TEN[The Fog]

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"Ta-da!" Usopp smiled as he handed the flag over to Luffy to hold. Y/n sat in the middle of the other two, thanks to the way Zoro was sitting it forced him to be a lot closer to Nami but he wasn't complaining since it gave him more chances to irritate the Navigator as she sipped her drink. "I know, my flare for design often leaves people speechless," He chuckled as the three of them stared at the flag.

Luffy scrunched up his nose as he folded the flag and handed it back to Usopp. "I already drew our flag," Luffy told the sharpshooter while Y/n started rubbing his temple as he prepared for the headache that was sure to be arriving soon.

"But this one is so much better," Usopp bragged as he held the flag open once again.

"Neither of the flags is going to scare anyone away," Zoro spoke up as he sat there, glancing at the two out of the corner of his eye.

"Okay," Usopp flung the flag across his shoulders. "But the Jolly Roger's is supposed to reflect the captain," He explained to the swordsman.

"I am the captain," Luffy grinned as he stepped forward. "We are the straw hat crew..."

"Call me Captain Usopp..." Usopp spoke up at the same time and Y/n found himself biting his tongue.

"I am the captain,"
"In every sea, they call me Captain Usopp,"
"Captain me, I am the captain,"
"The captain is also the one..."

Y/n buried his face into the palms of his hand as he let out an audible groan but his irritation was cut short by the most beautiful sound he had heard, something that should have belonged to a siren but instead, it was the orange-haired girl next to him who had started laughing at the two in front of them.

The beautiful sound soon became contagious as everyone else also began laughing, Y/n finding himself with his face still buried in his hands to conceal his laughter.

"You see," Luffy chuckled as he looked at the crew. "This is what it's all about," He motioned towards everyone's smiling faces. "From now on, it's all going to be smooth sailing," He grinned but Y/n was more concerned with the strange bang from the distance.

Seconds later the whistling sound became familiar as Y/n stood up and jumped over the table, landing just as the canon ball hit the water, causing the ship to shake as Y/n grabbed the counter to stay stable before dashing up the stairs. "You had to open your mouth," Y/n heard Nami scold their captain before the group started following Y/n who had already reached the deck. "Marines," Nami questioned as she made it to Y/n's side. "We're under attack!" She yelled towards the rest of the crew as they joined the duo.

Luffy grabbed the monocular and looked at the Marine ship that was firing at them. "Grandpa," Luffy questioned as he looked at the captain of the Marine ship.

"Grandpa?" The three behind them questioned him in return.

Y/n just pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "For the love of a sea beast," Y/n groaned as he took a deep breath.

"Did you just call that guy Grandpa?" Zoro questioned Luffy as he joined the two of them.

"Get down!" Y/n yelled as shoved Luffy into Zoro, knocking them both down as a canon ball ripped through the railings just in front of them. "Nami! Usopp!" He spun around to see the two standing up. "Are you okay?"

"I think so," Nami muttered, staring at the h/c-haired man in shock as Usopp stood up as well.

"NO... Not okay," He groaned as everyone looked at the damage to the ship.

"Usopp," Luffy yelled as he ran over to the small canon, placing his foot on the device. "Fire back at them!" He yelled as he pointed at his grandfather's ship.

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