FOUR[The God]

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Nami stopped her lock-picking to look over at the swordsman who still fought against the ropes, shaking her head before turning back to the lock. "What?" He asked the orange-haired woman as he watched her.

"This is my life now," She muttered as she continued.

"Wanna trade places?" Zoro joked as he watched her work before something caught his attention. "Someone's coming," He quickly muttered as he glanced at the entrance.

"I need more time," She muttered as she turned around, reaching behind her to continue picking the lock. "Keep him talking,"

"I don't talk," Zoro groaned as the movement got closer. "I hit things," he muttered just as a man on a unicycle came rolling in, riding past him and standing up.

"Remember me?" He walked closer to the swordsman with a smirk on his face.

"No," Zoro spoke calmly as he shook his head. "Must be some other homicidal unicycling clown," He spat dryly.

Cabaji punched Zoro in the gut but this did nothing more than cause him to let out a short groan. "I've been thinking about you for years," He muttered as he stepped back, eyes scanning over Zoro. "About how you killed my brother,"

"I've killed a lot of pirates,"

"My name is Cabaji," He introduced himself to the swordsman. "A couple of years ago you hunted us across the Goa Kingdom," He explained as he drew two throwing knives from his waistband. "Followed us for weeks through the swamp lands... Day and night... Never relenting like some kind of demon," He growled as he moved away from the swordsman.

Zoro hung his head low for a moment before glancing over at Nami, she gave him a very slight nod but the interaction seemed to catch Cabaji's interest.

"I see you brought a little toy for me to play with," Cabaji walked closer to the cage. "How thoughtful of you," He mocked as his eyes scanned over Nami. "What do you say I open this cage so that I can show you the best time of your life?" He smirked as he got closer, Nami was forced to hide the Lock pick once more as she tensed up.

"I've got a better idea," The room became cold as a voice rang through it, everyone turning to Y/n who stood by the doorway.

"How did you get out?" Cabaji tightened his grip on his knives. "Nevertheless, you should have gotten as far from here as possible," He growled as he threw a knife at Y/n, who simply caught it before it touched him.

"Get away from her," Y/n's voice was low and demanding as he glared at the pirate. "Did he hurt any of you?" Y/n asked as he glanced over to Zoro and Nami who both shook their heads slightly. "Then you are lucky," Y/n turned his attention back to Cabaji as he took a step into the room.

There was a sudden force pushing down on everyone in the room, the force only got stronger and stronger with every step Y/n took. It only took a moment for Zoro to stop being affected by it as he glanced over at Nami before shaking his head and mouthing, 'Don't fight against it,' and watching the Navigator calm down. "What's going on?" Cabaji muttered as he grabbed the nearest table to hold himself up.

"Don't worry, it will all be over once you go to sleep," Y/n muttered as he slowly took another step.

"This power... It's impossible... You..." Cabaji could hardly talk as he looked at the man, his skin lacking all colour and his eyes filled with fear.

"SLEEP!" The two flinched at Y/n's roar as his stern eyes focused on Cabaji, his pupils shrinking as they watched the Clown Pirate fall to the fall, unconscious.

Y/n calmly walked over to Zoro, the pressure in the room disappearing while he used to knife to cut the swordsman free before walking over to the cage, taking one look at the lock before snapping it off the cage and opening the door and helping her out of it. "How did you do that? Some type of Devil Fruit?" Nami asked as she looked at the sleeping pirate.

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