“I don’t know, maybe we can ask someone about it?”

“Are you crazy? We can’t simply ask anybody.”

“I don’t know, I’m not the one who hid that watch!”

As the gentlemen were arguing, Flora looked at Hanako, as she smiled happily. “The golden watches they said? Looks like they will finally unlock their biggest dreams!”

“What do you mean by that?” Tsukiko asked out of curiosity.

“You’ll see!” As Hanako smiled brightly, Heather had a thought in her head. How did Hanako know about the golden watch? What was her secret? And why did she track down Flora in the first place?

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