SEVENTEEN [Arlong Park]

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[Trails Of Crimson]
[Chapter Seventeen]

"I tire of this conversation!"


"Who was that girl?" Luffy asked as the five men walked over to the officer. "You know, the one with the cool hair?" He pointed out as the man just stared at them.

"Who wants to know?" The man with a scar asked in return, Y/n ground his teeth together as he continued to look into the distance, fingers digging into the palm of his hands as he tried to ignore everything around him.

"I'm Monkey D Luffy," The captain introduced himself. "I'm a pirate..."

"Hunter!" Zoro cut their captain off. "Pirate Hunter," He added as he walked next to Luffy. "And we're here to collect Arlong's bounty," He lied.

"You?" The man asked as he looked at the five men in confusion and distrust. "I've seen men twice your size and with twice your number go into Arlong Park," He added as he looked at Luffy. "None of them ever came back..." He warned them.

"We just want to talk to her," Luffy explained, his usual smile plastered across his face.

"Trust me, you don't," He warned them once again before the wind picked up and a body almost seemed to materialise between the officer and Luffy.

Y/n eyes were void of any emotion and seemed hollow as if they belonged to a porcelain doll, the empty eyes seeming to look into the man's very soul. "I tire of this conversation," Y/n let out a sigh as he spoke, his voice hardly above a whisper as he watched the man tense up in front of him. "Answer his question... Before... I tire of you..." His words were soft, pausing every so often as he watched the man shrink in front of him.

"Try the house down that road..." The man quickly answered, pointing off into the distance however the h/c-haired man's eyes never left him, just staring at the officer with dark eyes. "At the end of the tangerine grove," He added, seemingly trying to give Y/n the best answer possible to get the young man's eyes off of him.

Y/n heard footsteps behind him which told him the others had started walking, slowly the L/n turned, almost robotically before walking behind the other four, seemingly lost in his own world. "I think I've got more of a boat body than a long journey of foot kind of body," Usopp broke the silence after a while as they walked through the field of tangerine trees. "Anyone else missing the ocean?" He asked when no one responded to his first comment. "No? Okay... I could go and bring the boat around if we don't want to walk all the way back," He kept going and Y/n had the thought of conjuring some tape to help with this situation.

After what felt like an eternity, the five men finally emerged from the tangerine forest and walked onto a small dirt road where people were pushing carts around. The crew made their way over to the small house that stood there alone, bushes of tangerines covering parts of it.

The door swung open and the blue-haired woman from before stormed out with a shotgun in hand. "Turn around and leave, now!" She ordered, pointing the weapon at them.

"That's what I've been saying," Usopp mumbled as he hid behind Zoro.

Y/n on the other hand, didn't stop and walked past the crew. "Y/n!" Luffy called out, causing Y/n to come to a stop with the barrel pressed against his chest. "I saw you earlier," He smiled as he looked at the blue-haired woman. "I think you and I have something in common," He added.

"I've got the gun and you're standing right in front of it," She pointed out, cocking the weapon before pushing it into Y/n's chest. "What could we possibly have in common?" She asked sarcastically.

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